Origin Seeker

Chapter 238 – School

After hearing what Luna wanted, Dream could only sigh. He had indeed spoken of opening a school, but that was years ago. He hadn't really entertained the idea anymore as his studies were more important. 

At the same time though, he figured he could enjoy it. It wasn't often that he could pass on his knowledge. There wasn't anyone who could understand a majority of the things he studied anyway. While he didn't think anybody on Earth would be able to, he would at least be able to deepen their knowledge. That was fulfilling in its own way. 

And it wasn't like he cared much for withholding his knowledge. He had already released many of his understandings to the public. However, there were some things he wouldn't release the knowledge for. His nanite tech was one of these things. That was world ending technology should it get used wrong. 

So long as he didn't directly talk about it though, he wasn't worried about it being replicated. That technology was only created after he touched upon the lower dimension, learning about the existence of dots and strings. The technology for that simply didn't exist, and wouldn't for a long time. Not even he could pierce through dimensions with just technology. He wasn't sure it was even possible in the first place.

Either way, Dream wasn't that opposed to teaching. He nodded to Luna who stood next to him with an expectant gaze. 

"Alright, I guess I can give it a go."

"Great! The school is already built, and there are thousands signed up. Tomorrow is the first day."

"How confident were you in me not rejecting?"

Dream shook his head seeing how Luna was already prepared. 

After that was settled, Dream and Luna spent the rest of the day together. Alice also appeared at some point, joining them on their spontaneous date. 

The next day though, Luna and Alice were sticking with Dream excitedly. Today was the first day of school, and Dream was the sole teacher of the institution. 

Prior to bringing up the subject, Luna had obviously made it known to the public that there was going to be a school opening, and that Dream was going to be the one teaching. While many people were skeptical, the overwhelming majority of people believed in Luna's transcendent reputation. All kinds of investigations were launched into this mystery teacher, and they eventually found that he was the same man from several years ago who basically crashed the world summit. His display of power left countless people in awe. 

Not only that, it was found out that he was Luna's husband, the one who had been dubbed the luckiest man in the world. Not only was he the husband of the most powerful lady in the world, but he was exceptionally powerful himself. Almost nothing was known about him personally though, so many were wondering what exactly he would be like. They wondered about his qualifications. Just because one was powerful didn't mean that they were smart. The mortal scientists of the world still had superior intellect, and they drove technological and magical innovation. 

Nevertheless, just Luna's name would draw hundreds of millions. There were millions of accomplished academics who had signed up for this school, but only a few thousand were accepted. The people chosen came from every scientific and philosophical field imaginable, and they were nothing but the best in those fields. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that this school would be the greatest gathering of minds in history.

And they were all being taught by a single man. This seemed outrageous, but common sense couldn't be applied to anything Luna had to do with. Everyone simply awaited the hour that class started. 

On the morning of, a few thousand people ranging from young to old were gathered in a single building. This building was majestic, built with beautifully carved gray stone and shining with enchanted lines. The building radiated absolute power, but it wasn't at all oppressive. Mortals would simply be in awe at the feeling it gave off, while supers would feel the power in their very soul. This building was constructed by nanites and then enchanted by Luna. At her level, putting down powerful enchantments wasn't at all difficult. 

This building was like a small stadium. Seats rose from the ground floor to the ceiling, all of them surrounding a single empty area where the teacher would lecture. There wasn't even a podium. There was just an empty floor. 

All the academics in the stands were conversing with each other. One would be stupid not to take the opportunity to get to know the accomplished people around them. And with their intellect, holding a productive conversation was easy. The hall was filled with vibrant chatter. 


Suddenly, there was a shout. It wasn't loud, but everyone heard it clearly as if the person spoke right next to them. They all turned to the empty floor. There, Luna had personally appeared. Everyone's eyes brightened as they saw her. She was basically a goddess. To even see her was an honor that countless people would fight for. All these academics were thrilled to see such a character. 

However, their gaze quickly shifted. Next to Luna was a young man. He was dressed in old style clothing, looking both casual but presentable. Some of the older men in the stands could only chuckle. That young man actually matched the attire of those old geezers. 

Luna stepped forth.

"Good morning everyone. I won't bother taking up much time talking. I just want to introduce my husband. He goes by Dream, and he'll be your teacher for the foreseeable future. I can personally assure you that there's nobody on this planet who knows more about science or magic than him. All those mega cities, space elevators, fusion technology, and space habitats were built by him alone. That should be enough to demonstrate his qualification. Although this class doesn't have a specific direction or cover a particular field of study, that won't be a problem. Ask him literally anything, and he'll probably have an answer. Anyway, I'll leave you all to it."

With that simple speech, Luna took a step and disappeared. Dream stood there, overlooking the few thousand people around him. They all stared at him as well, wondering what he would do.

"So... Anyone have any existential questions they would like to ask? How skills work, how advancements work, the fabric of reality, or anything else. I've studied it all."

