Chen Rui thought for a moment, then raised his hand and pulled A Yuan's sleeve to ask him.

"The atmosphere in the Fatui has always been bad. Aren't you afraid of being hated by the people of Liyue?"

Hearing Chen Rui's doubts, A Yuan rolled his eyes directly, "I am following my brother, what does the Fatui have to do with it?"

"Besides, my brother is now my only relative in the world, and I will go wherever he goes."

"My brother is so popular in Liyue, you'd better not gossip about him."

Hearing Chen Rui's arrangement, A Yuan wanted to slap him twice, but unfortunately the situation was special and he couldn't act impulsively.

In this way, the two children behind the cargo box under the stairs stood close to each other and set their eyes on the food shelf downstairs.

Chen Rui took out two fullness detection rings from his pocket, put one on himself, and then handed the other to A Yuan.

"When the ring glows red, it means you're full. Try your best not to get caught."

Ayuan raised his eyebrows, his round face full of confidence, "I will definitely not lose. I want to be the boss of all of you."

Ayuan said, and accidentally saw a white figure flashing on the left staircase.

He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, whispering, "I seem to see my brother, is it an illusion?"

Seeing Ayuan holding the ring in a daze, Chen Rui urged unhappily, "Hey, what are you daydreaming about? If you don't leave, someone will come."

Ayuan didn't say anything, and followed Chen Rui to the place where the food was placed.


Under the stage, Gu Yihan finally dealt with everyone.

After a grand toast, Gu Yihan was praised by more than a dozen big businessmen without any surprise.

They appreciated Gu Yihan's understanding of the current situation and his concept of wealth.

They also appreciated that he became the executive of the Fatui at a young age.

They sighed for his four divine eyes. They couldn't understand what kind of person could get the attention of the gods one after another.

At the same time, Gu Yihan was also despised and hated by more than a dozen businessmen.

Some of them wanted to get Gu Yihan's protection, and some wanted to drag Gu Yihan into the transaction to make profits.

And these requests were ruthlessly rejected by Gu Yihan.

The executive of the power check and balance team never cared about wealth.

He only cared about whether the forces of all parties were balanced or not. As long as it did not threaten the plans and interests of Her Majesty the Queen, he could turn a blind eye.

Use the rest of the time to do what you like.

Gu Yihan was not completely ignorant of business. On the contrary, Gu Yihan also had his own insights in business.

However, he did not intend to make a name for himself here.

At this time, Ningguang also came to the venue in a gorgeous purple dress. On the high platform, Ningguang smiled very elegantly and generously.

"Sorry to have kept you waiting. Regarding the food tasting meeting, um~ I am very rude to make such a rash decision suddenly."

"I know everyone wants to talk to me about business opportunities and rare treasures, but the Seven Stars are busy with their missions, and I really can't spare so much time, so I want to invite you all to talk here."

"Please forgive me."

After hearing Ningguang's intention, endless light flashed in the eyes of the merchants.

It turned out that Lord Ningguang was really willing to give them this opportunity!

The middle-aged businessman who discussed the chromium of the fire with Gu Yihan hurriedly smiled and spoke.

"Lord Tianquan, that's not right. It's a great honor to be able to step into this group of jade pavilions. We are deeply honored. How dare we give you some advice?"

Everyone echoed, "Yes, thank you Lord Ningguang for giving us this opportunity to discuss business opportunities with you."

"It's an honor to be treated like this."

"The food tasting meeting is about to begin. I hope everyone can gain something from this trip."

Ningguang said, and walked down the high platform with an elegant posture and entered the seat, chatting with the merchants.

Gu Yihan raised his eyebrows and looked at the flattering look of the crowd. He was speechless for a while. So this is a business opportunity discussion meeting.

But what does this have to do with him? Why invite him here?

Have the young master and the lady been ruthlessly forgotten by Ningguang?

Ningguang chatted with the merchants for a long time before taking a short break. She said to Ganyu.

"Tell the Shaoqing Executive Officer for me later, and tell him that I have a treasure here, and ask him to take a look after the banquet."

"I hope he will forgive me for the poor hospitality."

"Okay." Ganyu responded to Ningguang's words and turned to leave the venue.

After everyone dispersed and took their seats, Gu Yihan stopped to drink a glass of wine. He hated such time-wasting things the most.

But there was no other way. He couldn't offend Tianquan's face?

After gulping down a glass of wine, Gu Yihan looked up at Yun Jin, who had a clear and loud voice on the stage.Is this Liyue's famous song?

It's really unforgettable.

During the drinking, Ningguang's secretary Baiwen came to Gu Yihan with a newly opened wine.

"Sir Shaoqing, this is Liyue's new Yuanzi wine. Lord Ningguang asked me to give it to you to try."

Baiwen said, with an extremely unnatural color on his face, and his light brown eyes were full of turbidity.

Gu Yihan glanced at Ningguang in the distance, took the wine pot in Baiwen's hand, poured a glass of wine and took a sip in front of Baiwen.

"The wine is good, thank Lord Ningguang for me."

Baiwen nodded, took the wine pot in Gu Yihan's hand, and left the venue quickly.

After she left, Gu Yihan spit out the wine in his mouth.

How could he, who loves drinking, not notice the difference in alcohol.

However, Gu Yihan did not intend to give up. He wanted to see with his own eyes who was "playing games" with him!

After following Bai Wen out of the venue, Gu Yihan stopped outside Ning Guang's study.

The strong smell of coriander in the air made him feel uncomfortable.

"Why did you disappear here?" Gu Yihan frowned, and when he turned around, he ran into Bai Shi's puzzled expression.

She asked Gu Yihan very politely, "What are you looking for, Master Shaoqing?"

"What can I help you with?"

Looking at the handsome young man in white in front of her, Bai Shi's cheeks blushed involuntarily.

This was the first time she had seen a man as unique as Gu Yihan.

Gu Yihan nodded, "I want to find Miss Gan Yu, do you know where she is?"

Although this excuse was a bit lame, it did not make Bai Shi suspicious at all.

She seriously provided Gu Yihan with Gan Yu's whereabouts, "Sister Gan Yu said that Yue Haiting has a pile of documents that need to be processed urgently."

"I think she should go back to work."

Bai Shi said, staring at Gu Yihan with a fiery gaze, as if he wanted to see something in him.

Just as Gu Yihan thanked him, a snow-white figure upstairs hit Gu Yihan's eyes.

The man looked exactly like him!

"Excuse me." Gu Yihan's face changed slightly, and he quickly ran upstairs around Bai Shi.

Looking at Gu Yihan's disappearing back, Bai Shi laughed foolishly, "So handsome~"

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