The Abyss sent out many Abyss Mages and Abyss Apostles, who were bound to deal with those who bullied the Prince's relatives.

On the other side, Ying, who had just solved the crisis of Xumi, was now wandering aimlessly on the street with Paimon.

They had been in Xumi for so long, but apart from the Flower God's Birthday Festival, they had not experienced the characteristics of Xumi.

But even if it was the Flower God's Birthday Festival, they were reluctant to recall it, after all, the sequelae were too great.


On the streets of Xumi.

Little Paimon flew beside Yingmei, pointing at the vendors around him and said:

"Traveler! I want to eat this, this, this should be there!"

Paimon's little hand hurriedly passed over the food sold by several small vendors nearby.

Yingmei, on the other hand, followed behind to pay with a headache.

"Paimon! Why did you touch it directly? Don't you know that if you touch it, the boss can't sell it to others?"

Yingmei complained.

Do you understand what the rules are!

Paimon looked at Ying with an innocent face:

"So the traveler doesn't plan to buy it for me?"


Nasida controlled Catherine to walk behind them, with a look of relief that didn't match her age.

"It seems that Paimon actually knows everything, but he just wants to use this method to get the traveler to buy her food!"

Ying clutched her wallet tightly in anger.

"Humph! Paimon, if you keep doing this, I really won't buy anything for you!"

Paimon's little hand was stunned, and then silently retracted.

"Okay... Traveler, I won't do this again!"

Seeing Paimon's repeated assurances, Yingmei nodded with satisfaction and paid Paimon.

Nashida looked at the scene in front of her and smiled with relief. Suddenly, she felt a gaze and frowned slightly:

"Is it my illusion?"

She looked around, but no one was looking at this side.


Not far from them, Ye Yan sat on a roadside stall, eating Tandoori roasted chicken.

Yi Fanzhang sat opposite him and commented with satisfaction:

"Boss (chew chew chew), this roasted chicken (chew chew chew) is quite fragrant (chew chew chew), I will ask the boss (chew chew chew) later to see if I can learn it and make it for you when I go back (chew chew chew)."

Ye Yan nodded casually.

To be honest, he was still quite curious about Nashida.

After all, who would not like a white-haired little Loli? And there are jade feet.

But Ying and Paimong are also there now, and they have special physiques.

What if something unexpected happens when I go to talk to them?

And... did Kong recognize me as his adoptive father last time?

So, Ying is also my adopted daughter, right?

Rounding it off, little Paimong is also my adopted daughter.

But they don't know about this at all yet.

If I just go up there, wouldn't it be a bit too presumptuous?


Just then.

A black fog suddenly appeared on the street.

The black fog dissipated.

The Abyss Mage appeared on the street with the Abyss Apostle, causing a panic.

"Sure enough, special physiques are not ordinary."

Didn't Yingmei just take Paimong for a casual stroll on the street, and she actually got into trouble.

Fortunately, I wasn't there.

But... I still have to eat some melons.

"... Wait."

Ye Yan chose the best angle and clicked the camera without hesitation.


Yingmei and Paimon were also very surprised to see so many Abyss Apostles and Abyss Mages suddenly appear.

Nashida manipulated Catherine and said:

"Sure enough... I felt someone was watching us just now, it was not an illusion..."

No wonder.

Now she has control over the entire Xumi. Except for the Abyss Mages who can appear directly, no one else can stare at her group without her knowledge.

"Traveler... What's the matter with these Abyss Mages and Abyss Apostles? Ah! They are coming towards us!"

Little Paimon shrank behind Ying, and Ying had taken out her own bladeless sword and made a fighting posture.

These Abyss Mages appeared with Abyss Apostles, looked around Yingmei, and did not find the person that the prince said had captured his blood relatives and threatened his blood relatives.

They were all a little confused, and there was no target to attack for a while.

"Boss, what are they doing here?"

Seeing so many former colleagues appear, Yi Fanzhang asked quietly.

Ye Yan shook his head almost imperceptibly.

Nodding, Yi Fan Zhang immediately understood and stopped making any sound.

The two of them just ate melons in a low-key manner.

The group of Abyss Mages and Abyss Apostles did not attack Ying and Paimeng as they did before, but looked around in confusion.

They did not look like they were looking for trouble, but rather like they were looking for someone.

"Damn... Why did the Abyss Mages and Abyss Apostles suddenly appear here?"

Paimeng huddled behind Ying Mei and could not help but said.

Generally speaking, don't Abyss Mages and Abyss Apostles appear in deserted places?

In places like the suburbs where few people go.

Why would they come to the downtown area?

Ying held the edgeless sword and did not rush up rashly at the first time, but she was already prepared.

The Abyss Apostles had no brains, so the orders for action were issued by several Abyss Mages.

The Abyss Mages looked around and couldn't find the "thugs who threatened Ying" that His Royal Highness had mentioned. They were in a dilemma.

Now that they were here, they couldn't go back empty-handed, right?

Then His Royal Highness would have asked a few of them to go to Melo Petersburg to accompany their previous colleagues?

The Abyss Mages discussed and colluded with each other.

"Did you see the woman next to His Royal Highness's blood relative? She must have done it!"

There was no doubt that they were talking about Catherine who was following Yingmei.

However, the current Catherine was not the real Catherine, but was controlled by the Little Grass King Nashida.

Feeling that the eyes of these people were all focused on her, and every look was malicious.

Nashida couldn't help but say:

"They... are they here to find me?"

As soon as the voice fell, she saw this group of Abyss Apostles "wow wow wow" rushing over, ignoring Ying who was holding a sword, and attacking Nashida.

“How could this happen!”

No matter how weak Nashida was, she was still a god, and these Abyss Apostles and Abyss Mages could not deal with her.

What’s more, she now had another bodyguard beside her.

When these Abyss Mages and Abyss Apostles rushed over, they seemed to deliberately avoid Ying and Paimon, and they intentionally or unintentionally blocked them from Nashida.

Even though Yingmei had already rushed to the center of the battle with a sword, she didn’t know what was going on. Those Abyss Mages and Abyss Apostles who were easily killed before were so difficult to kill this time.

Nashida, who was surrounded by them, looked left and right, hesitant.

Although she could directly cancel her leaning over Catherine, in that case, Catherine would be surrounded.

This was too tricky.

Fortunately, her bodyguards, the skirmishers, appeared.

The scattered soldier has now turned over a new leaf and follows Nashida as a bodyguard. He is responsible for anything that is not suitable for minors.

Now is no exception.

But what he didn't expect was that after seeing him, these Abyss Mages were as excited as dogs seeing meat buns.

"This one is good! This one can fight! This one looks like someone who kidnapped the prince's blood relatives!"

This person is so powerful, much better than that woman.

Throw the dirty water on him!

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