Under Fang Xun's guidance, Qiqi also followed suit and raised her hand to shoot an arrow.

She looked up at Fang Xun and asked in a baby voice: "Fang Xun... is that so?"

Fang Xun looked in the direction of Qiqi's finger,

The arrow hit the bull's eye exactly.

"Qiqi, you did a good job!"

Fang Xun paused, with some regret in his tone: "However, you shot the bull's eye of another contestant, so you won't get any points."

"You must hit the target in front of you, understand?"

Little Qiqi heard it and nodded repeatedly: "Qiqi... got it."

After that, Fang Xun taught Shen He, Beidou and Keqing some things about using bows and arrows.

Beidou was quite strong and always pulled the bowstring to its full extent.

Fang Xun was afraid that she would break the bowstring, so he asked her to restrain her strength.

Beidou curled his lips and said weakly: "Bows and arrows are not suitable for me. In my opinion, two-handed swords are more interesting!"

Shen He also nodded: "I am used to using guns, so I am not used to such weapons, but this is also a way of training."

Keqing next to him couldn't sit still, and ran over and said angrily: "Beidou, Shen He, you can't occupy Brother Fang Xun!"

"I mean... Brother Fang Xun doesn't have time to teach me archery!"

Looking at these little girls bickering, Fang Xun was also amused and helpless.

Adhering to the principle of treating everyone equally, Fang Xun smiled bitterly and said: "Little girls, I will teach you seriously, don't worry."

As for Sala, Fang Xun didn't give too much guidance,

Because Sala has been hunting with a hunting bow since she was a child, she is very clear about some precautions.

Compared with other little guys, Fang Xun is more confident in Sala.

Soon, this archery competition officially began.

A total of ten arrows were shot in the competition.

The points for hitting the target were counted, and the total score was calculated after ten arrows.

The little girls were not tall enough, so they could only stand on a small stool to shoot arrows.

The little girls could not climb up the stool, so Fang Xun could only carry them one by one onto the stool,

and then quietly stood aside to protect these little girls.

Xiao Qiqi's first three arrows were not bad, all of which hit the center of the bull's eye,

but later her attention was attracted by Xiao Tuanque, causing the next few arrows to miss.

Qiqi's total score was 30 points.

As for Beidou, Shenhe and Keqing,

although the three little girls concentrated on the competition, because it was their first time shooting arrows,

their lack of experience led to their average results,

the scores of the three little girls were about 50 points.

But the three little girls were very happy,

after all, they didn't expect to get the top three in their first archery,

everything was about participation.

After staying with Fang Xun for a long time, the little girls were more optimistic.

On the contrary, Sha Luo showed superb archery skills from the beginning.

After all, she had been using bows and arrows since she was a child, and she was very proficient.

In addition, she inherited the blood of Tengu.

These advantages gave Sha Luo a unique advantage in the field of bows and arrows.

Sha Luo shot five consecutive arrows near the center of the target.

And her archery speed was very fast.

Often when the first arrow was shot, the second arrow followed closely.

Five arrows in a row.

This scene naturally caused the onlookers to exclaim.

No one expected that a child's archery skills were so powerful.

Then, the crowd exclaimed again,

because in addition to Sha Luo, there was another person whose archery skills were equally good.

The same five arrows were shot in a row, and they landed precisely near the target.

Most importantly, the girl looked about the same age as Sara.

The most obvious feature was that the girl had light yellow hair.

She was wearing a fiery red dress with a gorgeous firework pattern on it.

Looking at the little girl, Fang Xun subconsciously raised his eyebrows.

The night palace in the Naganohara fireworks store?


I came back late today, so the update was a little late, sorry sorry.

In addition, the author is preparing a new extra chapter.

It's the same as always. When the plot of the festival comes to an end, the extra chapter will be released.

Finally, everyone should rest early.

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