Two days later in the afternoon, the light of dusk spread over every inch of Liyue, bringing all the unhappiness into the evening.

Right below the steps in front of the Shaoqing Mansion, two coffins made of fine sandalwood, inlaid with countless precious gems, and tightly wrapped by the power of ice elements lay quietly on wooden chairs.

In front of the coffins, Gu Yihan stood straight with a gloomy face. If the lady hadn't told him everything, he would probably never know that it was Ying who killed Lekana and Fu Jie Luolin.

He almost killed the lady.

He didn't hate Ying, but he finally found his position.

In their eyes, the people of the Fatui should die, and they should be beaten by everyone with stinky shoes like rats crossing the street.

Senior Sanbing was right. The so-called good people in their mouths have always been defined based on their positions.

There are no good people in the Fatui!

What friends are just meaningless lies.

They didn't even want to let go of two ordinary soldiers...

Lekana... She has never done anything bad...

Just then, a young woman dressed in winter brought about twenty Fatui soldiers with the badge of the Power Check Squad on their left arms and knelt in front of Gu Yihan.

The woman had an ice god's eye on her chest, and her sweet and beautiful face was full of solemnity.

She spoke respectfully, her sweet voice resounding throughout the Shaoqing Mansion, "Counselor Zhidong, the power check and balance team, the foreman of the large slime condensate processing factory in Zhidong Country, Luo Xiya, followed the order of the Shaoqing Lord, came from thousands of miles away, and led the brothers to pay homage to the Shaoqing Lord!"

"Your subordinates pay homage to the Shaoqing Lord!!"

"Your subordinates pay homage to the Shaoqing Lord! The soldiers behind Luo Xiya spoke in unison, and the loud voices seemed like yesterday under the magnificent momentum.

The lady stood on the left side of Gu Yihan, squinting at Luo Xiya who came from a distance and knelt in front of Gu Yihan, and asked.

"Did the journey go well?"

Lu Xiya stood up and saluted to the lady, and quickly replied, "My lady, everything went well."

Gu Yihan took his eyes off the coffin and said to Luo Xiya, "Thank you for your hard work, Fu Jie Luolin and Lekana will be handed over to you..."

"After returning to Zhidong, bury them together. "

Losia has always had a good relationship with Fuje Luolin and Lekana. Although Losia is younger than Lekana, she joined the team earlier.

Lekana has always called her sister, and Lekana's departure also made her very sad.

"Lord Shaoqing, thank you very much. Nana and Xiaolin are so grateful to you and return to their hometown. Losia thanks you on their behalf."

"Well, let's go and escort them home. Anyone who dares to stop us on the way will be killed." Gu Yihan stopped looking at them and turned into the house alone.

"I obey your orders! "That was the first time that Luo Xiya saw the Shao Qing frowning. She still remembered how high-spirited he was when he first established the Shao Qing Mansion.

Despite being heavily in debt, there was still no worry on the Shao Qing's face.

He said that the mansion would be a blessing for the people of Zhidong in the near future.

Although she didn't understand the Shao Qing's intention, Luo Xiya firmly believed that the Shao Qing's decision would be correct.

The members of the Power Check and Balance Team followed the Shao Qing until death.

In this way, a team of soldiers from a foreign country, with the permission of the Liyue Seven Stars, took the two deceased souls on the journey home again.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and thousands of lights were lit up in Liyue Harbor.

The lady endured the burning pain in her palms and the interweaving of memories, standing on the high eaves and looking into the distance.

There were so many bright lights, but not a single one was lit for her. This world is so big, where is her hometown?

Time passed quickly, and it was soon time for the food tasting meeting at Qun Yu Pavilion.

Gu Yihan followed Gan Yu out of the study at Ningguang's invitation.

Under the red plum tree, Gu Yihan looked up at the lonely lady on the eaves, took off the evil eye from his waist and threw it to her.

"This evil eye has been difficult to use recently, can you help me see if it is broken?"

The lady quickly put away her emotions, caught the evil eye in an orderly manner, and blamed Gu Yihan for being too careless.

"This is the grace of Her Majesty the Queen, be careful not to break it!"

"Go and come back quickly, or I will bully your little Ayuan, and don't forget that you haven't poured me a drink yet. "

Gu Yihan raised his eyebrows, "You are such a vicious woman. I hope my little Ayuan can escape this disaster."

For some reason, Gu Yihan liked Ayuan more and more. He even felt that he was his younger brother.

Although Ayuan's cooking skills were tens of thousands of times better than his, in Gu Yihan's opinion, that didn't affect him at all.

These days, Ayuan alwaysShe always sticks to him, cooks all kinds of delicious food for him, and even treats him like a child and tells him stories about hillbillies and slimes.

But Gu Yihan couldn't help but enjoy it.

Gu Yihan secretly made up his mind that when he came back from the Jade Pavilion, he would take Ayuan and the lady to go camping.

When he followed Ganyu to the Jade Pavilion, the Jade Pavilion was already full of people.

There were big businessmen from Fontaine and Xumi, as well as more than a dozen wealthy people from Liyue.

They were all partners who had business dealings with Ningguang.

There were so many people, but Gu Yihan didn't know anyone.

He was the only one of the three Fatui executives from Liyue.

After being taken to the seat upstairs by Ganyu, Gu Yihan was surrounded by several big businessmen who admired him.

Among them, a middle-aged man asked Gu Yihan politely with a glass of wine.

"Envoy, I heard that Zhidong has recently discovered a new rare mineral, Hellfire Chromium."

"I really want to see the true appearance of Hellfire Chromium. I wonder if you have it with you?"

Gu Yihan raised his eyebrows. Zhidong has a new mine?

How could he not know...

"I can't help you with this." Gu Yihan said, ignoring them and turning his eyes to the high stage.

Compared to dealing with the group of merchants who are of no use to him, Gu Yihan would rather hide in the corner and listen to the show.

After all, this is not his home ground, and he doesn't want to be too conspicuous.

Under the stairs on the other side of the Qun Yu Pavilion, two children quietly hid behind the cargo box, carefully staring at the front.

Chen Rui pushed A Yuan's shoulder with his shoulder and said with a smile.

"I didn't expect you to be able to fly, it's really exciting."

"Shh, don't talk, it would be bad if someone finds out, my brother is here too, I can't cause trouble for him."

Chen Rui nodded, looking at A Yuan with envy, "If you don't want to tell me, then don't tell me, I won't tell you that I also want to find an executive as my brother..."

[The author is really not running away, don't worry, I've just been working hard these days (yes, the kind of work you understand) and have no time to update... I'm sorry. ]

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