When Fang Xun woke up, he and the little cute kids were the only ones left in the room.

Leidian didn't know when she left. She didn't disturb Fang Xun's rest and chose to leave a note for him.

The note told Fang Xun that she had returned to the Pure Land of One Mind.

She also said that today's play was very interesting and she looked forward to seeing him tomorrow.

The little guys woke up early, but they didn't disturb Fang Xun because they were afraid of disturbing him.

They all lay quietly beside Fang Xun, looking at him with their big eyes blinking.

Seeing Fang Xun wake up, the little cute kids gathered around him.

Fang Xun looked out the window and found that the sun had already set. It should be late.

The little girls were hungry and waited for Fang Xun to wake up here quietly. They were really sensible.

In response, Fang Xun smiled and said, "Little girls, let's go have dinner."

He walked out of the small dark room with the little ones and ran into the female editor.

From the editor, he learned that Yae Shenzi had left.

But before leaving, Yae Shenzi asked the editors to buy dinner for Fang Xun and others.

At the moment, the editor was delivering food to Fang Xun and his party.

In response, Fang Xun did not hesitate to be polite with Yae Shenzi and took the children to have dinner.

Considering that Fang Xun and others were visiting Inazuma for the first time, the dinner ordered by Yae Shenzi was all Inazuma's special dishes.

This made the little ones feast on their appetites. After eating, their little bellies were bulging, and they asked Fang Xun to help rub their bellies.

After finishing dinner in Yae Hall, Fang Xun took the children back to Kamisato's house.

Time soon reached late at night.

The entire Kamisato family fell into silence, with only the occasional flickering of candlelight outside the house.

After the little guys went to sleep, Fang Xun took out the soul-guiding lamp from his backpack and put it on the table.

Lighting up the soul-guiding lamp is a bit like doing daily commissions.

Completing a commission will get you a entangled fate.

Sometimes you can get unexpected gains. This lamp is still very fragrant.

As Fang Xun lit up the soul-guiding lamp, the soft and comfortable warm yellow light filled the whole room.

Not long after, a figure slowly gathered in front of Fang Xun.

It was an old man with sparse hair. He was hunched over and leaning on a cane.

With a cheerful smile on his face, he was no different from the old man who took a walk in the park on weekdays.

The old man scratched his head and said apologetically: "Hello, sir, I'm sorry to disturb you so late."

"The reason I came here is because a voice told me that maybe someone can help me fulfill my wish."

"Excuse me, sir, are you willing to help me?"

The old man looked a little nervous, but more expectant.

Fang Xun heard this and nodded gently: "Old man, if you have any unfulfilled wishes, just tell me, I will try my best to help you fulfill them."

Hearing Fang Xun's agreement, the old man looked very happy, and his cloudy eyes became clearer.

He bowed deeply to Fang Xun, and then said seriously: "I would like to ask you to take care of Taromaru for me."

Hearing the name Taromaru, Fang Xun subconsciously said: "Taromaru, why does this name sound familiar?"

The old man scratched his head and joked with a smile: "Really? Maybe the name Taromaru is more popular. I really don't know how to name."

Fang Xun looked at the old man and asked casually: "Old man, Taromaru should be very important to you, right?"

Fang Xun has also commissioned the spirit lamp several times.

The ghosts he met were concerned about their children and their lovers.

Because they couldn't let go during their lifetime, they had a strong desire.

The old man is concerned about Taromaru now,

which shows that the man and the dog have a deep bond.

Hearing Fang Xun's words, the old man chuckled and said, "Yes, in a sense, Taromaru is a relative to me."

He looked at the moonlight outside the house, with a kind smile on his face, and began to recall the past.

"The Taromaru I am talking about is a local pet dog in Inazuma. It is now half a year old."

"In fact, I didn't think about raising a pet at the beginning,"

"Because in my opinion, taking care of myself is already a very tiring thing, where can I have the energy to take care of a pet?"

The old man paused and said with a wry smile: "However, my children insisted on sending Taromaru to me."

"They saw that I was unwilling to leave the old house, and they were afraid that I would be too lonely, so they arranged for Taromaru to accompany me."

Fang Xun nodded gently, and he could understand the old man's situation.

In fact, many old people will encounter such a situation.

The spouse passed away unexpectedly, and the children were not around.

Sometimes raising a pet can really help the elderly to relieve boredom.

The old man continued to talk with a smile.Wang: "Sir, I'm not afraid of you laughing at me. At the beginning, I really couldn't adapt to living with Taromaru,"

"Because Taromaru is so lively and active, I have to take it for a walk every day, otherwise it can't release its energy and will secretly destroy the house at night."

"Every time I find it doing something bad, it grins and tries to get away with it by being cute."

