Before Gu Yihan had the chance to talk to Lei Dianying, she marked him with Thunder Punishment and the Eye of Evil.

A large range of thunder elements hit Gu Yihan from the direction of Lei Dianying, forcing him to retreat again and again.

Gu Yihan quickly dodged, but he was still unwilling to fight with his wife, "Ying! Wake up! It's me, Gu Yihan!"

[Host, the general has been controlled! ]

[It's hard for her to escape unscathed whether she fights or not. ]

[Host, you have to be careful, maybe the general has already...]

The voice of the little camel sounded in Gu Yihan's mind.

But he didn't dare to come out, for fear that the maintainer of justice would find out that it still exists in this world.

"Shut up!" Gu Yihan almost roared out these two short words.

Gu Yihan resisted Lei Dianying's fierce attack while mocking at will.

"The guardian of justice? Ha, you let Ying deal with me, is that all you can do?"

"Look carefully, I am the outsider, I broke the Heart of God, and they have nothing to do with it!"

"How dare you!" An angry voice came from the sky, and a powerful pressure came down, shaking the mountains and rivers.

The shield above the Mingshen Grand Shrine was unsealed, and the aftermath of the divine power swept across the shrine, bringing everyone's soul into an endless nightmare.

The crying stopped, the shouting disappeared... Most people were as quiet as if they were asleep.

Only Ayuan, Zhongli and a few others were still awake.

Gu Yihan was shocked back several hundred meters. When he stabilized his body and looked at Lei Dianying again, Lei Dianying actually walked towards him with a smile.

Purple eyes were full of affection, "Yihan, I..."

"Get behind me." Gu Yihan protected Lei Dianying behind him, and his heart, which had been hanging, finally let go.

He didn't ask for anything, he didn't want anything, he just wanted his lover to be safe and happy.

Now that Lei Dianying was by his side, he could finally give it a go without any scruples.

What heavenly principles, what maintainers, what laws, he didn't care about at all.

"You go back and take care of the children, leave this to me..."

Before Gu Yihan finished speaking, a naginata with thunder elements stabbed into his chest from behind.

"Those who disobey should be killed without mercy." Lei Dianying said with a cold expression, and drew out his long sword with a sharp movement and flew into the sky.

After the long sword was drawn, Gu Yihan retreated several steps by inertia, and purple blood with five elements leaked out of his wound.

"Don't go..." Before Gu Yihan could stop him, Lei Dianying had already flown far away.

However, just when she flew halfway, a powerful white light came down from the sky and pierced her body mercilessly.

Her body instantly turned into nothingness.

At the moment when Lei Yingying fell, the sacred cherry tree of Narukami Taisha sang a sad song.

The pouring power of the thunder element swept across the entire Inazuma.

The divine punishment stopped, and the thunderstorm rolled.

Three thousand creatures destroyed themselves and died, and the mountains and rivers collapsed...

"No!!!" Gu Yihan flew up and reached out to catch Lei Yingying's soul that was about to dissipate, but only caught a naginata, only lifted a handful of ashes, and only caught a few pieces of falling snow.

Gu Yihan almost collapsed and cried, his heart seemed to be cut out of his chest and thrown into the depths of the glacier.

"No!! This is impossible, how can this be possible!!!!"

"Why don't you hide behind me! Why are you!! "

Gu Yihan roared, spit out a mouthful of blood, fell from mid-air, and hit the ground heavily.

Gu Yihan curled up on the ground, holding the naginata in his arms and crying desperately.

He kissed the back of the blade, and big tears dripped onto the blade, spilling blood.

He cried with a trembling voice, "How could I lose you? I can't lose you."

"I am your baby, you know..."

"But without you, without can I live alone..."

The huge waves rushed in Zhongli's chest. He clenched his fists and made a creaking sound, but was still sealed in place and unable to move.

Ayuan, who seized his vitality to protect everyone, had his legs shattered by the fall of Lei Dianying.

At this moment, he was lying at his feet crying, and the blood on his arms once again dyed the ground frozen with thin ice red.

"Mr. Zhongli, please save them!"

"Sister Ying's power has not recovered yet. She can't even beat the doctor, how can she be a match for Tianli?"

"I beg you to save my brother, save them!"

Ayuan moved his body with difficulty, lying on the ground like a poor maggot, shaking his tail and begging for mercy.

He cried so sadly and shouted so desperately.

But the man standing in front of himNot moved at all.

A Yuan didn't want to give up the last bit of hope. He twisted his body and knelt down to Zhong Li, regardless of the pain in his body.

People are like this. As long as there is even a little hope, he will not choose to give up.

"Lord Yan Wangdijun, I know you are a god, I know you are a good god, if you save them, I am willing to give you all the wealth in the world!"

A Yuan knocked his head so hard that he didn't even know when his forehead was broken.

"I am a waste. I can't help my brother. I have no ability, but you are different. I will give you my life. Save them..."

Zhong Li wanted to speak, but he still couldn't make any sound.

The sky shook again, and the white light imprisoned Gu Yihan on the mountain facing Ming Shen Taisha.

The curse of heaven was coming down on him, an outsider.

Gu Yihan took off his clothes and wrapped the knife, and then gently kissed his clothes, and then said in a hoarse voice.

"Don't go too far, wait for me."

Gu Yihan had just come to his senses when Gu Yingchen flew over from the hillside across the street.

He didn't have the Eye of God, so he couldn't see the white light that enveloped Gu Yihan.

He only saw his father sitting there quietly, sitting there quietly alone...

"Dad!" Gu Yingchen was a little excited and a little sad. He couldn't find his mother or his sister.

He was dragged out of the Mingshen Shrine by a mysterious force. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't find the way back.

Little Yingchen was flying unsteadily, like a newly formed fledgling, being ruthlessly ravaged by the wild wind.

"Dad, Dad, I'm scared..."

"Don't come over!!" Gu Yihan quickly got up to pick up his son, but he missed the second before he touched his son.

Gu Yingchen disappeared the moment he touched the white light.

He didn't even have time to make a sound.

Nothing is left, nothing is left...

"Son!!" Gu Yihan fell to his knees with a plop, his fair face turning pale.

The scarlet blood dyed the white veil covering his eyes red, and Gu Yihan laughed like a madman.

He had never hated as much as he did at this moment in his life!

He had never wanted to kill as much as he did at this moment!

He hated it so much!

He hated this broken world, and the laws of the sky!

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