Origin Seeker

Chapter 245 – Asura

"So Dream, what questions did you have?"

Durack asked as he sat down. Dream didn't immediately respond, instead observing the ship he was in. 

This ship was flying exceptionally fast. Dream had realized that his speed was many times slower after arriving in this world. This was because the space was incredibly stable, resulting in more force being needed to warp and bend it. Dream estimated that his top speed of 10 million miles per hour would be reduced to around 800 thousand miles per hour. This was 8 percent of his previous speed, and it represented the space's integrity that was at least 10 times stronger than the space around Earth. 

Naturally, this was because of the difference between the inner and outer universe. The inner universe was supposedly the origin of all mystical energies like mana, flux, and aether. And because the material of the inner universe had been saturated for so long, it led to phenomena like this. 

Despite his reduction in top speed though, Dream still retained an insanely fast speed. Right now, the ship he was in was merely pulling the mana around it, resulting in it moving forward and flying. It was able to do so incredibly fast though, resulting in a speed of around 60 thousand miles an hour. While this wasn't as fast as Dream, it was able to contain all the people within, making it a great tool for transporting large amounts of people. After all, not everyone could travel at 60 thousand miles an hour individually. 

As for the previous battle, the blue robed man hadn't even been able to react to Dream's speed. He started to run away, but his speed was only supported by the movement of mana. It was clear that the blue robed man didn't know how to wield aether, and by extension not bend space. Naturally, moving along mana couldn't compare to bending space. It made Dream's movements seem like teleportation. 

Of course, as an up close observer of Dream's battle, Durack had seen all this. Dream's abilities were beyond his understanding. This made him believe that he was some kind of rogue class 6. However, as Durack waited for Dream to respond, he was able to feel Dream's aura. As a class 5 who had a better soul, he could naturally sense a class 4 soul easily. Although Dream's power greatly inhibited his senses, he was still able to detect it. 

A class 4 soul! Dream was a class 4!

This conclusion, he almost refused to believe it. A class 4 could easily kill him. That was an impossible thought. 

As Durack felt his mind become turbulent, Dream finally spoke. 

"Durack, what's the world we're on? I don't exactly know where we are. Could you give me a rundown?"

Dream asked. Despite his power, he wasn't arrogant, lofty, or boasting. He acted like a normal, decent man having a casual conversation. Dream only cared about the pursuit of knowledge. He didn't care about status, rank, or things like image. Those things felt so inconsequential in front of the things he knew. 

Hearing him, Durack came to attention. Seeing Dream's casual attitude, he felt relieved. At least Dream was somewhat easy to be around. Though, he was surprised about the question. How could Dream not know where he was?

Durack still answered.

"This world is known as the Blood Asura World, a secondary world. Right now, we're located between the territories of the Red Eye Clan and Blue Blood Clan. If you're wondering about beyond the Blood Asura World, then we're in the Asura territories. This Blood Asura World is controlled by the Blood Drop Asura Clan within a portion of these territories. That clan controls a primary world, though they do have a branch clan on this world."


"Wait, did you say Blood Drop?"

Suddenly, Melody spoke up over Dream. Durack nodded. 

"Yes. The Blood Drop Clan is one of the 7 major Asura clans. Each of those clans resides on a primary world, but they have various branches across a myriad of secondary worlds."

"Alright, hang on."

Dream put a hand up, preventing Melody from saying anything else. He looked at Durack.

"You said Asura. Asura clans. First, tell me what Asuras are."

"You've never heard of Asuras?"

"I have, but I don't know anything about them. I don't come from here."

"...But your friend is an Asura."

Durack looked at Melody, confused. How could Dream not know about asuras if he was being accompanied by one?

Dream understood his confusion, but he wasn't about to explain. 

"Just tell me about the Asuras. Tell me about territories, worlds, and factions."

"...Very well."

Durack decided to just answer the questions. 

"Asuras are one of the sub-factions in the universe. There are the two main factions of Heaven, Hell, and then the elusive Wanderer faction. Then, there are two other sub-factions. Asuras are one, while the Immortals are another. Each faction controls territories. In the case of the Asuras, our territories extend over many secondary worlds and 7 primary worlds, housing 7 different major clans."

"So what are these worlds?"

"There are 4 main types of worlds, formally graded by tiers. Tier 0 worlds are those that have no mana. Tier 1 worlds are worlds recently blessed by mana. Tier 2 worlds, otherwise known as secondary worlds, are worlds that have formed a Terra Core. Tier 3 worlds, otherwise known as primary worlds, are worlds that generate aether after becoming in tune with concepts. There's also a legendary tier 4 world, but nobody knows much about those."

Durack stopped there. Dream quickly processed what he said, an outline forming in his mind. 

A tier 0 world would be like what Earth had been before the arrival of mana. After the arrival of mana, it turned into a tier 1. As for tier 2's and terra cores, Dream would need to learn more about those. However, he felt it had something to do with the magical repulsion he felt coming from within the planet. 

