At this moment, Ye Yan was in Momang Palace, sipping his wine, and watching the screen in the sky with Funina.

That is to say... he suddenly found that from a third-party perspective, his experience in his previous life was quite interesting.

No wonder those people put down their work and watched the screen.

"Ye Yan, interview, what did you feel when you found Nezuko was left outside?"

Funina cleared her throat, holding the ice cream in her hand, and raised it to Ye Yan's mouth as if it were a microphone.

It seems that she often imitates Charlotte.

Ye Yan looked at Funina, chuckled, and swallowed the "microphone" at his mouth.

"(Crunch, chew, chew)... I don't feel anything... (Crunch, chew, chew) It's a bit cold... (Crunch, chew, chew)"

Fu Nina stared blankly at the ice cream in her hand that Ye Yan had taken a big bite of, and was stunned for two seconds.

Then she said angrily:

"Ye Yan! You stole my food again!"

How many times, how many times!

Tanjiro in the previous life was so gentle, kind and cute, how could Ye Yan in this life be so bad!

Humph! She will order that Ye Yan is forbidden to come to Mo Mang Palace for dinner again! ! !


Seeing that the position of her group in the house has changed.

Zenitsu squatted down in fear and cried out:

"Wuwuwu... Tanjiro, I must be dying soon! Wuwuwu! I'm not married yet! It's all your fault!"

Then, when he stood up, he bumped into the little girl.

Tanjiro quickly supported the little girl.

The two of them stood to one side.

At this moment, the drum sounded again.

The four of them were immediately divided into two rooms!

Tanjiro and the little girl, Zenitsu and the little boy.

Faced with this situation, Tanjiro was very calm and quickly comforted the little girl.

However, they won the jackpot right at the beginning:

The ghost who controlled the drum sound passed by the door of their room!


On the screen, the scene changed.

Zenitsu was even more scared when he saw himself and Tanjiro separated.

He even hid behind the little boy and cried loudly.

"Ahhhh!!! I will definitely die! Now even Tanjiro is missing! I will definitely die!"

At this time, the boy was also calling out to his sister:

"Teruko! Teruko! Teruko!"

Zenitsu quickly grabbed him and said in horror:

"No, no, no! Shouting will attract ghosts! Let's go outside first!"

However, the little boy frowned and said maturely:

"Why do we have to go outside?"

"Aren't you ashamed to keep saying you want to die?"

"Aren't you embarrassed to grab someone younger than you?"

"What is the purpose of the knife hanging on your waist?"

A series of questions directly threw Zenitsu's face to the ground and stepped on it several times.

Zenitsu was almost vomiting blood.

After all, it was a little kid who was talking to him!

"No! I went to find an adult because I was useless!"

Zenitsu saw that he couldn't convince the child, so he pulled the child away forcefully.

If he stayed any longer, he really felt that he would die!

It's better to leave scary things like ghosts to Tanjiro! He is so powerful, he will definitely be able to solve it!

However, after he opened the door, what appeared in front of him was not the entrance he came in, but another room.

"No way, no way, no way! This is clearly a entrance!"

He didn't believe it and opened it again!

And this time, the man who appeared in front of him was a man wearing a wild boar mask.

He was shirtless, and his muscles were obvious.

The mask on his head was realistic, and at first glance Zenitsu thought he saw a wild boar-shaped ghost.

And on the screen, next to this person, the identity of this person was printed:

Dartaria (Yin Nosuke)


Extraordinary chat group.

[Dartaria]: What! How can I look like that! ! ! How is this possible!

[Wendy]: Hahaha, compared to your past life, I look much more normal!

[Paimon]: Hey! Although the wild boar is very abnormal, no one would think that such a timid man is normal, right? Moreover, how did you pass the final trial in your past life!

[Wendy]: How should I know? I have no memory of my past life!

[Funina]: According to my experience,

People like Zenitsu usually have a very strong and bold personality!

Don't think he is so scared now, it's just that his other powerful personality has not appeared.

[Elhaisen]: Personality... It's hard to explain. After all, even if there is another personality, they share the same body. This timid Zenitsu is so sensitive, there is no reason why he can't find it.

[Funina]: I have read more novels than you have read! Believe it or not.

[Lisa]: ... Friendly reminder to this Fontaine god, Elhaisen is my junior, Xumi's genius student...

[Funina]: So what!


Seeing that Funina said such a sentence, Ye Yan grabbed Funina's hand that continued to provoke, and then coughed twice:

"Ahem... What kind of molecular type are the books that Elhaisen reads every day? Preliminary estimation, it is about this thick."

Ye Yan stretched out his hand and compared.

Funina blinked and wanted to retract her words.

However, the two minutes were up and she could not retract them.

"... I have read so many novels. How could he, a human being, read more than me!"

Funina said with all her might.

Ye Yan chuckled and nodded but said nothing.

Although Funina's "I have read more novels than you have read books" was a bit exaggerated, her inference was still very correct.

To be honest, it seems that every time Funina makes a guess, she can get something close to it!

Whether it is the usual case trial or something else.

Could it be that she has some metaphysics in her?


At this moment.

An alarm sounded outside Fontaine.

A large number of guards rushed out.

"What happened?"

Funina saw Meilushin running in in a panic to convey the message to her, and asked hurriedly.

"Sir Funina, Sir Vilet said that there is an emergency outside, and you must stay with Sir Ye Yan no matter what!"

Then Meilushin looked at Ye Yan and said:

"Sir Ye Yan, Sir Vilet said that you should help take care of Sir Funina. He will go to deal with the emergency outside and will be back soon!"

"What a joke, do I still need him to take care of me?"

Funina snorted, but stayed behind Ye Yan obediently.

At this time, Ye Yan looked calm and calm:

"It's just to lure the tiger away from the mountain..."

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