The old man was very angry.

"Zhongli, the Fatui have done more good things than this. Here, this is what happened 500 years ago when Inazuma stepped on the sand. I extracted it from the World Tree. You should be able to tell the truth from the false."

After seeing Zhongli calm down a little, Lin Yudie continued to transmit the message.

Then, she handed over a light green crystal. Zhongli took it and opened it, and began to check the information inside.

"This... killed so many knife makers just to win over a puppet for his own use?" Zhongli frowned after reading it.

The demon gods all love people. Although these Inazuma knife makers are not his people, Zhongli still feels uncomfortable when he sees this scene.

What happened in front of him once again shook Zhongli's faith. Could it be that the Fatui have always done things this way?

He planned to ask the Seven Stars and the Immortals to check whether the Fatui had done similar things in Liyue.

Although the Fatui in Liyue would not do anything exaggerated with him, they kept making small moves.


At this time, Zhongli was controlling his rock pillar to fly in the air, while Lin Yudie was holding her sister and playing on the rock pillar.

Looking at the two children playing happily behind him, Zhongli's face was a little helpless. He felt that he had to start taking care of children again, just like Hu Tao.

Nashida was fine as a child, but Lin Yudie was different. When he first met her.

She gave Zhongli the impression of being gentle, virtuous, intelligent, and well-educated, just like her mother.

However, as the two of them gradually opened up and became familiar with each other, the girl's true nature seemed to be exposed.

Just like just now, when he saw that it was getting late, he proposed that they go to Liyue Harbor to stay temporarily, and the two sisters agreed.

However, at this time, Lin Yudie wanted to see her rock pillar, and then there was this scene...

If nothing else, this temperament is completely no different from Hu Tao's child, and it is also the type that he is least good at dealing with!

"Let these two children have some fun." Zhongli looked at the two children behind him, thought of everything that happened to them, and sighed slightly.

"By the way, children, have you found a way to save the Great Compassion Tree King? Do you need my help?" Zhongli asked the two sisters behind him.

He planned to continue the topic that he had not finished just now.

"I have found it. It takes seven God's Hearts to purify the forbidden knowledge in my mother." Lin Yudie restrained her smile and spoke slightly.

In the previous life, if you just want to delete your mother from the World Tree, you only need one Heart of the Grass God, just like Nashida in the plot.

But Lin Yudie doesn't plan to tell this method now.

After saying this, Lin Yudie was very nervous. She was betting that Zhongli had not signed the contract of the Heart of the God with the Ice Queen.

After all, if the Ice Queen has signed a contract with Zhongli now, it means that it is absolutely impossible for her to get the Heart of the Rock God through peaceful means.

The only way is to snatch it directly from the hands of the Fatui after the transaction between the two parties is completed.

"Do you need seven God's Hearts? That's right, after all, it is the power from the abyss. Only by fusing the seven elements together can it be completely purified..."

But soon, Zhongli changed the subject and looked at the two sisters with a look of embarrassment, "But I'm sorry, children, before this, I signed a contract with the Queen of Ice at the cost of the Heart of the Rock God..."

Hearing this, Lin Yudie's heart was not much ripples, after all, this was something she had expected a long time ago, it was nothing more than waiting for some time, and then taking action to snatch it.

Anyway, the only ones who were carrying out the mission in Liyue were the two executives, Mr. and Ms., who were almost at the bottom of the strength, so there was no need to worry about anything.

Besides, with his current strength, plus the Void Wanzang, even if his eleven executives came together, what could they do? At worst, they would all be killed!

After all, although Void Manzang now uses elemental power and is not as powerful as before, she still has Honkai energy in her body, and she can use it again at any time if she wants!

At the same time

, after hearing Zhongli's words, for some reason, she seemed to feel a little relieved.

After all, if she really followed the requirements of the contract and played the villain in Liyue, and did something like releasing the demon god Osel, thereby implicated innocent people, she really couldn't do it.

If she didn't do this, she wouldn't meet Zhongli's requirement to test the people of Liyue.

Therefore, it would be better to leave this kind of thing to the Fatui. She is good at killing Fatui.

However, unlike Lin Yudie, Nashida seemed very anxious after hearing Zhongli's words, "Then... that means, the Heart of the Rock God can't be obtained, then mother... mother..."

"Sister... sister... what should I do..."

Speaking of this, Nashida has shed tears. After all, in Nashida's heart, if the Heart of the Rock God can't be obtained, then her mother can't be saved.

"Nashida, don't cry, there will be a way. No matter when and where, sister will be by your side."

Lin Yudie hugged her sister tightly, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart. She still needs more training.

After hearing this, Zhongli looked at her with some approval. This child has a good character.

Then, he immediately said: "Don't worry, child, although the establishment of the contract cannot be changed, things outside the contract can be changed."

"When the contract is completed, the Heart of God appears in the hands of the Fatui, then everything has nothing to do with me."

"Ah? Can it be like this? That means that mom can still be saved, right?" After hearing this, Nashida had a slight smile on her face.

"Yes, so Nashida should remember that as the God of Wisdom, you must think calmly at all times, and you must not listen only halfway!"

Zhongli still controlled his rock pillar to fly quickly, and soon he was approaching Liyue Port. Seeing the prosperous city in front of him, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, his old friend did not see him flying on the rock pillar, otherwise it would be another wear and tear.

"Wow, sister, is this Liyue Port? It's so beautiful, even more prosperous than Omos Port." Nashida jumped off the rock pillar and said happily as she looked at the city in front of her.

"Sure enough, reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Although you can learn about Liyue Port from the void and the world tree, it is far less real than seeing it with your own eyes."

"Sister, let's go in and play for a while. I heard that Liyue Port has beautiful sky lanterns, as well as the Sea Lantern Festival, the Moon Chasing Festival and many delicious foods!"

Nashida pulled her sister excitedly.

"Hey, Nashida, slow down, shouldn't we find a local to be our guide first?"

"Ah? That seems right, then..." Nashida looked at Zhongli who was not far away.

"Haha, since you have some free time, I'll accompany you on this journey." Zhongli smiled as he looked at the two children in front of him.

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