In the distance, Xiao Jiang's mother covered her mouth and cried.

She blamed herself for not being able to accompany Xiao Jiang and watch her child grow up.

She felt heartbroken when she saw Xiao Jiang standing alone at the door, waiting for relatives who could never come.

Xiao Jiang's father was also silent, with a sad look on his face.

He had spent very little time with Xiao Jiang because of his work.

Now all he hoped was that Fang Xun could replace them and play happily with Xiao Jiang for a while.

When Fang Xun heard that Xiao Jiang was waiting for his parents, his heart was stabbed.

Xiao Jiang was mentally handicapped and didn't know what life and death separation was.

In his subconscious, his parents would definitely come back, it was just a matter of time.

That's why he would wait here all the time.

He was waiting regardless of wind or rain.

Fang Xun couldn't bear to watch the child in front of him, obsessed with a fruitless thing.

In response, he said softly: "Xiao Jiang, I am a friend of your parents. Your parents asked me to find you."

Hearing Fang Xun's words, Xiao Jiang subconsciously raised his head.

This big brother actually knew his name,

And... he was also a friend of his parents?

The word "parents" has a special meaning in Xiao Jiang's heart.

Xiao Jiang looked at Fang Xun, tilted his head and said in confusion: "Big brother, why didn't my parents come back, but asked you to come to me?"

Fang Xun squatted down and stroked Xiao Jiang's head, and said softly: "Because, your parents went to a very far place and can't come back for a while."

"They were afraid that Xiao Jiang would be bored alone, so they asked me to come and play hide-and-seek with Xiao Jiang. That's probably what happened."

Hearing about playing hide-and-seek, Xiao Jiang's eyes lit up and he looked very excited.

"Great, hide-and-seek is the most fun game in the world!"

"Xiao Jiang likes to play hide-and-seek!"

"Then, please come find me, big brother~"

"Before that, please close your eyes and count to tens, and don't peek."

"Mom said that if you peek while playing hide-and-seek, you won't grow taller."

Xiao Jiang explained the rules of hide-and-seek to Fang Xun with a serious face.

In the distance, Xiao Jiang's mother burst into laughter when she heard Xiao Jiang explain the rules of the game.

She just said it as a joke at the time, and she didn't expect Xiao Jiang to remember it so clearly.

Looking at the joyful smile on Xiao Jiang's face, Xiao Jiang's father was also touched in his heart.

He asked Fang Xun to help him complete the things he failed to complete in time.

Fang Xun couldn't help laughing when he saw how cute Xiao Jiang was: "Okay, I'll start the countdown to ten, Xiao Jiang, hide quickly."


Hearing Fang Xun start the countdown, Xiao Jiang also hurriedly began to look for a place to hide.

He seemed to have a lot of experience in hide-and-seek,

and immediately hid behind a big tree.

After Fang Xun's ten-second countdown was over, he turned his head and looked behind him, and found a foot exposed under the tree not far away.

It was Xiao Jiang without thinking.

In response, Fang Xun smiled and joked: "Xiao Jiang, are you hiding?"

The innocent Xiao Jiang also answered directly: "Big brother, I'm hiding, come find me~"

"Can you find me? Do you want me to give you a hint?"

Before Xiao Jiang finished speaking, Fang Xun had already walked in front of him,

"Little guy, I found you."

Xiao Jiang was full of surprise: "Wow, big brother, you are so awesome!"

"I hid in such a hidden place, I didn't expect you to find me so quickly!"

"No, I want to change to a more hidden place, big brother, it's the same as always, count down ten seconds, and then come find me~"

After Xiao Jiang finished speaking, he urged Fang Xun to count down against the tree,

while he hurriedly hid.

Fortunately, Fang Xun had some impression of the place where Xiao Jiang hid in the game,

and he found the place where the little guy hid several times in a row.

"Big brother, you found me again, you are awesome!"

"Hehe, I haven't had such a fun game of hide-and-seek in a long time, thank you big brother!"

Xiao Jiang's laughter echoed in Tianheng Mountain,

You can tell that he is really happy from the bottom of his heart,

Not far away, Xiao Jiang's parents saw the whole scene,

They looked at each other, with relieved smiles on their faces,

Seeing that Xiao Jiang has no problems with his life now,

They can leave with peace of mind, right?

