Origin Seeker

Chapter 246 – Goals

Dream and melody rode with Durack for several hours. Even after half a day, the sun was still high in the sky. Dream did a quick calculation based on the star's movement and discovered that the days actually lasted over 100 hours, while nights lasted the same. Seeing this, Dream took out his pocket watch. 

He decided to insert another clock. Right now, there were two clocks within the pocket watch that tracked Dream's personal time and Earth's time. These two clocks sat side by side. Now he added a third that tracked this world's time. Each of these clocks held a spatial loop with a ring of light inside, providing the most accurate time tracker one could possibly build. After all, the speed of light was a universal constant. It wasn't subject to the more error-ridden time clickers like atoms and such. 

These three clocks sat within the watch that slightly grew to accommodate the new time tracker. When he was done, Dream put the watch away. Melody only rolled her eyes, lazily laying back. She would never understand her brother's infatuation with such things. 

After several hours passed, Dream finally felt the ship slow. Extending his Will outward, he could see in the distance a massive city. This was the home of the Red Eye Clan. Surprisingly, Dream could feel massive power emanating from the entire city. Not only were the people within the city strong, but there was definitely someone who lorded over all with their power. 

It had to be a class 6. 

They approached this city uninhibited. Eventually, they stopped at a large dock. All the tens of thousands of ships following shot off toward other parts of the city. The people within these ships were not only happy to be back alive, but eager to tell the story about the mysterious newcomer. 

Dream and Melody followed Durack as he left the ship. He guided them to a large building, one that towered higher than any others. Apparently, this was the Hall of Elders, a place that housed the highest authority of the clan. 

In this clan, Durack was a general. Naturally this position was one of the highest one could attain. He had slaughtered countless to reach his position, and his strength was top notch. But in front of Dream, he felt helpless. If even he had to bow to Dream's power, then the only people in his clan who could talk on even grounds with him were the topmost authority that surpassed even Durack. Such people could only be found in the heart of his clan, in this very building. 

The two descended to the entrance of the building. As they walked toward the gates, Dream and Melody observed the bustling streets around them. There were plenty of adults ranging from all ranges moving to and from their destinations. Not only that, but there were lots of children. Some children hurried to places as if they were working while others played around in the streets. They held dull metal swords that they slashed at each other with, brimming with fighting spirit. Of course, whenever they accidentally broke something with a misplaced swing, the surrounding adults would reprimand them with a kick to the rear before sending them off. 

Melody smiled at it all. The place was lively and filled with an aura of aggression. Even the children were fighting each other like warriors. Some would think this was excessive, but Melody only nodded in approval. Conflict and aggression was healthy, so long as it was kept under control, of course. While she was an aggressive person, her emotions could be controlled. She was finding this asura clan to her liking. 

"General Durack! Hopefully your unexpectedly fast return comes with good news."

Suddenly, a feminine but bold voice swept over the area. A woman came out of the entrance of the building, her aura reigned in but still emanating a fierce power. 

Upon seeing this woman, Dream instantly evaluated her. She was even stronger than Durack. Her soul was domineering, powerful. 

"Elder Vela."

Durack did a customary salute, one that wasn't servile and displayed dignity in the face of power. That Elder Vela nodded before turning her gaze to Dream and Melody. 

"A common man and an Asura. Only, if he's following you, he can't be common. What's your name, boy?"

Elder Vela asked as she let out a wisp of her Will, investigating Dream. Dream smiled as the Will failed to penetrate his mortal shell. 

"Just call me Dream."

"Sure. And who's this, your girlfriend?"


"My apologies."

Vela smiled, as did Dream. This woman seemed rather lax and easy to talk to. Dream liked dealing with these people. 

"My name is Melody. And my brother already has three wives."

Melody spoke, her smile turning to a frown from being mistaken as Dream's girlfriend. She wanted to barf. 

Elder Vela heard Melody and chuckled. Her eyes then glanced at the ring on Dream's finger. It wasn't totally obvious, but once one laid eyes on it, they would see that it contained a great power and presence. She could sense the presence of three other people, likely the wives. It was obvious that they were also powerful. 

Elder Vela nodded. 

"I see. Anyway, Durack, what's the deal?"

She turned to Durack who sported a weird smile. His mind was a bit conflicted. He really wanted to tell Vela that Dream wasn't such a simple character, but he was very cautious in even talking secretly about Dream. He could only go with the flow.

