Origin Seeker

Chapter 247 – Talent


Hello everyone, Author here.

Just wanted to let you know why I disappeared on Tuesday. At the beginning of the week, I very suddenly came down with a nasty flu. I'll spare you the unappetizing details and just say that I was unable to even get out of bed for a few days, resulting in my absence. Even now I haven't gotten over it, and it's taking an embarrassing amount of energy in order to post chapters. But I wanted you to have something and let you know that I didn't fall off the map. 

Unfortunately, today there's only going to be one chapter posted. But I promise to reward everyone once I get better, so look forward to a small chapter dump in the future. 

Thanks and apologies,


"Melody, is it? How old are you?"

After determining that Melody was going to try and join the branch clan, Vela asked. Age was important in determining someone's talent. If one spent a hundred years just to reach class 4, then they obviously weren't very capable, otherwise they would have pushed through the barriers to each class quickly. 

Dream knew that the majority of people would never reach class 4. Some people wouldn't ever be able to enter the class 3 realm. They either had poor skills, a weak soul, or just bad perception, making it impossible for them to expand on their skillsets. 

Dream and Melody, on the other hand, were incredibly talented. Dream had entered the class 4 level after only a few years, and that was only because he held back from advancing for a while. Even now, he could kill class 5's. His soul was extraordinarily powerful, and his skills were so amazing that he had already touched a concept. 

As for Melody, while she wasn't like Dream, she still possessed incredible combat power. This was enhanced after fighting with Dream's bots for years on end. His bots were naturally more powerful than anybody on Earth, so Melody was forced to surpass her limits, enhancing her skills and stats even without leveling up. Dream believed that leveling up was secondary to enhancing one's skills, so he was happy to help Melody do this. 

This resulted in Melody being very talented for her age and level. When Melody heard Vela's question, she spoke.

"I'm 31 years old right now."

"31? That's a bit tricky..."

Hearing this age, Vela frowned. That was right on the border for qualification. It at least didn't seem like Melody had only just recently advanced, so it wouldn't be difficult to ensure that could at least compete for a spot. 

Hearing her concern, Melody spoke in assurance.

"I advanced to class 4 when I was 22. The reason I haven't pushed any farther for so long was because my brother took so long to get us to this world. I haven't had any enemies that could increase my level for a long time due to this bozo right here."

Melody raised her hand and poked Dream's cheek forcefully, subtly expressing her displeasure. Dream just sat there, letting her poke him while maintaining a neutral face.  

Vela slightly smiled seeing this.

"22? Well, it's not that I don't believe you, but there's not much of a way to prove that what you say is true. We have to go off your current level. If you can at least show a combat power that's fantastic for your level, then there shouldn't be an issue letting you at least compete against the best at the branch clan. Here, how about this."

Vela thought of something as she spoke. 

"I don't have a problem assisting you two. However, there are two things we need to do before we can go to the branch clan. The first thing is to verify Melody's ability. We have plenty of tools to do so here in the clan. The second is to talk about these services you, Dream, are willing to provide. We're currently located very far away from the northern pole where the branch clan is, and the resources needed to go there are large. If we do go there, it definitely will not be just for you. We occasionally go there to trade for things we need, so that will also be a plan. Anyway, we need an adequate show of sincerity."

"I can assure you that whatever I provide will be to your satisfaction."

Dream smiled mysteriously after hearing Vela. Melody also couldn't help but hide a smirk. Vela was curious for a second before nodding and standing up. 

"Very well. How about we head out to test Melody's ability now?"

"Yes! I'm ready."

Melody stood excitedly, burning with fighting spirit. Dream also rose from his seat. Vela nodded and turned, leading them out of the building. 

Durack met them on the way out. Like this, the four rose to the sky and flew off in a certain direction. 

Dream glided alongside Vela, observing her as she flew. He wasn't interested in her looks. She definitely wasn't as extraordinary as any of Dream's wives. He was interested in how she flew. 

All around Vela, mana was warped and pulled along her body, propelling her forward. Dream also used to fly like this, but then he discovered aether that could warp space. By warping space, he could multiply his speed. Even in this world that had an incredibly stable space, Dream was still capable of almost a million miles per hour. 

But it didn't seem like Vela was capable of this. If she was, then she wasn't using the ability as a courtesy to him and Melody. He was inclined to believe she couldn't though. Dream had Aegis's heart that could produce all the aether he wanted. Dream could also conjure aether from space itself using [Arcane Transmutation]. However, these two methods were Dream's only ways to attain aether. It didn't simply exist all around him like mana. There was a finite amount. 

If Vela didn't have something like Aegis's heart that could conjure aether, then she would have none, and she wouldn't be able to bend space. Even if she did, bending space wasn't easy, especially here. She might not even have the ability to do so. Thus, Dream assumed she couldn't. But that meant that the only normal mode of transportation was by shuttling through mana. The ship Dream had been transported on did this. Luckily, this world had incredibly dense ambient mana, meaning ships could exert more force on mana and pull themselves faster. 

