Origin Seeker

Chapter 239 – Conversion Science Nexus

For the next few months, Dream continued to give lectures every few days. The down time in between lectures was so everyone could process the information, coming back with even more questions than before. They also asked more specific questions, and Dream had to elaborate on a variety of subjects, giving mathematical evidence and logical reasoning. 

It was like he was a repository of all knowledge in the universe. Dream was a single open book that all the students had to flip through as best they could, getting as much out of him as possible about all kinds of different topics. It seemed like there was never enough time for him to speak. 

Meanwhile, the outside world was constantly breaking down every word he said. As soon as everyone realized that he knew what he was talking about, they took a nose dive into the pool of knowledge he spilled, analyzing every detail and criticizing every angle. Academics from all around the globe applied his knowledge in experiments, seeking to confirm it as truth. While many experiments couldn't be performed in the short term, there were those that were quickly put together. 

These experiments became unusually popular, even more so when they found that everything Dream said was fact. All his mathematics worked, and the only reason they didn't was that there was an error in the experiment or the equipment wasn't precise enough. 

Some theories were confirmed, and others were denied. Scientists started using his mathematics as the foundation for future projects, and they garnered massive success. Realizing this, funds were poured into projects that were based on Dream's knowledge, and companies around the globe pushed forward technological innovation by decades. 

Over the course of 6 months, the people of Earth made leaps and bounds in all fields of science. The only limit on their innovation was time. Time was needed to develop advanced infrastructure and a myriad of new technologies made possible with this new knowledge. Nonetheless, the progress made in this single span of time eclipsed that of the last couple decades. It pushed the planet forward almost a century. 

Seeing this, Luna was ecstatic. She knew that when Dream opened the gates to the inner universe, this technology would be a significant edge for the planet. Not only that, but this technology helped to develop the supers of the planet. Their primary source of experience was the demon population, and technology helped to ensure the lives of many supers. It gave them second chances and allowed even more to grow, finding the limits of their potential. Under Luna's guidance, this led to a spike in the super population across all levels.

Of course, the thing Luna was most happy about was Dream's recognition. It only took a couple months for him to become a globally recognized name. People were calling him the single smartest person in the world, as well as the most powerful. While many debates arose over the difference between Luna and Dream's strength, nobody doubted that they were the top two in the world. This was especially so when factoring in Dream's incredible displays during lectures. 

Dream didn't hesitate to show everyone things like dimensions. He tore open space to expose the chaotic void, bent space to carry out different experiments, and manipulated energy to prove different characteristics. His unrivaled ability to bend the forces of nature stunned all. He was already being called a demigod. 

Of course, the man himself didn't mind. He just enjoyed lecturing others. He enjoyed enlightening everyone and imparting wisdom. He always smiled when he saw the advancements made in science, especially when he saw his students go on to develop previously impossible technology. 

It was the joy of a teacher seeing his students succeed. Although, there was some conflict among his students and different scientific groups. His students would often leave his school with an almost obsessive desire to study and discover. They became fanatics who found unusual wonder in the sciences. It wouldn't be wrong to say that Dream had not only imparted his knowledge, but a part of himself onto those who experienced his lectures. 

However, because he was so powerful, his traits were a bit overwhelming for some. His desire for the pursuit of knowledge was unfathomably vast, so if even a little of that desire was imparted to a regular person, they would manifest that desire in a bit of an extreme way. They would seem crazy in the eyes of others, people who were obsessed with academia. 

Luckily, Dream knew how to control what he passed on. It could be said that everything he did and affected was intentionally done. No part of him was unintentional. So, his effects on his students were planned. However, Luna actually didn't mind this and let it slide. 

She and Dream were thinking the same thing. They wanted to leave a small population of hyper-academic scientists who would drive technological innovation. After all, Dream wouldn't be here forever, and Earth couldn't afford to stagnate. His students were the perfect people to carry out this rapid innovation.

