Time passed unknowingly until dinner time in the evening.

Seeing the little ones looking tired after a day, Fang Xun decided to cook a good meal.

After all, the cute little kids need to eat more now so that they can grow up in the future.

However, halfway through the cooking, Fang Xun unexpectedly discovered that the water supply was cut off.

Water outage is a troublesome matter,

especially when there are so many children at home,

There was no other way, Fang Xun also walked out of his residence and went to the hotel opened by Yu Jin.

After all, the house was bought from Yu Jin in the first place, and perhaps Yu Jin knew what was going on.

At this moment, Yu Jin was sitting on the first floor of the hotel as usual.

Today, she was wearing a white cheongsam, holding a palm leaf fan and shaking it gently,

The overall look was indescribable charm.

Fang Xun knocked on the door, then smiled and greeted: "Sister Yujin, good evening."

Seeing Fang Xun coming, Yujin put down the palm leaf fan,

She stood up and said softly: "Stinky brother, I don't see you come to see me on weekdays. You suddenly came to visit me today. You must have something to ask me, right?"

"We are already in a frank relationship. If you have anything to say, you can say it directly."

Hearing Yujin's straightforward answer, Fang Xun also said: "Sister Yujin, I want to ask why our water supply suddenly stopped?"

Yujin gently shook the palm leaf fan and answered as if it was nothing strange: "This is indeed the case nearby. In this situation, the water supply will be cut off for a few days every once in a while. "

Yu Jin paused, looked at Fang Xun and continued: "Stinky brother, if you need water at night, you can come to me."

"Oh, I mean, if you want to take a shower at night, you can come to my hotel to take a shower."

"My hotel has a pool on the roof, which has enough water to survive the water outage."

Because the water supply will be cut off every once in a while, it will bring great inconvenience to life.

So Yu Jin built a pool on the roof of the hotel to deal with the water outage.

When she sold the house to Fang Xun, she forgot to mention the water outage.

Yu Jin waved the palm-leaf fan in her hand, and then whispered: "Because the water supply has been cut off for the past few days, we must save water."

"Try not to be alone... I mean to save water, try not to take a bath, just wipe it off."

"What's that expression on your face, little brother? You look a little disappointed? What's going on?"

She is really the mother of the Liyue Car King,

She can drive the car while chatting and laughing.

But it's not a question of saving water at the moment,

because it's not just about taking a bath, but also washing clothes and cooking.

There are too many cute little kids at home, even if Yu Jin stores water here, it's not enough.

In response, Fang Xun also said: "Sister Yujin, let's talk about the bath later."

"I want to ask what caused the water outage?"

Yujin showed a thoughtful expression: "I heard Qianyanjun talk about the reason for the water outage before, let me think about it."

"If I remember correctly, it seems that there are monsters interfering at the reservoir, so the water is cut off."

"If the monsters can be cleared away, the water outage problem will be solved."

After hearing this explanation, Fang Xun also understood.

He chatted with Yujin briefly, and then went to Yuehai Pavilion.

Ganyu should be getting ready to get off work at this time, so he came to pick Ganyu up and ask about the situation.

Seeing Fang Xun coming, Ganyu spoke first: "Mr. Fangxun, you and everyone else should have dinner first, you don't have to wait for me tonight."

"I may have to work overtime and will be home later."

"There are water outages in many places in Liyue, I'm going to the reservoir to check the situation."

Hearing Ganyu's words, Fang Xun's heart moved,

Isn't this a coincidence?

He originally wanted to ask Ganyu about the water outage,

Now the two have the same goal.

"Miss Ganyu, I will accompany you to solve the water outage problem, and you can take care of me on the way."

Hearing this, Ganyu nodded: "Okay, then trouble Mr. Fangxun to accompany me to work overtime."

While speaking, Ganyu stretched out her hand to Fangxun,

A blush appeared on her face, and the strand of hair on her head was shyly bent because of her emotional ups and downs.

"I may walk faster. To avoid getting separated, please, Mr. Fang Xun, hold my hand tightly."

Looking at Ganyu's shy look, Fang Xun couldn't help but laugh, and then held Ganyu's hand tightly.

Ganyu's skin was delicate and smooth, and it felt cold in his hand.

"Then let's go."


Soon, Fang Xun accompanied Ganyu to investigate the water source problem and came to the reservoir.

The living water used by most residents of Liyue comes from this reservoir, which has a history of many years.

Fang Xun saw a group of ice slimes at a glance,They froze the water in the reservoir, causing a large area of ​​Liyue to be without water.

Then, Fang Xun noticed that the group of ice slimes seemed to be surrounding a person in the center.

It was a young man wearing sunglasses and carrying a large backpack behind him.

If I am not mistaken, that young man should be Li Ben, a rare goods merchant 20 years ago.


The income of this book has been bleak recently. Please give me some free gifts. Thank you~

There is nothing to do tomorrow. It is expected to be four updates.

A new event is out. Li Ben is always a god!

Finally, everyone should go to bed early. Good night.

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