The food was very delicious, but the taste was good.

Ye Yan, who was far away in Mond, seemed to have a chill behind him, always feeling that someone was watching him.

"Eat well, drink well, and have no worries."

Yi Fanzhang brought up the food he had prepared.

He grinned and smiled at Ye Yan.

"Not bad, I didn't expect you to have this skill."

Ye Yan tasted it and it tasted really good.

He praised it.

Who knew that this sentence actually gave Yi Fanzhang a sense of professional honor:

"Thank you for your trust, boss! From now on, I will continue to work hard to take better care of your three meals a day!"

Yi Fanzhang was really touched.

Last time, the prince came and saw me following the boss, but he didn't say anything and just ignored me.

You know, in the Abyss Cult, betraying the prince is one of the ten major crimes.

You will be dragged out and beheaded, and your family will be implicated.

Unexpectedly, the prince acted as if he didn't see me.

Although he is now wearing the clothes of an ordinary person on the mainland, the physical appearance and important features of the Abyss Mage cannot be concealed at all.

Therefore, it is impossible for the prince not to recognize that he was once an Abyss Mage.

Yi Fanzhang thought of this and said excitedly:

"Boss, you eat first, I'll go cook two more dishes!"

Who among the family members understands this feeling.

I jumped from the former boss to the new boss, and the former boss became the new boss's adopted son.

It has to be the boss!

I'm crazy about the boss, crazy about the boss, and I'm banging my head against the wall for the boss!

Just as Yi Fanzhang was busy cooking two more dishes, there was a wave outside the formation.

Someone wanted to come in and was knocking on the door.

Only those who had obtained Ye Yan's permission could enter the formation.

The only person who had this qualification now, besides himself, was Yi Fanzhang, who was responsible for cooking and cleaning.

Who else could it be?

Wendy had just been driven away by him not long ago, so it shouldn't be him.

Could it be Zhongli?

Ye Yan looked through the formation and found an unexpected person.

Acting leader of the Knights of Favonius, Qin.


Qin was not like Wendy, she was still very reliable.

Ye Yan was not opposed.

So he opened the door for her.


"What's the matter?"

Qin nodded:

"It's like this...Mr. Ye Yan, Monde will have a celebrity class for children tomorrow, mainly inviting some celebrities to give lectures to some children in Monde...

Mr. Ye Yan, this time I want to invite you to be the celebrity lecturer this time."

Ye Yan frowned slightly:

"Lecturer? I'm not good at teaching and educating people."

Qin said:

"Mr. Ye Yan, please don't rush to refuse."

Then, Qin explained the reason for inviting Ye Yan.

"Our celebrity lecturers are not fixed, and the number of times they are held is also not fixed.

It is not necessary to teach children any professional knowledge, but just share some of your past experiences with children.

Mr. Ye Yan, you are very famous now, and you have some legendary experiences. If I can invite you to be a celebrity lecturer on behalf of Monde, I think the children in Monde will be happy for a long time."

Qin looked at Ye Yan with sincerity, but in Ye Yan's view, there was always a sense of guilt.

"Captain Qin, I understand what you said, but do you need to tell me in person about this kind of thing?"

Ye Yan chuckled.

Qin felt that the place where Ye Yan was looking at her suddenly became hot, especially the tip of her ear.

It seemed that Ye Yan had seen through her little thoughts.

"I won't go to the celebrity lecturer's event. After all, I really don't have much patience for children."

Ye Yan refused.

Qin looked absent-minded. After receiving Ye Yan's answer, she just nodded and stood up to leave.

"By the way..."

Just as she was about to leave the formation, Qin suddenly stopped and looked at Ye Yan with a red face:

"Ye Yan... do you want to see a cat doing a backflip?"

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