"Elder Vela, the battle you sent me to has been won."

"So easily? Did the enemy not send a class 5? Our intelligence said that he was someone you could match in combat power."

"They did send one, and he did match me. Our intelligence wasn't wrong. But, because of Dream here, the enemy was easily dispatched. After that, the enemy army retreated."


Vela turned back to Dream, surprise on her face. Instead of trying to determine Dream's level herself, she directly asked. 

"Dream. What's your level?"

"I'm about to advance to become a class 5."


Vela was stunned for a second, but then shook her head.

"That can't be real."

"Hm, well I guess I can prove it. I've never done this before though, so let me see if I do it right."

Dream rubbed his chin before bringing up his hand. Vela watched curiously as a black panel suddenly appeared above his palm. This panel had a series of words and stats. She recognized it immediately as his profile. 


Dream held it up. Vela narrowed her eyes. The entire panel was blurred, unable to be read. There was only one line that wasn't. 

Level: 399

"No way..."

Vela was now officially shocked. 

This panel Dream summoned was the profile panel. On Earth, he couldn't summon anything like this. But after entering the inner universe, he could feel it in his soul, his ability to do this. Plus, those notifications he got even said that he could display his Seeker status. 

Dream attributed this to the change in the arcane laws of the inner universe. They were definitely more profound than the one's around Earth. With them, Dream could display his profile, even all of it if he wished. He could also pick and choose what he displayed. He hadn't thought that it would come in handy, but now here he was. 

Vela gawked at the panel for a while. Dream had yet to advance into class 5. According to Durack, Dream had killed a high level class 5 with class 4 strength. That was simply unbelievable.

Not only that, but she couldn't directly sense his power. She could only barely sense his presence. Taking a closer look, she could indeed feel it. He was a class 4! Class 4 souls and class 5 souls were fundamentally different, so they gave off different feelings. Class 5 souls were also a step above class 4 souls, so no ordinary class 4 could hide themselves from a class 5. Vela just hadn't noticed Dream's soul right away since his power concealment was abnormal. She couldn't even poke into his body so she assumed he was around the same level she was.

But the truth proved different. 

Vela was silent in thought for a long moment. Naturally, it was easy to see what Durack was back here for. He had encountered such an abnormality, and Durack wasn't in a high enough position to casually handle Dream. Only someone like herself could just speak with him.

"Come inside."

After thinking, Vela turned and walked into the building entrance. Dream smiled a bit and followed. Melody stuck behind him, and Durack brought up the rear.

The first thing Dream saw upon entering was a large plaza. This plaza had many large doors that led into different side halls. Dream looked around with some of his Will, discovering powerful enchantments that could rival his in sheer strength. There was also an enchantment that encompassed the entire building, the function of which Dream discovered to create a shield around the place. 

Vela led them into one of the halls, taking a bit of a winding path before entering a room. This room seemed to be an office of some sort. Vela took a seat behind a desk while motioning for the others to sit as well. Dream took up a position on a couch, Melody beside him. Durack stood to the side, no intention of sitting. 

"So Dream, you helped us in this battle. Putting aside your strength at such a low level, I'm beginning to wonder what reasons you had to interfere and help our side in this battle. Not that I'm not thankful, but you understand my caution."

Vela spoke, both appreciative and apprehensive. 

Dream didn't blame her though. His appearance was out of nowhere. He was dumped right in the middle of a battlefield, and he had the power to win the battle for one side. His sudden interference raised many questions about his motives and origins. 

Dream sighed. 

"Don't worry, I get it. My reasons are rather simple. You could say that I'm new to this part of the universe. As crazy as it may sound, Melody and I were dumped right in the middle of that battlefield. Because we're strangers in a strange land and needed information, Melody decided that we should talk to one of the sides. Well, she picked your Red Eye Clan, thus my reason for helping. It was a way to prove that I wasn't some enemy. Anyway, Durack gave us a lot of valuable information. But that brings me to the reason I've come here."

"And that is?"

Vela's eyebrow raised. 

"I want to get to the Blood Drop Clan, specifically their primary world. If it's there, Melody here will be able to get good training and guidance. Let's just say, she has some connection with that clan."

"Is that right..."