"What I want is a quiet life, but with the arrival of Taromaru, the house is messy all day long, which goes against my original intention."

"Besides,... Taromaru doesn't want to live with a boring owner like me, right?"

"Every time I take it out for a walk, I say it's a walk, but in fact I get tired after walking a few steps, and most of the time it waits for me."

"I don't know what it likes to eat. Anyway, it eats whatever I eat, which is a bit unfair to it."

The old man mentioned the past, with an apologetic look on his face.

He felt that he was quite irresponsible and could not be considered a good owner.

"So I wrote to the children overnight, asking them to take Taromaru away and take good care of him."

"The children were very sensible and took Taromaru away the next day."

"After Taromaru left, the house did become quiet, but I didn't feel happy,"

"Because it was too quiet, so quiet that I was a little uncomfortable."

"Although Taromaru was noisy when he was around, I felt inexplicably at ease."

"Of course, it was not just the quietness that I was uncomfortable with,"

"After Taromaru left, I stayed at home every day and often had backaches, My health is far from being as good as when I took a walk with Taromaru every day."

"Later, I realized that Taromaru insisted on going out for a walk every day to help me exercise."

"All along, I thought I was taking care of it, but in fact, it was silently taking care of me."

The old man paused and continued to talk about the past: "Later, I wrote to the children again, hoping that they would send Taromaru back,"

"But the children told me that Taromaru ran away from home that night after returning home and could not be found."

"When I heard the news, I felt a little sad. "I have been worried about Taromaru, but I am more worried about what might happen to him."

"I have unknowingly regarded Taromaru as a relative, and his every move is a concern for me."

"I decided to find him, even if I had to lean on a cane and move forward step by step, I would find him."

"But when I walked out of the house, I found Taromaru at the door, grinning at me."

"The tail behind him was shaking from side to side, and I was worried that he would shake it too hard and break it."

"At that moment, I realized that Taromaru's so-called running away from home was actually just for Go home. "

"Since then, Taro Maru has never left my side, fearing that he would be separated from me again."

Speaking of this, the old man's face was full of smiles, and his eyes became particularly gentle.

"Later, my health was getting worse day by day,"

"I knew that my road had come to an end and I was about to say goodbye to the world."

"My children have started their own families and are living well. I don't need to worry,"

"The only thing I am worried about is Taro Maru."

"Because I am afraid that my departure will make Taro Maru sad."

Fang Xun nodded, indicating that he could understand.

According to the old man's narration, it is not difficult to hear that Taro Maru is a very spiritual dog.

It will definitely be sad when the old man passes away.

At this time, the old man continued: "I wrote to the children again, asking them to take Taromaru away and not let him escape again."

"Taromaru is usually docile and always grins when you touch him. But on that day, Taromaru was abnormal,"

"It seemed that it knew it was going to be sent away. Taromaru lay beside me and didn't let anyone get close. It made a whining sound and looked like it was crying."

"The children had no choice but to let Taromaru stay with me."

"In the few days of my life, Taromaru was with me. My His body was getting weaker and weaker, and he spent most of his time sleeping, but every time he woke up, he could see Taromaru standing by his side.

"After I passed away, my children buried me in a forest outside Inazuma Castle."

"From that day on, Taromaru stopped eating and drinking, and stayed by the grave every day."

"So, it should have been three days since he had eaten."

"I am very worried about his health, so I want you to take care of Taromaru for me."

The old man looked at Fang Xun, chuckled and said, "I can feel that you are a very gentle person, and Taromaru entrusted to meYou, I can rest assured. "

Before crossing, Fang Xun did raise a dog,

Now taking care of Taromaru should not be a difficult task.

However, Fang Xun did not agree immediately, but expressed his concerns.

"Old sir, I am only staying in Inazuma for a few days, and I will leave after the festival is over. Are you sure you want me to take Taromaru with me?"

Unexpectedly, the old man's smile became even more intense after hearing this.

"That's even better. Inazuma may be a sad place for Taromaru,"

"If you can take it away, I think it won't miss me so much."

The old man looked at Fang Xun and said seriously, word by word: "Sir, what I want to say is, please take good care of Taromaru, please."

Fang Xun nodded: "Don't worry, leave this to me."

"Well, can your dog cook?"

"Hmm? ? "

The old man was stunned for a moment, somewhat puzzled.

"Taro Maru can't cook, but he eats very happily, wishing he could eat eight meals a day."

"But I noticed that it seems to have a special interest in swords."



Today, I basically sat in front of the computer all day, typing and typing...

I have done what I promised everyone before, please give me some free gifts.

The income from reading fan fiction is not high, so I can only survive on gifts.

As long as the data of this book is good, the author said that he can occasionally update.

Finally, everyone should go to bed early, good night.

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