Since Fang Xun's talisman helped,

Qiqi can now go out during the day without any impact.

But she can also clearly feel that the people of Liyue look at her strangely from time to time.

There is surprise and curiosity in those eyes,

but most people look at Qiqi with fear, as if they are looking at someone else.

This makes Qiqi very sad.

She doesn't want to scare the people, so she will be cautious and low-key every time she goes out during the day.

If it really attracts attention, then try to be friendly.

After a long time, Qiqi feels uncomfortable.

She is always being watched with vigilant eyes, which makes her very uncomfortable.

Qiqi wants to go out at night,

when it is late at night and there is no one on the street,

because only then, she doesn't have to worry about scaring others,

and she won't feel that kind of unfriendly eyes.


After hearing Qiqi's request, Fang Xun nodded and agreed without even thinking: "Okay."

For Fang Xun, he would try his best to fulfill the requests of every family member,

not for anything else, because these little guys are members of the family.

At this time,

Little Linghua also appeared at the door of the room.

She hugged Fang Xun's other arm and said coquettishly: "Brother Fang Xun, can I go out with you?"

"I... also want to visit Liyue."

You know, Little Linghua has lived in Inazuma since she was a child.

She only occasionally heard people talk about Mondstadt and Liyue.

It is said that Mondstadt is full of dandelions and the wind of freedom blows all over Mondstadt.

Liyue is a trading city.

In addition to having heavy rocks, Liyue pays more attention to the execution of a contract.

Liyue's architecture is also very distinctive.

Especially the Lantern Festival.

Linghua has only heard people talk about it, but she doesn't know much about it. It's very vague.

Now that she has finally come to Liyue, she naturally wants to take this opportunity to get to know this city-state well.

Looking at the little guy's big watery eyes, Fang Xun didn't know how to refuse.

After all, Xiao Linghua wanted Lingren to leave home in her dreams and let Fang Xun be her brother.

Just the weight in her heart, Fang Xun had no reason to refuse.

"Okay, let's go out for a walk."

Hearing Fang Xun's agreement, Xiao Linghua happily hugged his arms.

"I knew that Brother Fang Xun is the best. I like Brother Fang Xun the most!"

Seeing this, Fang Xun was a little amused.

Why does the future Princess Bai Lu look a little cute?

Just agreeing to accompany her shopping, she cheered happily.

Maybe children are like this, and they are easily satisfied.


Soon, the three of them walked out of the house under the moonlight.

Today's Liyue has already undergone tremendous changes. Qiqi is unfamiliar and familiar with this city.

Not to mention Xiao Linghua. It was her first time in Liyue, and everything here was so surprising to her.

On the contrary, Fang Xun, a stranger, gradually became familiar with Liyue after staying in the city for a while.

He acted as a guide to explain the current Liyue to Linghua and Qiqi.

"That's the port. Linghua, you came here by boat from there."

"Hey, Qiqi, are you asking where the coconut milk comes from? Um... That's the location of Yuehai Pavilion. I buy it from there."

"You can only buy one bottle at a time. If you exceed the limit, there will be no more. So you have to drink sparingly."

Fang Xun walked slowly on the street with the two little ones.

The moonlight stretched the shadows of the three people very long.

Unlike the bustling Liyue during the day,

Liyue at night has a bit more tranquil beauty.

The moonlight quietly poured on every brick and tile of Liyue, as if silently telling the story of thousands of years.

Xiao Linghua looked up at Fang Xun and said curiously: "Brother Fang Xun, what kind of god is the Rock King?"

She grew up in Inazuma and only knew the Thunder General.

But Xiao Linghua had no idea about the two gods of Mondstadt and Liyue.

Fang Xun instinctively wanted to say that Morax was a nobody,

thinking about how to retire and slack off every day,

and liked to spend money and let others pay for it.

However, when these words came to his lips, Fang Xun swallowed them again.

Although Morax is now lying down and living a lazy life, it is undeniable that he has contributed to the construction of Liyue.

Fang Xun looked up at the sky and couldn't help but sigh: "You said the Rock King...

"I don't know much about him. If I were to guess, he might have a personality like an antique and be very particular about doing things,"

"But overall, it should beHe is a good person, at least he governs Liyue quite well. "

Speaking of Morax governing Liyue, Fang Xun subconsciously thought of a girl in his mind,

Master Ke who killed all the offal, Keqing.

She is one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, but she is quite dissatisfied with Morax's governance method and lacks awe.

In Keqing's view, Liyue no longer needs immortals to govern,

The Seven Stars of Liyue alone are enough.

Maybe Keqing is the only one who dares to go against the emperor?

That girl is very arrogant, it should be interesting to get along with her.

Speaking of which, little Keqing should not be very old now,

She is obviously a daughter of a noble family, but she wants to experience life,

Is she digging coal or moving bricks?

Fang Xun's thoughts suddenly stopped,

because he saw a little girl not far away,

The little girl was wearing a purple dress. Color dress,

The dress looks elegant and luxurious, and the fabric alone is made of the best materials in Liyue,

The girl also has a cat ear headdress on her head, and an old hairpin that has been worn for a long time,

Although her pretty face is young, it is not difficult to see that she will grow into a beautiful girl in the future.

When Fang Xun saw the girl for the first time, the reaction in his mind was, isn't this Master Keqing?

I didn't expect that I would meet Keqing when I went out for a walk at night,

What is Keqing trying to do by not sleeping at night?


I checked a lot of information, but I don't know much about Keqing's background story,

I'm not sure about it, so I'll try to write Keqing better,

Although Master Ke's injuries are scratched, her long legs in black stockings are beautiful.

Finally, everyone should rest early.

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