And it wasn't like this obsession was bad. Dream only amplified this aspect of others, not artificially plant it. Not only did this change their personality, but it actually boosted their magical ability. Those who had already been supers were made stronger and more in tune with the forces of nature and mana. Those who were ordinary were stimulated, bringing out the ability to interact with the mystical forces. Without exception, all of his students would become accomplished supers. This would only push Earth forward faster. 

Dream also didn't teach the same people all the time. His knowledge couldn't only be absorbed by a few thousand. So, Dream ended up revolving his students. By the end of the 6 months, he had taught over 60 thousand people. This led to him teaching for more hours, but he was okay with that. 

Unfortunately, this teaching job wasn't destined to last forever. 



"Dimensions have their own dominions over certain concepts, as well as their own rules. Naturally, the 4th dimension operates with entirely different systems than the 3rd dimension. It's why mana is able to display supernatural effects. However, they're also not totally different. After all, the 4th dimension can manifest in the 3rd, so they have some common ground. This common ground enables magic and the connection between soul and body."

Dream spoke in front of a stadium of 3 thousand. This was another lecture, and the people within were totally different from the first batch. They displayed the same enraptured faces though. In front of Dream, this was natural. 

Suddenly, someone stood up.

"Sage! What about the lower 2nd dimension? Is it possible to descend things from higher dimensions into it?"

A younger man spoke with fervor. As for calling Dream by the name of Sage, that had become normal. Sage was the name given to Dream by the entirety of his students and many scientists around the world. After all, Dream was the smartest man to ever walk the planet. Such a name was deserved. Plus, calling him by his name felt weird for most, especially after he became known for his god-like abilities.

Dream pondered for half a second. 

"Unfortunately, I have not yet done such a thing. The 2nd dimension is subject to the concept of infinity. To inject foreign material into it would be extraordinarily difficult, especially since the 2nd dimension is the foundation for all 3-dimensional material anyway."

"What about mana?"


Dream mumbled, pondering the question. At this time though, his expression froze, then became solemn. 

"Descending mana into the 2nd dimension... While I know that ascending materials into higher dimensions would change their nature, I'm not sure about descending them. Material in the 3rd dimension takes on a more elementary form in the 2nd, manifesting as dots. As for mana... Wait... Wait!"

Dream felt chills before his eyes suddenly went wide. 

"Descending mana! If it becomes elementary, then it would turn back into its material counterpart. In the 2nd dimension, mana can't simply manifest, it must descend. It must change its nature. Mana and material are simply two of the same thing, only based in different dimensions. If mana was forced to descend... it would become material! That is Arcane Transmutation!"

Dream shouted, feeling enlightened. His students were startled, as he suddenly revealed his cosmic form. 

"Luna! Come to me!"

Dream spoke with erupting excitement. The next moment, Luna appeared next to him. 

"What's going on?"

"Protect them!"

Dream gave his command. He then released his influence. The space, matter, and mana within 10 meters suddenly froze. Luna almost froze with it, but she was able to resist with her powerful soul. 

Suddenly, Dream tore a hole in dimensions, exposing the lower 2nd dimension. Luna realized what was going on and released her own influence, locking down the mana around Dream and protecting all the students. 

Everyone watched as Dream peered into the lower dimension. They could all see incomprehensible images flash within that tear. At the same time, Dream brought up his palms. His being seethed with power as his perception multiplied. 

'Desending mana!'

Dream activated [Arcane Transmutation]. A ball of iron was quickly formed in his hands. However, he only cared about what was happening in the 2nd dimension. 

Dream knew that mana disappeared and reappeared as material during the process of Arcane Transmutation. However, he wasn't ever able to figure out what happened during that disappearance. Now, with his student's question, he was enlightened. 

Forcing mana to descend would change its nature, making it the lower dimensional counterpart. Usually, one would assume that by that logic, mana would change when exposed to the 3rd dimension since it was a 4th dimension material. But by now, Dream had realized that the 3rd dimension wasn't as simple as it appeared to be. Regardless, mana didn't change when it was inserted into the 3rd dimension. 