As for factions, Dream had already been exposed to the knowledge about it. The angel Giros had told him that he was someone of the Wanderer faction. Then there was Heaven and Hell. These were the three main factions of the universe. Apparently, Asuras had built up a sub faction. Then there were the Immortals, a new name Dream knew nothing about. 

Each faction had territories. Suddenly, Dream thought back to when he and the girls were tunneling through the chaotic void. They had encountered a very different void, a destructive, blood red void. Iris had spoken of the demons, and the void truly gave off a demonic energy. That should have been them entering Hell's territories. As for the white void they encountered afterward, that was probably Heaven's territories. These territories could apparently manifest their effects on the void. 

Dream didn't have a map of all the worlds or territories, but he at least had a good outline for what to expect. He was in the Asura territories, specifically on a secondary world subordinate to a primary world. He nodded in understanding. 

The next moment though, he frowned. He looked at Melody. During her class 4 advancement, her species was changed to an Asura. Even this Durack could tell she was one. Now, they arrived in the asura territories. Better yet, one of Melodies skills was called the Blood Drop Stance. This had to be related to the Blood Drop Clan that was one of the 7 major asura clans. 

Dream felt anger well up within him. 

'That damn god! Leading me around again! No, he's leading my sister around! Of course he couldn't leave her alone! What he hell does he have planned this time? For all I know, the separation from my wives was another plan of his!'

For a moment, Dream felt an intense rage. He had planned to walk with his wives around the inner universe, carving out a spot for themselves while rising in power side by side. But now, plans were changed, and Dream had a feeling that this was intended. It all led back to that god, the one who always messed around with Dream's fate. 

As Dream felt this rage, Durack and Melody recoiled a bit. From Dream, they could feel his rage. It caused the area around him to seethe with his Will. 


Melody shouted as his Will got close to her. Hearing his sister, Dream snapped out of it, retracting his Will. Melody sighed. 

"What're you so mad about?"

"...Nothing. What was that anyway? I've never had by Will go out of control like that."

Dream frowned. The reason nobody could ever feel anything from him was because he had absolute control over his power. Without his intention, nothing would happen. Seeing this lack of control concerned him. He knew it had something to do with him being on this new world. 

Durack suddenly chimed in, feeling a tiny bit of sweat bead on his forehead. 

"Um, I believe that's due to your Domain."

"Domain? I heard that other guy say something like that. What's a domain?"

Dream asked curiously. Aparently, when he release his Will, it had shocked the blue robed man. Dream didn't know why. 

Durack smiled bitterly. 

"A domain is an area of absolute control that stems from one's Will. Anybody within another's domain is suppressed. Within the domain, one can manifest their powers anywhere. If one uses an element, like fire, then their domain would be one of fire. It would burn away anything inside. However, domains are extremely hard to form. Normally, only someone with a Will stat of X or someone who can touch a concept can form a domain. I haven't even begun to form one."

Durack felt a bit miserable. If he was right, then Dream was a class 4. And he had formed a domain! His base power exceeded his own at such a low level. This also meant that Dream's Will stat was at X, which it was. To think a class 4 had higher stats than him. 

Meanwhile, Dream pondered this domain thing. It was true that his Will was strong, but he thought that was just a natural consequence of strength. He didn't think that the phenomenon of everything coming under absolute control was the result of a domain being formed. 

Durack spoke again. 

"The reason your momentary anger slipped out was because of your domain. A domain is the manifestation of one's Will, so naturally, your Will affects the surroundings. This is a natural law. If one is angry, that anger is reflected on the surroundings. If one is happy, that can also be sensed. Of course, this can be controlled if one intentionally withholds their domain."

"Hm, right. But what's the difference between a domain and normal Will?"

Dream asked. This was the crucial point. 

"Normal Will can only control mana and such. Also, it extends for a long radius, sometimes several hundred miles. However, a domain is the direct manifestation of Will. Within one's domain, their very thoughts become king. The domain reflects the nature of the person, a natural manifestation of their power. Their Will dominates the space, becomes a part of that space. To be inside a domain is to be within someone's Will. Previously, that man you killed couldn't resist your domain because his Will was lesser. He could barely move. However, I must say, your domain is peculiar. It doesn't have an attribute, like all domains do."

Durack spoke with confusion. Dream's domain was comprised of his gray mist. This gray mist had the aspect of neutralization. As for the attributes of the domain, that was absolute domination. Control! Dream had absolute control over all the energies he wielded, manipulating them like they were his fingers. This was reflected in his domain. 

Curiously though, this domain didn't exist when Dream was on Earth. At least, Dream didn't think it did. His Will had simply been condensed.

However, the rules were different here. Truthfully, Dream was surprised about his power here. He didn't think his Will would be so powerful. But here, on this planet in the inner universe, his Will was supposedly able to form a domain. In this domain, he was king, sovereign of all things. This meant that the arcane laws were either different here or simply more pronounced. After all, Earth was only a tier 1 world. The arcane laws weren't nearly as strong there. The Record hadn't even touched Earth until over a decade ago. 

