According to the background story of the game, Raiden Makoto and Raiden Film are twin sisters.

Although they look exactly the same, they have some differences in personality.

The elder sister Raiden Makoto is gentle and quiet, not good at fighting, and pursues a peaceful life.

She is a completely soft and cute girl.

The younger sister Raiden Film is good at martial arts, and she is the one who solves all battles, big and small.

In Ying's view, duel is a good way to solve problems.

Of course, Ying's mind is not full of martial arts,

In her heart, she is also full of various curiosities about the world.

In front of people, she is a cold-hearted general Raiden,

But behind people, she is a country girl who likes to eat desserts, is interested in novels, and is a little silly.

The twin sisters joined forces to govern Inazuma, the elder sister was responsible for literature, and the younger sister was responsible for martial arts.

The two complemented each other's strengths and weaknesses and managed Inazuma in an orderly manner.

However, such a peaceful life was broken by the subsequent Kanreya War.

Raidenzhen sensed the crisis in Kanreya, and she deliberately concealed it from her sister, wanting Ying to survive.

Raidenzhen, who was not good at martial arts, took her sister's place in the Kanreya War.

When Ying arrived in Kanreya, her sister Raidenzhen was already lying on the ground, her body gradually getting cold.

Since then, Ying has been living in guilt and self-blame.

She regretted that she arrived too late and failed to protect her sister.

To this day, the Kanreya War is still a nightmare that Lei Yingying can't forget.

If possible, Ying is willing to pay any price, even her own life, to save her sister Raidenzhen's life.

Seeing her sister Raidenzhen again, Ying was stunned.

She wanted to speak several times, but couldn't.

It turns out that when you miss someone to the extreme, you really can't say anything when you meet again.

Instead, Raiden Zhen looked at Ying in front of him quietly, then smiled and said, "Ying, long time no see."

"I left my will in the dream heart. When you use this weapon to the extreme, my will will appear."

Raiden Zhen put his hands behind his back with a faint smile on his face.

When looking at his sister Lei Dianying, her eyes were full of pampering and tenderness.

"I'm sorry, Ying."

"I suddenly entrusted Inazuma to you without any preparation."

"I should have taught you step by step how to manage Inazuma."

"It was my negligence that made you bear the sudden pressure."

"I think... you must have been at a loss and panicked at that time?"

"You must have made a lot of efforts for this, I can imagine the bitterness and pain."

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault, and I asked you to help me clean up the mess."

Raidenzhen's eyes dimmed, and her tone was full of deep self-blame.

Just thinking that after she left, all the pressure of Inazuma fell on her sister's shoulders,

Raidenzhen felt sad.

Her nose was sour and tears were rolling in her eyes.

However, Lei Yingyan shook his head gently after hearing it, and his face looked very relaxed.

"Zhen, I don't think it's troublesome, nor do I think what you left behind is a mess."

"Because Inazuma is a country we manage together, this is our home."

"After you leave, I will follow your will and work hard to make Inazuma an eternal country."

"The people of Inazuma live and work in peace and contentment, there will never be war, no sadness, and peace and stability."

"What you failed to complete, I will complete."

"Because you are my sister, we are united in mind."

Although Lei Dian's voice was not loud, it was sonorous and powerful.

After Zhen passed away, Ying became Zhen's shadow.

She wanted to complete her sister's regret.

Hearing this answer, Lei Dian Zhen showed a relieved smile on his face.

"Ying, you have grown up."

"You have become the real General Raiden that the people of Inazuma need."

"It's a pity that I can't witness Inazuma's future, and I can't walk with you."

"But thinking that you share our common will, I don't feel so sorry."

"I feel at ease that Inazuma has you governing it."

"This time it's really goodbye, Ying."

Raiden Zhen smiled and waved goodbye to her sister Ying.

Her figure began to gradually dissipate, turning into cherry blossoms floating in the air.

Lei Dianying stretched out her hand to hold her sister, as if she could keep her sister from leaving,

But she couldn't touch Raiden Zhen, and only cherry blossom petals remained in her palm.

Tears fell silently, and Lei Dianying silently watched the sea of ​​cherry blossoms.

Many years ago, Raiden Zhen lay in Ying's arms and left quietly.Many years later, Ying experienced the pain of separation again.

How can we achieve the so-called eternity?

Seeing this scene, Fang Xun naturally couldn't bear to watch Raiden Zhen leave like this.

In the game, Zhen and Ying are sisters who are also sad.

Raiden Zhen is such a cute and soft girl. She selflessly dedicates herself to her sister and Inazuma.

Why doesn't she have a good ending?

In the end, Lei Ying was also sad.

In this regard,

Fang Xun wanted to change, change something.

He tried to make a doll to let Zhen live again.

But what Zhen left in Wuxiang Yixin was only a broken thought, not a complete soul.

In addition, as the first generation of Raiden General, Zhen's divine power is not comparable to that of ordinary demons.

It is estimated that Ying has tried to make Zhen reborn by making a doll, but failed.

The method of making a doll for Zhen does not work.

At this time, the voice of the system sounded in Fang Xun's mind.

"Do you want to consume an Entangled Fate to activate the Book of History and modify past history?"

"Note: In order to ensure the stability of the current Teyvat continent,"

"The content of the Book of History is limited to a certain length. Modifications beyond the limit will be invalid."

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