So for now, Dream flew by pulling mana, just like Vela. He didn't want to attract too much attention. Besides, at the slow speed they were going, bending space was overkill. Dream felt like a fish in water as he glode through the mana with ease. Melody was doing the same. 

They followed Vela for several minutes before finally arriving at a large complex. This complex covered the area of an entire city. Within, there were dozens of buildings, some of which towered a few hundred meters into the sky. There were also tens of thousands of people, most of which were class 4. This caused Dream to gawk.

After appearing above this area, Vela spoke with a bit of pride. 

"This is my clan's main area for all of our members. The surrounding cities and towns are all comprised of either low level asuras or ordinary mortals. This area is where the true blood of our clan lies. Everyone class 4 and below, unless they're a soldier, resides here. This is also where we have our training and evaluation buildings. Come, we'll go straight there."

Saying that, Vela dove down. Dream, Melody, and Durack followed, descending to the ground amongst the thousands of class 4's.

"Who's that?"

"Is that Elder Vela?"

"Why is she here? Is something going on?"

After they landed, all the surrounding eyes turned to them. They all noticed Vela who held one of the highest positions in the clan. But they also noticed Dream and Melody, two people who stuck out like sore thumbs with their odd clothes and looks. 

Dream also looked around, his senses picking up on every soul within a mile radius. There were thousands of class 4's, but also many class 3's who held considerable power. Surprisingly, only some of the class 4's had third eyes despite all of them being asuras. Many of them wore robes or flowing dresses that conformed to their bodies. It was a stark contrast to Dream's casual suit and Melody's lazy sweats and t-shirt. 

They all watched curiously as Vela led the three into one of the buildings. Seeing this building, everyone's eyes brightened.

"That's the evaluation center!"

A crowd quickly formed, following Vela's group into the building. There was only one reason why one would go there, and that was to size someone up in power. Everyone was interested in who would be getting tested, especially since they were being led by Vela herself.

"This is it."

Vela spoke as they entered the building. The first thing Dream saw was a wide open space and a single totem in the center of this space. This totem radiated intense power, one capable of affecting the soul. 

"This is our testing area. After entering in your level and letting it determine your age, a test will begin that evaluates all of your skills and combat ability. While stats might reflect a lot of your strength, how you use those stats determines who comes out on top in an equal match. Strength is very dynamic, not rigid like many think it is. Anyway, if you perform well enough inside this test, then we'll have a good grasp of how you'll match up to the geniuses of the branch clan. Melody, whenever you're ready, you can step up."

"Interesting... Before that though. Dream, you owe me a sword."

Melody turned to Dream, putting out her hand. Seeing this, Dream chuckled before activating his skills. Within his inventory, a sword rapidly formed particle by particle. It was then enchanted. This sword was far better than the weapon he gave her many years ago. However, it looked the same.

When the sword was enchanted, Dream pulled it out, placing it in Melody's hands. The sword had roses of blood on its blade, looking beautiful yet dangerous to even hold. Under Dream's enchantments though, none of its power radiated. It seemed like a purely material weapon. Vela wasn't impressed as she looked at it. 

Melody took the sword, smiling gleefully as she stroked the blade. It felt exactly like her previous one, and she knew it was even better than before. With that, she placed it into her inventory and spun on her heel toward the totem. 

Melody walked toward the totem. By this time, a large crowd had piled into the building. It was very quiet though, nobody wishing to disturb their Elder Vela. 

As Melody walked towards the totem, Dream was analyzing it. He quickly discovered its function after looking at the myriads of enchantments. 

'This totem will encompass the surrounding 10 meters of space with an aether barrier, creating a semi-independent space that would be much larger on the inside than the outside. Inside, she'll be faced with enemies of different strengths. She'll have to defeat them, and the more she defeats, the higher her score becomes. Interesting. To think they actually have an item that can utilize aether. This might be the doing of the class 6 that's currently watching us.'

Thinking that, Dream turned his senses outward. Ever since he had entered the hall of elders to talk to Vela, he had discovered this powerful presence watching him. Even after moving, this presence still kept its Will locked on him. From this presence, Dream could determine that the person was definitely a class 6. Their power was extraordinary, something Dream's mortal shell couldn't passively block.

This presence hadn't noticed that Dream discovered them though. While Dream didn't actively poke out to this presence, he could detect the gaze on him. This person hadn't noticed that though. They continued watching Dream and even Melody, thinking they were totally hidden.

Soon, Dream saw Melody walk within the 10 meters of space. After Vela directed her, she put her hand on the totem. The power of the totem streamed into Melody for a bit before suddenly, the totem released its power. The surrounding 10 meters flashed before a wall of space was erected. Despite there being a wall of space though, everyone could still see inside. However, the view had changed. 

Everyone saw an extensive wasteland, one filled with broken weapons, bones, dead ground, and puddles of blood. Melody stood in the center of this wasteland, looking around her curiously. 

