Before the three of them walked into the secret room, there was a sudden loud explosion outside.

The ground was shaking.

"What's going on?" A Yuan turned around and ran outside, "Brother, I'll go out and take a look first!"

"Be careful!"

As soon as A Yuan walked out of the warehouse, he saw a raging fire in the sky not far away.

Those flames fell rapidly like a meteor shower and slammed into the land of Inazuma.

The loud explosions shook the earth.

The oppressive feeling of the mountains and rivers overturning was like a giant claw twisting people's hearts, making it difficult to breathe.

A Yuan quickly ran to the top of the mountain and looked towards the direction of Inazuma Castle.

I saw black smoke billowing in the city and flames rising to the sky.

After a while, a shocking divine punishment suddenly fell from the sky, instantly flattening the towering castle tower.

"It's bad! People in the city are in danger!" A Yuan was horrified, the Eye of God on his waist flashed, and the rolling elemental force lifted him up and flew into the city.

Gu Yihan and Zhongli rushed out of the secret room and found that the sky and the earth had changed color.

The sky where the divine fire was burning made loud noises, and hundreds of thousands of thunders whipped the ground, beating the ground into a mess.

In the land of Inazuma, which was originally covered with ice and snow, dozens of volcanoes erupted, rivers flowed backwards, and waves roared.

"Divine punishment..." Zhongli's face turned pale in an instant, and even his voice was a little weak.

"Is she finally awake..." Gu Yihan gritted his teeth, wishing to tear the person who touched the Heart of God into pieces.

But now he had no other choice but to fight with all his strength.

In Inazuma City, the divine fire turned the city into ruins, and everything in the city slowly melted in the flames.

70% of the people were taken to the Mingjin Taisha Shrine by Lei Dianying using divine power for refuge.

The owners of the Eye of God tried their best to protect the ordinary people who were crying loudly.

Under the sacred cherry tree that continued to radiate divine power, everyone was in a mess.

Crying, screaming, roaring, begging for mercy, blaming...

All kinds of sounds mixed together, singing a sad song for this already unsafe city.

Lei Dianshuo was sobbing in Daocheng Yingmei's arms, and Gu Yingchen used all his strength to carry the injured children into the hall.

Biting his lips to comfort them not to cry, the disaster will soon be over.

Lei Dianying flew to the top of the mountain and raised his naginata to the sky where the divine fire was lit.

"For hundreds of years, the original intention remains unchanged! Why did you send down this unprovoked disaster?"

The sky did not respond until Lei Dianying's knife swung into the clouds, and she answered: "You resisted the law of nature and betrayed the laws of God."

Thinking of the people who were turned into dust in front of her eyes just now and had no time to wait for her salvation, Lei Dianying was furious.

She raised her head and laughed, and asked angrily, "What is the fault of ordinary people?!"

The female voice in the rolling clouds responded again, "Who is innocent? Who is guilty? The foundation is bad, and all disasters are born. The severance of the maintainer of the law of nature cannot be questioned."

Her voice came from the depths of the sky, like the most terrifying demon in the abyss, reaching the hearts of every Inazuma people.

Ayuan, who ran to the Narugami Taisha, ran into the Narugami Taisha with the girl he picked up on the road, and looked up and shouted at Lei Dianying.

"Sister Ying, you must be careful!"

Before Lei Dianying could respond, a divine power broke through from the sky and flew down, removing Ayuan's arm alive.

And the Heart of God on his waist was also crushed into pieces.

The voice sounded softly, with strong ridicule and disdain, "The child's nonsense."

Ayuan's arms flew out of his body, blood splattered all over the ground, dyeing the snow into red silk.

Ayuan groaned, gritted his teeth and leaned against the tree, trembling with pale lips and continued to shout.

"Sister Ying, Ayuan is fine, don't be distracted!"

The divine power is rapidly eroding Ayuan's heart, causing his blood to flow out rapidly, viciously depriving him of the remaining life.

Not far away, Kamisato Ayato, who was using elemental power to resist the fireball, strode to Ayuan, bandaged his wounds with a quick movement, and fed him medicine.

While repelling the fireball, he repeatedly said to Ayuan: "Hold on! Don't sleep! Don't sleep!"

"Uncle. Brother Ayato, save uncle!" Lei Dian Shuo ran out from nowhere and lay on Ayuan's body crying.

Lei Dian was completely angry and flew into the sky and entangled with the clouds.

"Uncle is fine, Shuo'er, don't cry." Ayuan smiled with difficulty and looked up at Kamisato Ayato, "Can you help me up?"

Kamisato Ayato nodded, put away the long sword in his hand, locked Ayuan's waist with both hands, and brought him up.

Ayuan's blood donation dyed Kamisato Ayato's sleeves red and dyed the hearts of the people in the courtyard red.An old lady in the courtyard said distressedly, "Young man, go into the hall and hide. The general will protect us and bless us."

"Our gods will bless us."

"Thank you, grandma." Ayuan turned around and chuckled, "shaking his body, stumbling towards the sacred cherry tree."

Before Kamisato Ayato could speak, he heard the young man in front of him chanting some spells that he couldn't even understand.

Before Kamisato Ayato could react, the sacred cherry tree in front of him shook violently.

The pink and purple petals floated into the wound on the boy's shoulder, solidifying his leaking blood.

And a layer of purple-gold shield suddenly rose above the head of Narukami Taisha.

All disasters were blocked outside.

Kamisato Ayahua in the distance stopped her hand and looked at the magical boy with a tired face.

As the defense of the shield gradually increased.

Ayuan's mental power was seriously overdrawn, and the whole person fell to the ground as if he had fallen apart.

"Uncle, wuwuwu..." Lei Dianshuo burst into tears, causing everyone to burst into tears.

Although the people were safe, the situation in the sky did not improve much.

By the time Gu Yihan and Zhongli arrived, Lei Dianying had already become a puppet in the sky.

She stood in the red sky with a white-haired girl, and there was no joy or anger in her purple eyes.

"Ying..." Gu Yihan's heart skipped a beat, and he flew towards Lei Dianying with a long sword in his hand.

Zhongli also rushed to Mingshen Taisha and hugged the unconscious Ayuan in his arms.

"Your arm..." Seeing Ayuan's painful appearance, Zhongli's heart was almost broken.

But he had no choice, he could only watch.

A Yuan resisted Zhong Li's concern, kneeled on the ground and stood up, "Don't worry about me, hurry up, help them!"

"Help my brother, Zhong Li, hurry up, help my brother."

Zhong Li hurriedly comforted, "Okay, okay, don't get excited, I'll go help them."

But Zhong Li just stood up, before he could take a step, he was nailed to the spot by an inexplicable pressure.

Not only did he not move, but he was also deprived of his right to speak.

Zhong Li has always known that the strength of the Heavenly Justice Maintainer is superior to the Seven Gods.

But he didn't expect her to be so powerful that it was so frightening.

Can Lei Dianying and Gu Yihan really get away unscathed?

How can he get rid of this endless oppression?

Seeing Zhong Li carrying him motionless, A Yuan was anxious.

I thought that Brother Zhong Li, who cares about the world, was worried about the people here.

He quickly said, "Brother Zhongli, go help my brother quickly. Leave all the people here to me. I have the ability to protect them!"

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