"Brother Fang Xun, can you teach me how to practice swordsmanship?"

Little Linghua looked up at Fang Xun after coming to her senses, and then made her request.

At the Kamisato family, the little girl often practiced swordsmanship with her brother Kamisato Ayato.

For this, she was bullied and teased by her brother.

The little turtle secretly took a notebook to write down these grudges, thinking that she must find a chance to beat her brother in the future.

Now, after seeing Fang Xun's superb swordsmanship,

Little Linghua realized that her chance to surpass her brother had come.

If Brother Fang Xun was willing to teach her, her swordsmanship would surely improve by leaps and bounds, right?

It would not be impossible to beat her brother at that time.

Thinking so, Little Linghua's big watery eyes looked at Fang Xun with pleading,

No one would refuse such a cute Kamisato Ayahua.

Keqing was also moved, and immediately stepped forward and said to Fang Xun: "Big brother, can you teach me how to practice swordsmanship? I... I want to become stronger."

In Keqing's view, the future of Liyue will be an era of human rule.

She needs to do her best to improve her strength.

The swordsmanship displayed by Fang Xun made Keqing's eyes light up.

She saw the future of Liyue.

If she could have such swordsmanship, even if she only had the power of ordinary people, protecting Liyue would no longer be a pipe dream.

To a certain extent, Fang Xun is now Keqing's best plan for the future.

Looking at the two cute little lolis in front of him, Fang Xun couldn't bear to refuse their request.

He nodded, chuckled and said: "Okay, then I will teach you how to use a one-handed sword tomorrow daytime."

Hearing this answer, Xiao Linghua hugged Fang Xun's arm and danced happily.

The long white ponytail also rose and fell, very cheerful.

"Thank you, Brother Fangxun. Brother Fangxun is the best~"

Keqing was also very happy to hear that Fangxun was willing to give guidance.

"Big brother, my name is Keqing. My dream is to become one of the future Liyue Seven Stars who will change the situation of Liyue,"

"From now on, please give me more advice!"

"I'm not very excited. I usually speak in this tone,"

"My heart... is obviously very calm!"

Looking at Keqing's arrogant look, Fangxun couldn't help laughing.

He thought Keqing became arrogant after becoming one of the Liyue Seven Stars.

It turns out that Keqing has been saying one thing and thinking another since she was a child.

It's so cute.

Retracting his thoughts, Fang Xun looked at Qiqi.

He planned to let Qiqi spend more time teaching Keqing to practice swordsmanship.

This was not Fang Xun randomly looking for someone to share the pressure and slack off.

It was clearly introduced in the game.

Qiqi used a one-handed sword, and the swordsmanship was called Yunlai Ancient Swordsmanship.

And the swordsmanship used by Keqing was called Yunlai Swordsmanship.

The two swordsmanship differed by only one character. Was it really a coincidence?

Or did they come from the same lineage?

So Fang Xun sometimes wondered,

To some extent, are Qiqi and Keqing relatives?

In the future, the two of them will talk about their own things. I call you Sister Keqing, and you call me the ancestor?

Forget it, the relationship is too complicated, and Fang Xun doesn't want to think about it anymore.

In short, let Qiqi help take care of Keqing.

As for Fang Xun, he will also spend time on Keqing's practice.

Then, Fang Xun set his sights on the unlocked gorgeous treasure chest.

What will be stored in this treasure chest?

Fang Xun prepared to accompany Keqing to open the treasure chest.

When he was about to reach out, his hand was suspended in the air.

Because he noticed that the treasure-hunting compass in his backpack lit up,

and a prompt sound appeared in Fang Xun's ears.

"Two hidden gorgeous treasure chests are detected within ten meters!"

Fang Xun's heart moved, and he was a little surprised.

There are hidden gorgeous treasure chests?

And there are two? ?

Happiness came too suddenly.

Fang Xun immediately used the treasure-hunting compass to find the location of the two treasure chests.

The compass needle turned and pointed a direction for Fang Xun.

Fang Xun looked along the compass needle and found that there was a rockery made of small stones not far away, which flashed from time to time.

Fang Xun waved the sword in his hand and destroyed the stone pile.

Then with a thud, a gorgeous treasure chest appeared in front of him.

Xiao Linghua and Xiao Keqing were both stunned.

They obviously didn't expect that there was a treasure chest hidden in this place.

Brother Fang Xun has good eyesight!

Without waiting for the two little girls to exclaim, Fang Xun activated the power of the treasure-hunting compass again.

The compass needle turned again, this time pointing to an empty and barren land.

Fang Xun walked to the direction indicated by the compass and noticed that the soil under his feet seemed to be bulging.Something is buried underneath!

Fang Xun immediately dug and found a treasure chest underground.

Keqing and Linghua looked at each other and were speechless with surprise.

Keqing thought that it was great that she could find a hidden treasure chest.

She didn't expect that Brother Fang Xun would find two hidden treasure chests in a blink of an eye.

It was really amazing.

Keqing suddenly realized that she still had a long way to go to become the manager of Liyue and start a new era for Liyue.

There were still many things to learn from Fang Xun.

Thinking of this, Keqing became more and more motivated.

She must follow Brother Fang Xun and study hard!

Just when Keqing secretly made up her mind, Fang Xun motioned her to come over and open the treasure chest together.

The scene of three gorgeous treasure chests placed together, any player who saw this scene would probably be unable to sit still.

Fang Xun was the same.

He asked Keqing to open one of the treasure chests, and then he, Qiqi and Linghua opened the other two treasure chests.

All he got were four-star relics and three-star weapons.

For Fang Xun, these things were useless.

"Host, open the treasure chest, and get three entangled fates in total."

Just at this time, the voice of the system sounded in Fang Xun's mind.

Opening a gorgeous treasure chest will get an entanglement.

It can be said that this is a very conscientious system.

Fang Xun opened the card pool and made three single draws.

The first draw was a blue light. When the light faded, the item in front of Fang Xun was a pack of herbs called Zhenxinsan.

Even if a patient is terminally ill, taking this herb can cure the disease.

Fang Xun is not sick, so he doesn't need this kind of thing.

On the contrary, Ningguang's mother has not recovered during this period.

I think brewing this potion for her to drink can fully recover.

And Xiao Linghua's mother,

It is introduced in the background story of the game that Shenli Linghua's mother died of illness.

This made Linghua shoulder the fate of the entire Shenli family with her brother at a young age.

If Xiao Linghua's mother can be saved, perhaps Linghua will not live unhappy like in the background story.

Retracting his thoughts, Fang Xun started the second draw.

This time a purple light fell from the sky, and when the light dissipated,

Elemental combat skill 'Bounce Bomb'.

That is the skill of Klee's daughter.

Throw a bomb forward, and it explodes after touching the enemy.

In the game, Klee was often put in solitary confinement because she used a bouncing bomb to blow up fish.

The reason is very simple. She can't control the power of the bomb.

She often makes Mondstadt in chaos.

That's why the bouncing bomb is not only cute, but also has considerable damage.

Fang Xun quickly unlocked the skill and stored it in his skill library.

Soon, Fang Xun drew a card for the third time.

It was a purple light. When the light faded,

What came into view was a four-star skill,

called 'Divine Transformation·Evil Eye Opening'

It was the elemental combat skill of Thunder General Shadow.


Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time. I got home late today, so the update was a little late.

But as usual, there is one chapter before twelve o'clock.

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