When Dream saw this, he nodded. The area inside of this space was much larger than 10 meters. That was because space was compressed by the totem, creating more area than should be possible. As for the ground and blood and bones, these were all structures of mana. The totem built up everything around Melody with mana and then projected images onto it, making it look like the real deal. And it would feel like the real deal too. Melody could scoop up the soil if she wanted to, feeling the texture of the lifeless dirt. 

Suddenly, as Melody was looking around, a flash of light bloomed. This light condensed into a figure the size of a man. The man had no facial features and wore a spiky set of armor. On his back was a sword that he quickly drew. 

Melody saw this man congeal and was surprised. She quickly understood what to do though and squared up to the man. The next moment, the man charged, swinging his sword at Melody. She watched him approach her with a slight smile, lifting her two fingers.


As the man hurled toward her, Melody slashed out. A line of red light was created by her fingers, compressed with mana and power. Upon being created, this line shot toward the man, slicing him in half. 


The man's body fell in two pieces, still several feet from Melody. A pool of blood was created under the man's body, quenching the dead ground underneath with the final throes of his life. After a few seconds, the body disappeared, but the blood remained. 

Then, Melody watched as two new figures congealed. These two were of the same power as the previous man. However, they wielded different weapons. One wielded a sword, while the other a spear. Upon having their bodies formed, the two figures shot toward Melody, their only goal to kill her. 

However, like last time, Melody merely drew a red line in the air. This red line proceeded to behead the two figures, dying more of the ground in blood. 

Then, three figures congealed. Melody killed these, after which she was faced with a group of four. 

Dream watched as Melody effortlessly killed groups of figures that sequentially increased by one. Blood continued to pool, forming a large puddle. 


Dream turned to Vela who stood beside him. Vela nodded, though there was no impression on her face. 

"This much is expected from someone trying to enter the branch clan. This effortless killing should continue for a while before becoming more and more difficult. She will eventually meet her limits, though."

"What's considered an excellent score?"

"Scores here are measured by blood levels."

Vela gazed at the gradually forming pool of blood under Melody's feet. 

"Blood will continue to spill from the slaughtered, quenching the wasteland and bringing it life from death. As the blood rises, life will be created, and such life will work toward the living's doom. The best score should be a blood level of about 2 feet. Then she will be considered something of a genius and have a good chance at competing for a spot in the branch clan."

Vela explained. After hearing this, Dream was surprised. 

The area Melody was in was a circle a few miles in diameter. To fill this space with blood, soaking the ground and spilling enough to create a literal lake of blood 2 feet high, would take the deaths of at least tens of thousands. Melody would need to slaughter her way through entire armies, and as she got farther, every enemy would become stronger utilizing the blood she spilled. It was a cycle of utter carnage. 

Even now, Dream could see Melody facing off against 20 people. Each of these people were a bit stronger than the first enemy. However, Melody continued to just slice them in half, feeding the ground with violent vitality. If it continued like this, she would be in there for a while. 

However, things didn't take long to change. Eventually, monster's began to spawn. These monsters were around 12 feet tall, and they rushed at Melody with oppressive steps. She killed these brutes all the same. These large creatures spilled even more blood than regular people. 

More enemies started to attack Melody, constantly spawning in waves from all sides. They were varied, some big, some small. All of them spilled gallons of blood. It got to the point where Melody's every step was sending ripples in the pools of blood underneath her. 

Still, even as she faced a hundred enemies, she never drew her weapon.

This battle went on for a while. At some point, Vela turned her gaze to Dream.

"So Dream, how about we discuss your services?"

"Of course."

Dream nodded casually, still watching Melody and her battle. 

Vela let out a light breath. 

"As you know, we're currently at war. Your combat strength is great, at least a bit above Durack's. That's another strategic card we can play. I'm currently one of the generals running the war. If you can deal enough damage to our enemies, we'll consider your payment sufficient. At that time when the war stabilizes, we'll bring you to the world's northern pole to the branch clan's city."

"I see. So you want war strength?"

"Putting it simply, yes. Think of this like a mercenary hire."

"Right. Well, I actually had another idea in mind."

"Oh? Do tell."

Vela asked, curious.

"I'll increase your war strength by boosting your logistical assets. I'll revamp your weapons, armor, those flying ships, and communications. I'll strengthen every part of your defense and offense, ensuring that your high strength war assets as well as your armies can fight beyond their usual capacity. This is a permanent boost to your entire clan's comprehensive strength, something much more valuable than a temporary mercenary hire. How about it?"

Dream laid out his plans, continuing to watch Melody's fight. Meanwhile, Vela was surprised. 

"You... are a crafter? An artisan?"

"Consider me your go-to for all things arcane and scientific. I can build anything, craft anything. My strength lies in my ability to create. I will strengthen you, enabling you to destroy your enemies by your own power. Rather easily too. When I'm done here, your clan will be a war machine."

Dream finally turned to Vela with a small smile. She also looked at him, her expression peculiar.

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