Now, Dream was in a place where his powers could manifest with their full strength. Apparently, he was being limited in the outer universe. This was a pleasant surprise. 

'So I have a domain. Back on Earth, it could extend for 10 miles around. During the battle though, it only extended for 3. It was compressed, but became more powerful in the process. Weird.'

Dream rubbed his chin. Durack let him think without speaking. 

After a minute or so, Dream spoke up again. 

"So Durack, tell me what indicator let you identify this girl here as an Asura. I didn't think it would be so obvious."

Dream looked as Durack, as did Melody. She was also interested in this. After all, she was now an Asura, and this was their home. Along with the Blood Drop Clan, she really wanted to know everything about the Asuras. 

Durack nodded.

"Sure. For one, your friend has the aura of an asura. Though, the most obvious indicator is the third eye. That's the signature of the asura clans."

"You can see that?"

"Yes. She's not exactly hiding it. Although it's not immediately visible, one can detect the eye and its power. Though, I'm surprised. Your eye is very powerful. Your bloodline must be very rich."


Dream shook his head. Melody wasn't given a bloodline, but transformed into the species. Thankfully, the species was at least high quality. While Dream didn't enjoy the god behind him tampering with things, he did have to admit that the things he gave out were never shabby. 

Dream went quiet again. With that, his most pressing questions were answered. He knew that he was on a secondary world that at least had a connection to a primary world. He now knew that Asuras were a thing, and he was currently sided with this Red Eye Clan. 

Now that he knew his general situation, he could focus on his goals. His topmost goal was finding his wives who he had been separated from. Based on the time he traveled after their separation, they were at minimum hundreds of thousands of light years apart, if not millions. Luckily, despite that distance, their soul bonds were still intact, although they were now weaker. Regardless, Dream could still sense his wives and the vague direction they were in. Of course, that wasn't nearly enough to just go and find them, but it let him know they were okay. They could handle themselves. 

For now, he put that goal aside. His priority now was to keep Melody safe. Since she was with him and connected to this Blood Drop Asura Clan in some way, he decided that he would first make his way to the primary world where the clan was located, hopefully talking to someone with authority. Maybe he would even enter the clan with Melody. She still had lots of room to grow, and if the Red Eye clan could produce a class 5, then the Blood Drop Clan could definitely produce more. They would be able to help her. 

Melody was different from Dream. She was a fighter, someone whose entire being was aimed at combat. Her skills were almost all based around killing. While Dream could guide her down a path to power, he couldn't do so very well. He just didn't operate like she did. The Asuras did though. Dream knew that these clans would be able to unlock her potential. 

So, his next top goal was now getting Melody to that clan. As for how he would do it, he would find out along the way. At the very least, he had this Durack here to guide him. 

"Alright, I know what we're doing."

Dream suddenly spoke, turning to Melody. 

"Wanna go to this Blood Drop Clan?"

"Yes! We definitely have to! Hey Durack, where can we find this clan branch?"

Melody snapped to Durack with an excited gaze. She couldn't wait to get to the clan and find out the origin of her most powerful skill. 

Unfortunately, Durack couldn't reply with optimism. He sighed.

"I know where the clan branch is, but it's not someplace that anyone can walk into. Truth is, all of the smaller Asura clans on this world fight for the chance to send their apprentices to this clan branch in the hopes they can get sent to the primary world. Otherwise,  leaving this world for greater heights is nothing but a dream. The best that would happen is you getting turned away at the gates. As for forcing your way in, the clan is guarded by a Demigod."

"A demigod?"

Hearing this world, Dream perked up. Durack saw this non-verbal inquiry and replied. 

"A demigod is above a class 6, a class 7 if you will, one who has been blessed by the Record and given control over a Concept."

"So what's a class 6?"

"A class 6 is someone who has consolidated their soul and essence. Only class 6's can begin to comprehend the concepts. Once someone compreheneds a concept and is blessed with it, then they become a demigod."

"I see..."

Dream nodded. He barely knew what a class 5 was, let alone class 6 and above. 

This gave him an idea as to how powerful the highest people of this universe were. Dream wasn't stupid enough to think he could fight someone who had control over a concept. He had barely touched two concepts, gaining a bit of a boost from them. As for actually wielding the power of those concepts, he couldn't fathom that kind of power. That was power that could bend the very laws of the universe to your Will! 

So, he definitely couldn't just barge into this branch clan and use their portal or whatnot. It was likely that he would have to slowly build either his own power or his status within the branch clan, gaining the ability to head to the primary world. 

Fortunately, the best way to do this was through the person in front of him. Dream turned to Durack with a piercing gaze. 

Upon looking into those abyssal eyes, Durack felt very uncomfortable. He wasn't quite sure whether meeting Dream was a happy coincidence or an ominous heralding. He forced a smile, deciding he would keep it together and tread carefully around this mysterious character.

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