But the lower 2nd dimension was different. Dream watched the lower dimension closely as the mana disappeared. When he did, he could see the mana warp in on itself in the 2nd dimension, becoming nothing but dots. 

At that moment, he confirmed his sudden guess. 

"Descending mana changes it to a material!"

<[Arcane Transmutation] has leveled up!>

<[Arcane Transmutation] is level 55!>

Dream watched as notifications appeared in his vision. Before, this skill had remained at level 1. No matter how Dream used it, the skill wouldn't level up. But now, after realizing its function, it skyrocketed 54 levels. Dream could suddenly feel his power over mana increase, and he found descending it to be much easier. 

Luna watched as his influence suddenly became more powerful. She could feel the mana she locked down around Dream being converted and taken under his control. It was like her mana was eager to bow down after being exposed to his power. 

This caused her to think of something though. She activated her skill [Rule], and suddenly, her mana resisted the conversion. This caused her to sigh though. She had to actively use skills to resist Dream's power. Whatever he had done, it was making him more and more powerful. 

Luna continued to watch while protecting everyone. After several minutes though, Dream's influence was retracted, and he covered himself in his mortal shell. Everything returned to normal as he clasped his hands behind his back, looking off in the distance with a wide smile.

"...So? What breakthrough did you make?"

Luna asked after a bit. Dream turned to her, still sporting that gleeful grin. 

"I figured out the main function behind arcane transmutation."

"Really? That's good!"

"Yes... Yes it is."

Dream chuckled as he tossed the iron ball in his hands up and down. Luna released her protective barrier at the same time. She felt like something was off though. It seemed that Dream had discovered more than just how his skill worked. 


"Luna, use mana to catch this."


Luna was confused as she agreed. Next, Dream brought back the iron ball with his arm. Then, he threw it at Luna. It was launched at about the speed of a baseball. 

Luna did what he said and formed a net of mana. Once the ball hit this net, the mana would infuse into the ball and slow it down.

However, the results were different from expectations. When the ball collided with the mana, the force of the ball was actually applied to the mana, pushing it back. Luna was shocked as the ball fell to the floor with a clang. She felt herself have to expend energy to stop her mana as well. While the energy was minuscule, that wasn't the point. 

"You... can affect mana with material?"

Luna almost didn't want to believe it. She knew that Dream had been working on cracking this function for a long time. He had told her about the Keeper and his star that could apply force to mana, like some kind of magical energy source. But the star was pure energy and material, not magical. 

Mana could affect matter, not the other way around. Magic was used against magic. The only way to stop magic was to use your own and directly fight it. However, since the 3rd dimension was a material dimension, everyone still had material bodies, and they used material tools. To fight mana with matter, people would enchant and bind mana to things like swords or even guns. This would allow mana to ride the force of a bullet or blade and collide with another source of mana. But even then, the power behind the enchantment and magic had to do all the lifting. The weapon was only a delivery mechanism. This was an indirect way for matter to affect mana, and Dream would argue that it still didn't.

Case in point, he had come to know that enchanting was merely telling mana to follow physical matter, using flux to 'bind' it to matter. Still, mana and matter still never really interacted directly, and mana was still the one to do the heavy lifting. 

But this was directly affecting mana. The iron ball that Dream threw had no mana within it. It was a pure ball of iron, nothing more. He didn't even throw it fast. Yet, it still collided with Luna's mana, as if her mana had been turned into an actual net. Such a thing had never been seen before, and it threw Luna off. It was a huge disconnect from the logic she knew. After all, she and Dream could directly negate physical damage by reverting to their spirit bodies. This was making that assumption false. 


She asked, causing Dream to smile even wider. 

"Mana is the magical version of matter."


"Flux is the magical version of the fundamental forces."


"Aether is the magical version of space."


"If I can descend mana and turn it into material, then what happens when I descend the other magical energies?"

