The two of them were so excited that they were so excited.

"Breathing of the Sun?"

Tanjiro asked everyone's question.

"What are you talking about?"

However, what responded to him was not the explanation of Chijuro's father, but the wine jar that fell to the ground and the right hand that attacked quickly!

Before Tanjiro could react, he was already caught on the ground by this man.

"So fast, this skill is definitely not that of an ordinary person!"

Tanjiro's current strength has improved a lot.

But under this man, he had no chance to fight back, not even to resist.

"Father, stop it! Look at his face, his physical condition is very poor!"

Chijuro saw this scene and anxiously pulled one of his father's hands.

However, this dissuasion not only failed to stop his father, but was thrown several meters away with his father's "nagging".

Seeing this scene, Tanjiro could no longer suppress his anger.

He fought back fiercely, and Senjuro's father was accidentally freed by Tanjiro.

"Have you had enough of the trouble! You beast!"

"What have you been doing just now? Insulting your dead child and beating the child, what do you mean?"

Facing Tanjiro's questioning, Senjuro's father had a strange brain circuit:

"You kid...are you happy to see our jokes?"

"Why do you think so? I don't understand what you mean! You are looking for trouble!"

Tanjiro said angrily.

Now Tanjiro looks very angry.

Even the honorific "you" is not used, all replaced by "you".

"Because you are the user of Sun Breathing! I know your earrings!

The earliest breathing method, the strongest divine skill! All breathing is derived from Sun Breathing! All breathing is just the aftermath of Sun Breathing! They are all poor breathing methods that cannot be imitated!"

Chijuro's father looked at Tanjiro, as if he was more excited than Tanjiro.

It seems that in his mouth, as long as you learn Sun Breathing, you can be invincible in the world, and you don't have to worry about the enemy being stronger than you!

But his words made Tanjiro fall into deep thought.

"What Sun Breathing? What does it mean? I have been a charcoal burner for generations, and there is a family tree to prove it... Sun Breathing, the God of Fire Kagura..."

"Even if you are the user of Sun Breathing, don't get carried away! Brat!"

Chijuro's father continued to output.

And these words hit his heart like nails:

"Why did I get carried away? Do you know how much I am hurt by my weakness? You... stinky old man!!!

Don't say bad things about Mr. Rengoku!!!"

Tanjiro's attitude also angered Chijuro's father.

Chijuro shouted to stop him:

"Danger! Father! He used to be a pillar!"

However, it was too late!

Between the sparks of electric carbide, Tanjiro was forced to fight with Chijuro's father.

And the so-called battle was actually just a one-sided beating.

One punch!

Tanjiro was hit hard on the head by Chijuro's father.

At the moment of falling down, Tanjiro was still thinking:

"If the Sun Breathing is the God of Fire Kagura... why didn't I save the Flame Pillar at that time..."

One punch.


Another punch.


After being hit several times by Senjuro's father, Tanjiro started to fight back.

A fierce headbutt!

Tanjiro and Senjuro's father fell to the ground together due to inertia.

Tanjiro's eyes went black and he passed out.


Seeing this scene, everyone started to get nervous again.

"I just wanted to see Tanjiro smash that bug with his strongest head, but after seeing it, I started to feel sorry for Tanjiro. Why?"

"It's normal... After all, Tanjiro's injuries haven't healed yet. This time, he must be seriously injured again!"

"Don't blame Tanjiro, it's really that Senjuro's father is so annoying! I really can't understand how Kyojuro and Senjuro can have such a father!"

"Did their father suffer a big blow? Most likely it was the blow from the Sun Breathing! Otherwise, he wouldn't be so stressed!"

"Senjuro: I don't know who to worry about for a while..."

"It's obviously sad, but I can't help but laugh, worthy of being the head pillar Tanjiro!"

"Headbutt, reduce the hit rate, increase the power!"


After Tanjiro woke up, he realized what he had done before.

Even though he was invited into the room by Chijuro, he kept his head down and said guiltily:

"I've caused trouble..."

Chijuro handed over a cup of steaming tea.

"I'm sorry that I can't do it..."

Tanjiro bowed to express his apology.

Chijuro was moved, with tears in his eyes:

"You don't have to blame yourself for this... Brother must have said the same thing!"

Speaking of his brother, Chijuro's tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

After that, he took out a booklet from his arms.

"I roughly know what book my father often reads, it should be this one..."

"Thank you very much!"

"I wonder if it contains what you want to know..."

As Chijuro was talking, Tanjiro opened the book.

He flipped the pages gently and found the most crucial page.

Unfortunately, these pages had been torn off.

Seeing this, Tanjiro and Kyojuro were shocked.

"This... this is..."

"No, it's impossible! The books of the Flame Pillars of all generations are carefully kept... I'm afraid it was torn up by my father..."

Even if Senjuro didn't want to guess, he had to doubt his father.

After all, only his father had such a motive.

"I'm so sorry..."

Tanjiro looked at the boy in front of him and comforted him:

"No, it's not your fault, please don't blame yourself..."


"Tanjiro: It's the world that's wrong! Not you, Senjuro!"

"Damn it, why did they tear up the book for no reason!"

"Maybe that bastard didn't want Tanjiro to know about the wandering..."

"Hey, then Tanjiro's trip was in vain."

"What happened before? Tanjiro didn't come here just for this! It's more important to tell his elder brother's last words!"

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