The scene continued on the screen.

Tanjiro had already understood that there was another ghost controlling the handball.

It was probably the arrow ghost who showed up at the beginning and then went to the woods.

One of them must be dealt with...

While Tanjiro was thinking, Nezuko had sent the woman who was affected before to a safe basement, then walked out and stood beside Tanjiro.

"Nezuko! Go deal with the ghost hiding in the woods!"

Tanjiro said.

Only by letting Nezuko delay the arrow of that ghost, he could directly kill the female ghost of the handball, and then free his hands to deal with the arrow ghost!

Nezuko bit the bamboo tube, nodded seriously, and then walked towards the forest.

In this way, Tanjiro's opponent was only the handball girl ghost!

"San no katana - Flowing Dance!"

Tanjiro's knife did not stop for a moment.

As he used this move, the handball girl ghost's arm broke!

Only six broken arms were left, and blood was gushing out of her body.

However, the handball girl seemed to feel no pain at all.

Looking at Tanjiro, she smiled sinisterly.

Tanjiro retreated after one blow, looking at the handball girl ghost in front of him, his eyes full of determination:

"Ms. Tamayo, are these two ghosts very close to Muzan?"

Ms. Tamayo said not long ago that only if he collected the blood of ghosts close to Muzan as much as possible, she would be able to develop a method to turn Nezuko back into a human!

When the strength of the handball ghost girl in front of him exceeded his cognition, he immediately realized:

The opportunity to collect blood has come!!!

After getting a positive answer from Miss Tamayo, Tanjiro looked at the handball ghost girl with a determined look.

In order to restore his sister Nezuko to become a human...

This handball ghost girl must die!

One man and one ghost, they fought a few more moves.

Then, suddenly, a thin girl was thrown from the woods to Tanjiro's feet.

When he saw the person under his feet, Tanjiro's breathing stagnated:

The person who was thrown out was Nezuko who had just listened to him and entered the woods to delay the arrow ghost!


The Abyss Cult.

Sora's face was already gloomy.

But at least he controlled his temper.

After all, he also knew that it was wrong to let the innocent Abyss Master suffer because of these.

But seeing this scene, he couldn't help but pat the armrest of his throne.

"Okay, okay! Ye Yan! This is how you treat my sister!"

Not only did he fail to fulfill his brother's duty and let Nezuko become a ghost, but he also put Nezuko in such a dangerous situation!

Just at that moment, he was afraid that Nezuko would die!

This Ye Yan, really deserves to die! ! !


On the screen.

Tanjiro looked at Nezuko who was thrown at his feet, and couldn't help but worry.

How could this happen?

How is Nezuko? Is she injured?

At the same time, the handball ghost saw this and laughed sinisterly:

"Hehehe, come on, you two die together!"

The moment she finished speaking, the six arms that were cut off by Tanjiro instantly grew out again!

This speed is faster than Tanjiro imagined!

Moreover, before they had any reaction, the handball was thrown over by the ghost again!


In order to avoid, Tanjiro threw Nezuko to the open space beside him.

Smoke and dust flew.

After the smoke dissipated, the handball girl's attack was aimed at them again!

"You go and kill the arrowhead ghost first, and we and your sister will deal with this ball girl!"

Yushiro saw that the battle was tense and even his group was at a disadvantage, so he immediately said.

Tanjiro nodded immediately:

"I understand!"

In this situation, one of the two ghosts must be killed first.

Otherwise, his group can only passively take the beating!

However, Nezuko was not by his side, and Tanjiro was still a little worried.

He had to remind her:

"You, Bean, don't force yourself!"

He will definitely solve the arrowhead ghost quickly!


"What a dirty child..."

The arrowhead ghost saw Tanjiro rushing over with a knife and sneered coldly.

Then, he raised his left hand slightly.


Several arrows appeared under his feet.

Moreover, the most bizarre thing was that after the arrows appeared, Tanjiro's body actually moved in the direction of the arrows!

He could actually control the direction of Tanjiro's body movement!

Tanjiro's sword missed, and then he was thrown into the sky by the irresistible arrows!

A second before he fell to the ground, he used sword skills to ease the impact.

In this way, although he was thrown to the ground from a high altitude, he was relieved and did not suffer too much injury.

On the other side.

Nezuko, Tamayo, and Yushiro faced the handball ghost.

Yushiro rushed quickly, and then his figure was invisible directly, and a look of surprise appeared on the face of the handball ghost.

"I will never allow you to hurt Lord Tamayo!"

Yushiro said angrily.

However, this made the arrow ghost even more excited:

"Tamayo? Isn't the one over there Tamayo, who is the [Escaper]? It's just right to take her back as a gift to Master Muzan!"

The handball ghost laughed "hehehe" and threw the handball in six directions.

Tamayo, Yushiro, and Nezuko were all targeted.

"Does that mean we need to take four heads back?"

The handball ghost's eyes showed an eager light.

Killing four people at the same time... is really a wonderful thing!

Nezuko looked at the handball that was attacking her and kicked it without thinking.

"Don't kick!"

Tamayo stopped loudly, but it was too late!

The moment Nezuko's calf touched the handball, the handball was like an extremely sharp blade, directly sawing off Nezuko's calf!


While running fiercely, Nezuko suddenly lost her right foot and fell down.

While she was still confused by her right foot, the handball ghost laughed “hahaha” and kicked Nezuko back to the damaged house in front.


[Paimon]: Hiss… It looks so painful! Traveler, is your right foot okay?

[Ying]: Maybe, that was my previous life, and my right foot is still intact now? And Paimon, even if I lost my right foot in my previous life, I am a ghost, so I can recover!

[Paimon]: Eh? Forgot about it~

[Kaeya]: It seems that the traveler suffered a lot in his previous life…


The Abyss Cult.

Seeing on the screen, Nezuko’s right foot was cut off.

Sora’s breathing paused for a moment.

His heart was suddenly grabbed, and it trembled with pain.

Ye Yan, this guy... actually put his sister in such a dangerous situation!

When has Ying ever suffered such a hardship when she was with him?

After being with him and becoming a ghost, now even her right leg is broken!

How painful it must have been for her at that time...

Kong's eyes were full of tears.

No, he couldn't bear it anymore.

No matter what, he had to go out and see Ying.

Only when he saw that she was safe now, he could feel relieved!!!

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