Vela mumbled, looking over both Dream and Melody. If it were anyone else, she would have laughed at them for trying such a thing. Not even she could just casually hope to enter the Blood Drop Clan. However, not only was Dream an abnormal freak, but Melody was also peculiar. If she really did have a connection to the clan, then that would change things. 

"...So you've come to us for assistance?"

After thinking for a second, Vela asked. She still didn't know what Dream wanted from them. 

He shrugged.

"Not necessarily assistance. I just need to know where to go, what to do. I know I can't just walk into that clan, so I need to have another game plan. If it's possible, the help of your clan would be more than welcome. Of course, nothing is ever free. I'm prepared to offer my services in exchange for help."


Vela heard this and pondered. This was an offering. Dream needed help, and they had the best idea as to how to provide it. As for services, just Dream's combat strength was more than welcome. 

But this decision wasn't so easily made. Dream's appearance was sudden and without warning. The Red Eye Clan was at war, and although Vela really wanted to believe Dream, she had to be safe. Just bringing him to the heart of the clan was a move she probably shouldn't have made. If Dream didn't seem so easygoing and genuine, then he never would have walked through those doors. 

These thoughts flew through her head. Eventually, she opened her mouth. 

"There is in fact a way to get to the Blood Drop clan. And not just the branch clan, but the primary world. However, the process is long and arduous."

"I'm prepared for whatever is to come. I just need knowledge."

"Mm. Then let me tell you. The branch clan on this world is a city on the northern tip of the planet. It's a hub for massive commerce and fierce competition. After all, you aren't the only one who wants to go there. Getting into the city is simple. It just takes a bit of money to get past the gates and you can be on your way. Actually entering the clan though is another problem. That clan houses the sole portal to the primary world, and it's highly guarded. Not even the council elders of our clan could hope to break into that portal."

"So what do I need to do?"

"There are two ways to get transported to the primary world."

Vela held up two fingers. 

"The first is to become one of the clan's most talented fighters. Asuras from all over this world compete every year to enter the clan and become a clansman, learning the clan's skills and knowledge. If you can display an unrivaled talent worthy of cultivating, then you may be one of the few rising stars who get sent to the primary world for further training. Otherwise, you'll just be kept down here until you become someone worthy of being a regular footsoldier for the clan's armies."

"Interesting. And the second way?"

"If you provide valuable services. The reason so much trade happens at the branch clan is because the clan brings out rare resources and goods from the primary world. It's not an exaggeration to say that the portal over there is active all hours of the day. However, the clan also wants the abundant resources from this world. Sure the primary world is great and vast, but secondary worlds hold their own abundances. It's a give and take that, while benefiting the primary world more, also greatly benefits the secondary world. If you're capable of becoming someone who can contribute to that vast abundance, then the clan would take an interest and bring you to the primary world to do business. This actually might be harder than becoming a clansmen though. There's just so much business and established organizations that nobody can compete with."

Vela shook her head, a sense of helplessness exuding from her. It was clear she knew a great amount about this city and its difficulties.

Hearing her, Dream pondered. Not for long though. He was quick to make a decision, and he asked a question.

"Vela, what would one of these rising stars look like? In terms of power, I mean."

"That depends on age, but in terms of power the minimum is a class 4. Anyone who can reach class 4 before 30 years of age is considered talented. Not only that, but a spirit body is essential for every class 4. Of course, that's the bare minimum to even qualify. Everything else comes down to your stats and comprehensive combat power. Now, I imagine you're asking about this for your sister, correct? Only Asuras can join the clan, so you wouldn't be able to."



Dream nodded, and Vela went into thought, gazing at Melody. 

When Vela used her Will to poke at Melody, she could see that her spiritual body was strong. Unlike Dream, Melody couldn't hide herself from Vela's class 5 power. Despite that, Vela saw that Melody was definitely talented. She didn't look old either. She still looked like she was in her twenties. This meant she had at least reached a high level while young. 

Upon learning about the qualifications, Dream was also pleased. Melody had reached class 4 long ago, almost 10 years ago in fact. However, she had been held back since Dream took all that time to open the portal. Now she was 31, while Dream was 33. 

As for her combat ability, that was top notch. She had fought Dream's bots that forced her to her limits for years. In terms of sheer skill, Dream believed she was at the top. He didn't care if he hadn't seen what the people of this world were like, he believed his sister was one of the best.

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