Dream spoke, his voice not loud, but reaching everyone's ears. 

Chattering suddenly arose as everyone whispered to each other. Nobody stepped up to ask anything though. To start a class this way was rather odd. It definitely wasn't professional. They had expected this young man to prepare a lecture or at least drive the class on his own.

This lull lasted for a minute or so. Suddenly though, a younger middle aged man stood up. He was in the middle of the stands, and upon standing everyone turned their heads to him. He immediately felt nervous, but retained his mature demeanor as he scratched his short beard.

"I have a question."

"Of course."

"Um, I was wondering about souls."

"Anything specific?"

"Hm, not exactly. I was just wondering about their nature. Before the introduction of mana, nobody knew if the soul existed. But now it's been confirmed. Nobody knows much about it though."

"Right. Well, I've done some work with souls before. Allow me to enlighten you."

Dream assumed a lecturing stance as he thought about what he was going to say. 

"...The soul is a higher dimensional part of every sapient being. We obviously have our third dimension, but the soul exists above that in the 4th. The soul is not only where your memories are stored, but where your personality develops and your conscious being resides. The soul is also responsible for your wisdom, the thing that separates humans from animals. Not only that, but the soul also houses our emotions. Some think that our myriad of emotions such as love, greed, hate, charity, and others come from our material being. That is not the case. Our material self, specifically our brain and nervous system, are purely responsible for superficial adaptation, pattern recognition, and survival instincts."

"What evidence do you have for this?"

Suddenly, another man spoke. While he didn't want to be disrespectful, he didn't sound very convinced. The nature of emotions and intellect were a widely debated topic, so it was natural to have speculation. This was especially so for people who had lived in the world prior to mana. 

Plus, this was something of an academic convention. It was only right that everything be questioned. 

Dream didn't smile or frown as he answered simply. 

"My evidence is myself. I am a class 4. Only few people in this world have advanced to that level, so naturally not many know about the process to advance. But let me explain. There are two types of advancements to class 4. One is a simple increase in power involving the condensation of mana into a denser form and then enchanting of the body. There is also a strengthening of the soul. These things allow greater power to be used. However, there is another way. That way is to reform the body and soul, creating an image that represents your being. In simple terms, you shed your mortal shell. 

"Now, because you shed your mortal shell, you naturally lose your purely material body. In exchange you gain a spirit, a tangible, higher form of a body. Despite this, you still don't lose things such as emotions."

"So you have shed your material body? Why do you look like a normal person?"

The same man questioned. Finally, Dream revealed a small smile. 

"The reason I look like a normal person is because I choose to. It would be difficult to interact with the majority of ordinary people if I only existed in my spiritual form. Though, I guess I can prove it to you all. Here, watch closely."

Saying that, Dream brought up his palms. Everyone leaned forward, watching intently. 

Suddenly, Dream's hands began to crack. A dark void was exposed from beneath his skin. His body began to flake away, sinking below into the abyss that existed within him. 

Then, his clothes disappeared. Finally, his entire material shell was hidden away. 

"Oh my god..."

Everyone was suddenly enraptured. They gazed upon that cosmic figure that seemed to hold the universe within. There were no facial features, no beautifully sculpted muscles, and no charming appearance. The only thing left was a being that was comprised of his purest self. This was a spiritual being. It could be said that to gaze upon a spiritual body was to gaze upon someone's truest form. This was who they were at their core. 

Dream was a man of discovery and wonder, someone who pursued knowledge and higher wisdom. He was also a man of darkness and depth, one who cared deeply for the people and things that he came to be attached to. Finally, he was someone who came to desire to enter the unknown, to dig down to the farthest and darkest depths in order to crack open the secrets of the universe. This was all represented in his spiritual form, his cosmic self. He had even formed a new species around this pure being of his called the Metacosmic Psykhe.

And upon gazing at his spiritual body, everyone in the hall felt nothing but pure awe, the wonder of his cosmic form infecting them like the plague. They couldn't turn their eyes away, their gazes piercing into him as if his body contained the answer to existence. However, he also felt unapproachable, like a god. And to them, he was the closest thing to one. Not many in the hall were supers, and even if they were they couldn't distinguish between him and an omnipotent being. 

Eventually, Dream retracted his spiritual form, covering up with his mortal shell. Everyone suddenly felt a wave of disappointment due to this. They felt like they could gaze at him for eternity. 

Dream allowed everyone to collect themselves before speaking. 

"So, that is a spiritual body. Naturally, it isn't material, and I've still retained my emotions. However, I have lost the survival instincts associated with the brain. This is to no detriment though. I may not have the instincts, but I do have desires. This means I wish to survive and live so I can one day fulfill those desires of mine. I hope that clears things up."


Everyone was quiet, unable to speak. Dream could only chuckle at this. He knew what probably happened. 

