The two girls had the same aura as the Great Kindness Tree King in Xumi back then, so their relationship should have been quite close. However, according to his understanding, there was only one Little Auspicious Grass King in Xumi, so why were there two? At this time, Zhongli was full of doubts. It seemed that many things that he didn't know must have happened in the past 500 years. "My name is Lin Yudie, the demon god is Agares, the daughter of the Great Compassion Tree King, and this is my sister, the current grass god of Xumi, Buyer..."

"Hello, Senior Rock King, my name is Nashida~" Nashida poked her head out from behind her sister and greeted Zhongli with a smile.

At the same time, she was still eating Zaoye honey in her mouth. She felt that this Zaoye honey made by magic seemed to be much more delicious than the ordinary Zaoye honey in Xumi City.

I don't know if it was her own illusion, or if it was really better than the ordinary Zaoye honey...

"I have decided to step down from the position of Rock God. You can just call me Zhongli. Now I am no longer the Rock God Morax." Zhongli looked at the girl in front of him and said slowly, and there seemed to be some vicissitudes in his eyes.

However, he was very happy to see the two daughters of the old friend in Xumi at this time. It seemed that the old friend should be fine.

After hearing Zhongli's words, Lin Yudie frowned at first, but soon relaxed again, because she could feel that the Heart of God was still in Zhongli's body.

In other words, he might not have signed a contract with the Ice Queen yet!

"Ah? Why do you want to abdicate?" Nashida looked at the most ancient god in front of her with some confusion.

"Because, in today's Liyue, the era of divine rule has passed, and it's time to welcome the next era."

"The next era, what is that?" Nashida looked at Zhongli with some confusion.

"It's the era of human rule." Zhongli said slowly.

"Even the hardest rock will wear out under the erosion of time, but I have always convinced myself that the day when the wear and tear will crack has not yet come."

"Until one rainy day, I was walking in the port and heard a merchant praising his subordinates, you have completed your duties, now, go and rest."

"At that time, I stopped for a long time among the people coming and going, and kept asking myself in my heart, have I completed my duties?"


Perhaps because he was happy to see the two daughters of his old friend, or because it was rare to have two people to talk to, Zhongli told the two sisters a lot of things.

And Nashida, very rarely put away her playful heart, and listened carefully to the story of the oldest god among the seven gods.

She felt that she seemed to have learned a lot of new knowledge today, which were all things that a qualified god should have.

As for Lin Yudie, she seemed to be lacking interest. She sat aside with one hand supporting her cheek, looking at her sister, and then looking at Zhongli, with a smile on her lips.

"If I let Zhongli teach my sister, can she take some time off? Can I go to Liyue Harbor to find Gan and Ke, or Yaoyao?"

Lin Yudie's eyes were rolling. The more she thought about it, the more she felt that her plan was feasible. Should she sign a contract with him later?

After all, this Rock King is older than her mother. Maybe he can't compare with her mother who manages the World Tree in terms of knowledge reserves, but his knowledge is definitely very broad, especially the experience of managing the country.

As for taking care of children, he should also know how to do it.

"By the way, after saying so much, I don't know why you two came to Liyue this time?"

"I don't know how your mother is doing recently. I haven't seen her for hundreds of years since the Seven Gods Gathering." Zhongli asked the two girls in front of him.

After all, the gods nowadays will not easily leave their own land except for special times like the Seven Gods Gathering.

Now, when he saw the two sisters coming to him so alone, Zhongli realized that something big might have happened in Xumi.

Need my help.

"This... Sister, you should tell me." Nashida looked at her sister who was playing alone.

After all, her sister knew more about her mother and what happened in the past 500 years than she did.

Hearing this, Lin Yudie also put away her playful heart and put away her green swing.

"This is what happened, Zhongli, you should still remember Kanreya 500 years ago."

"Well, yes, in that battle, your mother was guarding the World Tree and did not participate in the battle with the abyss. Has she escaped now?"

"No, on the contrary, her current situation is very bad..."

Lin Yudie shook her head, and then she told Zhongli everything that happened in the World Tree in the past 500 years, as well as her mother's current situation.

"The Great Compassion Tree King... suffered this disaster..." After listening to the girl's story, Zhongli had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

At the same time, he also had a hint of the answer to the sisters' purpose.

"Hey, Zhongli, there are a few things that are not convenient to say now, so I can only transmit them through voice transmission."

At this moment, Zhongli suddenly received Lin Yudie's divine power transmission in his mind.

"Oh? What's the matter?" Zhongli also asked through voice transmission.

"After my mother was contaminated by the forbidden knowledge, my sister was imprisoned by the people of the Order for 500 years because she had no power. I was rescued recently.

"And now, under the leadership of the Fatui, they plan to create a new god..."

"This is their god-making plan, you can take a look." Then he handed a light green crystal to Zhongli.

After all, his sister is right next to him. It's not the time to tell her about this god-making plan. Let's wait until she grows up.

"What! The Great Compassion Tree King made such a great sacrifice for them and for the entire Teyvat, but his daughter was treated like this. How dare they... How dare they do this! "

After listening to Lin Yudie's words, Zhongli's temper, which had not been ignited for a long time, suddenly flared up, and he almost took Guan Hong to find the Church Order.

What made him most angry was that the Fatui were actually leading this. He couldn't help but doubt whether the contract he signed with the Ice Queen was really correct?

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