Fang Xun walked on the streets of Inazuma, feeling a little complicated.

This festival was a little different from what he had imagined.

It can’t be said to be a little different, it can be said to be completely unrelated.

Because when Lei Dianying walked on the street, the relaxed smiles on the faces of the people of Inazuma suddenly disappeared,

and were replaced by indescribable respect and tension.

Because in Inazuma, Lei Dianying represents the supreme will,

All the people regard her as a belief.

Now seeing the god they believe in appear, the people of Inazuma seemed at a loss,

even, they couldn’t even speak properly.

“General, General?!”

“Really General! Did something important happen to Inazuma? Even the General was alarmed?!”

Fang Xun has heard such conversations countless times today,

Even if Lei Dianying repeatedly emphasized that she was just going out for a walk today, it would be useless.

After all, there is an insurmountable boundary between gods and ordinary people.

All that is happening now is also very troubling for Lei Dianying.

It turns out that living as an ordinary person is also a very difficult thing.

Just at this time, Fang Xun took out a fox mask and handed it to Ying.

"Ying, maybe this mask can help you get rid of your troubles."

"Today's festival happens to have a mask activity."

As he spoke, Fang Xun pointed to a place not far away.

There was a long commercial street with cherry blossom trees on the side of the street.

And the people walking on the street wore all kinds of masks,

It looked like a mask ball.

If Lei Dianying wore a mask, he should be able to hide his identity well and integrate into the lives of ordinary people.

Ying looked at the mask handed over by Fang Xun, and after a moment of silence, she reached out to take it.

She hasn't worn a mask for a long time. The last time she wore a mask was when she was a shadow warrior.

Now she wears a mask again, and she has a different understanding.

After a moment, Lei Dianying slowly spoke: "Thank you, this mask is very beautiful."

"This fox pattern reminds me of someone."

In fact, without Lei Dianying saying much, Fang Xun also knew who she was thinking of,

Yae Shenzi, that scumbag fox.

Speaking of which, the event festival started today,

Yae Shenzi shouldn't be so crazy as to urge the manuscript, right?

Probably not.

However, as the saying goes, what you fear will come true,

Just when Fang Xun was muttering in his heart, a charming and enchanting voice came from not far away: "Oh, oh, I finally found you, Mr. Fang Xun."

"You left the Kamisato family early in the morning, are you trying to hide from me?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Fang Xun looked up,

What came into view was the familiar red and white shrine maiden costume, and the long pink hair was particularly eye-catching.

It's just that Yae Shenzi who appeared today had a mask on her face,

The pattern on the mask was a little girl with purple braids and crying loudly.

Lei Dianying looked at the mask and fell into deep thought.

After a moment, she pointed at the mask and said to Yae Shenzi: "Son of God, the pattern on your mask can't be me, right?"

Yae Shenzi looked at Lei Dianying in front of her and said in surprise: "From the voice and tone of this voice, could it be our respected general?"

"Oh my, I really didn't expect that the general would have such a refined interest in participating in the festival."

"If I had known that the general would also participate in the festival, I would have prepared a more lovely mask."

Yae Shenzi said jokingly.

Looking at the entire Inazuma, she is probably the only one who dares to joke with Lei Dianying like this.

Yae Shenzi paused and continued: "However, I am not here to see the general today,"

"but to come to see Mr. Fang Xun."

While speaking, Yae Shenzi walked towards Fang Xun step by step.

Lei Dianying stepped forward and protected Fang Xun behind him.

"Son of God, I'm going to take Fang Xun to visit Inazuma today. You can't take him away before that."

Yae Shenzi stopped and chuckled, saying, "My original plan was to take Mr. Fang Xun to visit Inazuma."

"Isn't this a coincidence?"

"In that case, let's go together."

Without waiting for Ying to answer, Yae Shenzi continued, "Someone hasn't been to Yixin Pure Land for hundreds of years, and he's taking people to visit Inazuma. It's good enough that he doesn't get lost."

"Okay, okay, let's go quickly. It seems that there is an event starting over there."


The young couples have all been to 520 tonight, and the author is still writing stories here miserably. Please give me some free gifts~

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