"...You could generate physical force with flux, and space with aether."

"Correct. Now, what happens when I ascend those things?"

"You... would turn them back into a magical energy!"

Luna's eyes went wide when she realized. If Dream ascended something like mechanical energy or thermal energy, then he could generate flux which gave force to mana. 

He turned the force behind the iron ball into energy that could affect her mana directly. 

She looked at him with a surprised gaze. Dream spoke. 

"I have a few energy control skills, all of which have been integrated under my [Particle Manipulation] skill. By using that skill in conjunction with [Arcane Transmutation], I can turn energy into flux, giving force to mana without converting the material, like the iron ball, into mana."

"...So you also figured out how to ascend things?"

"Kind of. By expending my own energy, I can use dimensional tunneling to ascend things like matter and energy. However, the actual conversion process is still a mystery. It's like asking why the laws of physics are the way they are. The ascension and conversion are a byproduct of the natural laws. It just happens."

"Still, that's incredible."

"Right? My [Arcane Transmutation] first went up to level 55 from understanding ascension, and then up again to level 70 after actually performing that little display. There's one downfall though."

"What's that?"

"It takes a good amount of energy."

Dream sighed.

"Using that skill is expensive. It sucks up my soul energy. Plus, whatever material I want to affect mana with has to be enchanted using my influence. After that, as long as it has energy, it can convert physical force into flux. It works like regular enchantments, only a million times more complex. The enchantments on that iron ball have already run out of energy just from that one throw."

Dream sucked the ball into his hand as he said that. He had laid some quick enchantments so that he could display what he did, but now all signs of that were gone. It was a truly normal iron ball now. 

Dream continued to observe the iron ball. Luna looked at him as he did so, many thoughts going through her mind. 

"So... I'm guessing you're going back out."

She spoke, causing Dream to turn to her and nod.

"Yea. I've got much do to now. But don't worry. I have a feeling I won't be long."

"I'm not worried about that. Go and get that portal working. I'll wait for your call."

"Of course. I'll see you later, love."

Dream kissed Luna on the forehead before suddenly disappearing. While he looked composed, he was actually holding back his uncontrollable desire to experiment. This was an advancement years in the making. How could he not want to dive into it?

Luna smiled at where he disappeared from. She could feel him shoot into space through their connection, off to do who knows what. Taking a breath, she turned to all the students. They were still dazed from the images they saw when Dream had exposed the lower dimension. As for what was said, none of them heard anything since Dream had isolated the space around him and Luna. 

They looked at Luna, wondering what to do. She smiled wryly.

"Unfortunately, Dream has some studies to do. For the foreseeable future, he won't make another appearance. I both apologize and thank you all for attending. If need be, arrangements will be made for your return to the institutions you came from. However, I'll also be making an announcement about the research institution I'll be opening under the Oasis Empire in a few days. If any are interested, I'll point you to who to talk to. Anybody who has attended Dream's lectures are welcome to apply for the institution, in which case you'll be accepted automatically. I'll be providing any resources you need to research and develop, so do give it some thought."

"A research institution? Sign me up!"

"Me too!"

With Luna's announcement, all the students began to clamor. While they were disappointed that Dream so suddenly left to never return, this brightened their newfound spirit for scientific discovery. Scientists always had the issue of gathering funds and resources, but if it were under the rich Oasis Empire, backed by Luna herself, then that wouldn't ever be a consideration. They would be able to exercise their minds to their fullest, developing anything their imagination could think of. 

And sure enough, a few days later when Luna made the official announcement, several million instantly applied. Naturally, anyone who was a student of Dream's was accepted. Better yet, every single one applied, regardless of their previous affiliations. They were made heads of their own science teams. 

With that, Dream disappeared while the world was sent into another frenzy. The opening of Luna's research institution, called the Science Nexus, caused the largest scientific tremor ever. It rapidly became a hub for all scientific and technological development, surpassing any other university and tech company in the world.

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