

The strong beating of the heart slowly brought Xiao back to consciousness.

The side effects of being drunk made him feel dizzy and weak in his limbs.

The whole body seemed to sink to the bottom of the sea and keep falling.

This feeling was terrible, like the rumored ghost pressing on the bed.

I can't drink anymore in the future.

It's a waste of time.

Just then, Xiao heard the footsteps and conversations of several people around him.

"Hey! Hey! I caught a fresh big fish in Dihua Island. I'll treat you to fish soup tonight!"

"This kind of fish is very difficult to catch. It is extremely powerful in the water. Ordinary people can't catch it at all."

"Fortunately, I have four arms. I fought with it and finally caught it on the shore!"

A man with a rough and heroic voice boasted to his companions.

Then, two soft and sticky female voices came from the side.

"Hush! Brother Fushe, keep your voice down. Don't wake me up."

"My little brother has been very busy recently. He has to run around with us and keep watch at night. Let him rest a little longer."

The man named Fushe scratched his head and apologized twice in a low voice.

He was busy sharing and forgot about this matter.

Soon, another man's voice came from the side.

The voice sounded gentle, unhurried, and powerful.

"I picked some nourishing herbs in the mountains and boiled them into soup for my little brother to drink at night. I hope his body will get better."

A total of four different voices surrounded Xiao's ears.

Why do these voices sound strange and familiar?

Who are these people caring about?

Xiao remembered,

There were five great guardian Yakshas under the Emperor's seat,

Thunder Yaksha Fushe,

Rock Yaksha Mi Nu,

Fire Yaksha Yingda,

Water Yaksha Fa Nan,

Wind Yaksha Jin Peng.

The five Yakshas had a good relationship and often called each other brothers and sisters.

Among the five, Jin Peng was the youngest,

So in private, the other four Yakshas would call Xiao "little brother".

In the past, Xiao did not like the title of little brother, thinking it damaged the image of an immortal.

But now he misses it a little.

Because no one has called him that for a long time.

Perhaps because of missing, or perhaps because of drunkenness,

the memories hidden deep in Xiao's heart are now transformed in his dreams.

At this time, Fushe sniffed and then looked at the others: "Why do I smell a strong smell of alcohol? Did anyone of you go to buy alcohol?"

Huo Yasha Yingda responded: "Brother Fushe, we didn't buy alcohol, the smell of alcohol came from my little brother."

Fushe muttered: "Why did this guy drink so much alcohol? He is so drunk."

Yan Yasha Mi Nu next to him hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I heard that...only people who have a lot of things in their hearts will get drunk,"

"My little brother may have encountered something troublesome."

Shui Yasha Fanan's tone was full of worry: "How big a trouble must he have encountered to get drunk like this?"

Huo Yasha Yingda sighed: "This silly brother, we are obviously next to him, he can tell us the matter."

Finally, Fushe stood up and ended the topic.

"Okay, okay, don't you know the character of that kid?"

"Even if he was injured in battle, he didn't say a word, and he lied to us that it was okay."

"He... didn't want to say it because he didn't want us to worry, so let's not ask too much."

Fushe paused and said to Yan Yasha Mi Nu next to him: "Mi Nu, go make the hangover soup."

"That kid smells so much of alcohol, he will definitely have a splitting headache and feel uncomfortable when he wakes up. Drinking a bowl of hangover soup will make him feel better."

"I understand, I'll do it right away." Yan Yasha Mi Nu responded and set out to make the hangover soup.

Mi Nu doesn't seem to be good at speaking, but he works very hard.

At this time, Fushe's voice sounded behind him: "Wait, I haven't finished talking yet."

"Make more hangover soup, it will be useful tonight."

Mi Nu stopped: "Huh?"

Fushe explained: "It's better for me to drink with that kid tonight than for him to drink alone."

Mi Nu nodded: "I know."

The conversation between the four ended here, and everything fell into silence.

Not long after, Xiao felt the bitter taste of medicine in his mouth.

Then, Xiao slowly regained consciousness, and the previous dizziness in his head was also relieved a lot.

He slowly opened his eyes and looked at the four people standing in front of him.

Fire Yasha Yingda said to his companions: "Wake up, wake up, little brother wakes up!"

Water Yasha Fanan came forward and asked: "Little brother, how do you feel?Where do you feel uncomfortable?"

Yan Yasha Mi Nu also added: "If you feel uncomfortable, say it out loud, don't force it."

Lei Yasha Fushe put his big hand on Xiao's head and ruffled Xiao's hair.

Fushe said unhappily: "Stinky boy, if you get drunk like today again, we won't care about you!"

The three Yashas standing next to them smiled at each other,

"Brother Fushe always says this, but he is the one who cares about me the most."

"That's right, although Brother Fushe is harsh in words, he is still very kind in heart."

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