Because he had shown his power, everyone would now take his words as gospel. No matter how stubborn someone was, in the face of his cosmic wonder, they were reduced to children. Everyone now felt extreme curiosity, as if they had become a child again. Dream didn't think this was a bad thing though. Many lost that sense of wonder through their years. Rekindling it was something Dream wouldn't mind doing in the slightest. He knew the euphoria of wonder, so he wouldn't mind letting others experience that as well. 

A man suddenly stood.

"Sir! Would you be able to tell me about the nature of reality?"


Dream turned with a smile, laying eyes on an older gentleman. This man was in his 70s, but he was speaking with the excitement of a child. He didn't care though. He only wanted to hear what Dream had to say. 

And Dream indulged him. 

"The nature of reality. There are many different natures. Dimensional reality, chaotic reality, and conceptual reality. Let's talk about dimensional reality. There are several dimensions, and within each dimension different states of existence are housed. For example, in the 4th dimension, we are exposed to mana, flux, aether, and more. The 4th dimension holds dominion over time, and because our souls reside in the 4th dimension, we can experience the passage of time. As for the 3rd dimensional universe, it only experiences a constant evolution that replicates itself across every instant, ever changing but also set in stone. Then there is the 2nd dimension that holds an instance of true infinity..."

Dream spoke, forming images above him in the air that mimicked his internal visualizations. Everyone watched, totally enraptured by his words and imagery. A body of knowledge was forming in their minds as Dream went on, containing everything he said. This was because Dream spoke not just in words, but with his soul. Everyone else's souls were affected by his words that contained real power.

And because they were so curious, dozens of questions were asked, all of them about the most mystical problems of the universe. Dream took all of them, answering with gusto. It was a lecture unlike any other. 

Naturally, all of this was being recorded as well. Several hundred people had brought cameras and microphones. Naturally, Dream didn't stop this. In fact, he wanted this footage to be released. While others wouldn't understand things the way these people did since nobody else would feel the power of his words, he was still releasing hugely important knowledge. 

The class session went on for 10 hours, Dream never once stopping to take a breath. While the students wouldn't normally be able to physically do such a thing, Luna had laid down enchantments that injected them with vitality, allowing them to last the entire class time. Even their souls were rejuvenated, letting them absorb all of Dream's words and images with comfort. 

Once the 10 hours ended though, Dream stopped. Everyone suddenly felt a bit of fatigue overcome them. This pain helped to sober them up. They couldn't help but be depressed though. They wanted it to go on forever. 

Dream had to let their souls process all the information though. He sent them off with the promise that there would be more. With that, they reluctantly left. 

When the hall was empty, Luna appeared next to Dream. She nudged him with her shoulder. 

"Good job. You took to it better than I thought."

"Only because I used the power of words."

"Please, you could have simply written out a lecture and they would benefit immensely. You underestimate the value of your knowledge."

Luna shook her head. While Dream was self aware of his own power, his boundless standards often led to him underestimating himself. She wished that he would ground himself once in a while, perhaps having even a little pride for his achievements. 

Dream chuckled. The next moment though, he gave some orders to Sophia. He had her release all the mathematics for the physics knowledge he gave out. While he could enlighten these people, they still had to have systems of numbers and theories they could use to produce tangible results. They weren't him who could manipulate physics directly. They still worked with standard science and machines. 

With that, the night passed. All the students who had listened to Dream's lecture slept deeper than they ever had before, their souls absorbing all the knowledge. They all dreamed of the things he said, processing his knowledge and wisdom in their own ways to form their own trains of thought. When they came out, they would be able to hold countless discussions about it, all of them bringing on a different perspective. Such a terrifying amount of varied knowledge was what drove exponential technological innovation. This was what the people of Earth were most exceptional at. 

The next day, Dream didn't hold a lecture, but all those academics came together of their own volition and held hundreds of little meetings and discussions. They all spoke with their newfound wonder and excitement, applying all their previous knowledge and garnered wisdom to draw conclusions and expound on it.

That wasn't all though. Many also chose to rush to the internet or to friends, preaching about how amazing the lecture was. They felt like the luckiest people in the world, and they couldn't wait to talk to others about it. 

Naturally, such a frenzy startled those on the outside. They couldn't understand what got everyone all riled up. When the video footage from the lecture was released though, everyone was able to somewhat understand what all the craziness was about. 

Dream had spilled knowledge that exposed some of the core secrets of the universe. He talked of objective realities, the mysterious quantum realm, dimensions, and more subjects that couldn't be touched upon by standard science. Also, hundreds of mathematical systems were released to prove his knowledge, enabling scientists around the world to experiment with his theories. 

Within the day, the scientific community was turned upside down. This was the single greatest gathering of information ever recorded, and it was only the first time it would happen. This would only continue, with Dream releasing more and more knowledge. People began to worry about not being able to keep up with it.

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