When the wish is fulfilled, the ghosts can't last too long, they will gradually dissipate.

The couple no longer have any regrets in their hearts, so they left with a smile on their faces.

Xiao Jiang's mother looked at Fang Xun and thanked him earnestly: "Mr., thank you so much, you fulfilled our regret that we failed to realize.

Xiao Jiang's father nodded: "Yes, now that we see Xiao Jiang's smile, we can leave with peace of mind."

"Thank you very much, you can give Xiao Jiang laughter on our behalf, thank you."

The bodies of the two gradually began to become transparent,

A faint fluorescent light lit up under their feet, and began to blow away with the wind,

Xiao Jiang also noticed something, and his laughter suddenly stopped,

"I don't know why, I suddenly miss my parents a little bit."

"It would be great if they could play hide-and-seek with Xiao Jiang."

"Xiao Jiang will wait here until my parents come back!"

Xiao Jiang paused, raised his head and looked at Fang Xun: "Big brother, do you know when my parents will come back?"

Fang Xun reached out and rubbed Xiao Jiang's head,

He had a faint smile on his face: "Xiao Jiang, when the peach blossoms bloom, your parents should be back."

"Peach blossoms bloom... when is that? "Xiao Jiang tilted his head, confused.

"But Xiao Jiang is willing to wait for the peach blossoms to bloom,"

"Then my parents will be with Xiao Jiang, hehe!"

Xiao Jiang smiled happily,

In the distance, his parents looked at each other with smiles on their faces,

Silly child,

In fact, we have been back a long time ago,

It's just that you didn't notice it,

But we will be with you,

In another way.

Xiao Jiang looked at the tree, and he saw the tender green buds on the treetops slowly growing, and a touch of pink appeared.

Xiao Jiang was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly pulled Fang Xun's clothes, and said excitedly: "Big brother, is the peach blossom blooming?"

"Are Xiao Jiang's parents coming back soon? "

Fang Xun looked up in the direction of Xiao Jiang's finger,

He found that after a whole day of rain, the treetops absorbed enough water and actually bloomed.

Fang Xun looked at the eye-catching pink color and whispered softly: "Yes, Xiao Jiang's parents should be back soon."

The next moment,

The excited voices of a man and a woman came from not far away,

"Xiao Jiang, your father and mother are back!"

"Little guy, did you miss us?"

"This time, we won't leave."

Hearing the familiar voice, Xiao Jiang immediately looked up,

He didn't care about anything and rushed to his parents in a hurry.

"Dad, Mom, Xiao Jiang misses you so much."

"You, you are finally back!"

"Can you not leave this time, or take Xiao Jiang with you? "

Xiao Jiang's mother hugged Xiao Jiang tightly in her arms.

She had already sobbed and tears were streaming down her face.

She was so happy to be reunited with her son, whom she had been thinking about day and night.

"We won't leave. We won't leave. We will stay with Xiao Jiang."

Xiao Jiang's father was also standing by, hugging his wife and children tightly.

He was busy with work before and ignored the feelings of his wife and Xiao Jiang.

He would never make the same mistake again in his life.

Looking at the reunion of the family of three, Fang Xun smiled and then quietly withdrew.

He left after the work was done, hiding his body and name.

Fang Xun used his God's Heart to give the two souls that were about to dissipate a second life.

It's not that Fang Xun deliberately made puppets when the souls dissipated,

but he couldn't do it well now. Harnessing the power of the Heart of God,

It is already very good to be able to make it before the soul dissipates.


In their joy, Xiao Jiang's parents looked up and wanted to find Fang Xun.

Although the two did not know what was going on,

they both felt that they were reborn,

all of which had a huge connection with Fang Xun,

they wanted to thank Fang Xun,

but when they looked up, they found that Fang Xun was no longer there.

"Do you think the person we met before was Lord Emperor?"

"I think it is very likely. After all, who else but Lord Emperor can have such a skill?"

"Thank Lord Emperor for letting us live again. From now on, I am willing to follow Lord Emperor forever!"


Please give me some free gifts. The data is getting worse day by day. I will give myself a song of Liangliang.

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