Listening to everyone's laughter, Xiao was slightly dazed.

In a trance, he seemed to have returned to the past, back to the carefree past.

Lei Yasha Fushe noticed the subtle changes on Xiao's face, and he touched his chin with a suspicious expression.

"Why are you staring at us? Don't you recognize us?"

"Mi Nu, check if this kid is still drunk."

Mi Nu nodded and prepared to go forward to check Xiao's physical condition.

Shuihuo Yasha also showed a worried expression, worried that Xiao's mental state would be in trouble.

For them, the five Yashas are a whole, and no one can be in trouble.

Seeing this, Xiao stood up and slowly responded: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

He paused and said in Zhongli's tone: "Long time no see, old friend."

It turns out that when you read this sentence, you really feel different in your heart.

A long time no see is better than a thousand words.

No wonder the Emperor always likes to say this. Xiao now understands some of its meanings.

Fushe carefully looked at Xiao's body and concluded: "He is definitely still drunk and talking nonsense."

"We have been living together for a long time, so why do you say it's been a long time?"

The other Yakshas were also confused, wondering why Xiao said such a thing for no reason.

But Xiao's eyes were so clear and bright, not like he was drunk.

The most important thing is that Xiao's tone of voice really sounded like he hadn't seen them for a long time.

"The food is getting cold, let's eat."

At this time, Mi Nu stood up and spoke.

Fushe then remembered the fish soup he had made and hurried forward to check.

Seeing that the fish soup was almost done, Fushe picked up the soup spoon and filled each person's bowl with a full bowl.

Water Yaksha Fanan gave all the fish in the bowl to Xiao, and explained: "I'm losing weight recently, so I can't eat so much fish. Little brother, please help me deal with it."

Fire Yaksha Yingda also gave the fish to Xiao: "I don't like fish, little brother, help me kill it!"

Considering that Xiao was overworked recently, the water and fire Yakshas spontaneously gave him the fish in the bowl.

It can be said that Xiao is the group's favorite.

Xiao didn't say anything, but just looked at the bowl full of fish quietly.

Water Yaksha doesn't need to lose weight for her figure.

And Fire Yaksha,

She likes to eat fish the most on weekdays, so how could she not like fish.

All this is just a white lie made up by the two of them hoping that Xiao would get better soon.

Thunder Yaksha Fushe and Rock Yaksha didn't say anything, but they also silently left the fish in the pot to Xiao.

After a short silence, Xiao said, "Thank you."

Past memories appeared in front of Xiao through dreams. It turned out that life at that time was also very beautiful.

A group of people sat around the campfire, talking and laughing.

Fushe pulled Xiao to drink, Yingda was burning a fire beside him,

Mi Nu and Fanan looked at the stars in the sky and whispered something.

After three rounds of drinking, Fushe drank a little too much. He couldn't help but sighed: "Such a life is really good, no war, no death."

"When the world is peaceful, let's go to live in the human world!"

Fanan nodded and said, "I heard that the human world is very interesting. I want to experience it."

Mi Nu touched his chin: "Retired to the countryside, life should be good."

Yingda smiled and said, "Since everyone is going, I will go too."

"Little brother, what about you?"

The four Yakshas looked at Xiao at the same time, expecting Xiao's answer.


Xiao actually wanted to say yes, he also longed for a peaceful life,

but before he could say it,

the four Yakshas sitting opposite him suddenly stopped smiling, and replaced them with vigilance and seriousness.

As if facing a great enemy.

Seeing this scene, Xiao suddenly felt uneasy in his heart,

as if something important was about to disappear from his sight.

He remembered,

they also gathered together to eat and talk and laugh, imagining the future,

then, the disaster happened in Liyue,

with the arrival of the disaster, the four Yakshas disappeared forever in Xiao's world.

Xiao was unwilling to accept this ending.

He wanted to do something, to do something for his companions.

He stood up, holding the Hepu Kite tightly in his hand.

"Let me go. I can defend the front alone."

"You stay here. Do you understand what I mean?"

Although he knew it was a dream, Xiao still wanted to protect his friends and change the ending of the story.

If possible, he was willing to exchange his life for the other four.

At this time, the eldest brother Fushe reached out and pressed Xiao's head, his tone full of dissatisfaction.

"What nonsense are you talking about, kid? I don't like to hear it. "

"We are all still alive. It's not your turn to charge into battle anyway."

"All you have to do is protect yourself and live well, understand?"

Yan Yasha Mi nodded angrily: "Little brother, what Brother Fushe said is right,"

"You evacuate first and go find Lord Emperor, he will tell you what to do."

Shui Yasha Fanan also smiled and replied: "Little brother, don't worry, we will be fine, don't worry."

"It's dangerous here, leave quickly."

Huo Yasha Yingda also urged Xiao: "Go quickly, if you stay here, we will be distracted."

"It's not the first time we've fought, don't you still believe in our strength? ”

Obviously, Xiao is one of the five Yakshas, ​​and his abilities are not weak.

But in the eyes of the other four Yakshas, ​​he became the one who needed to be taken care of.

Just because he was the youngest.

It was agreed that happiness and hardship would be shared,

but in reality, happiness was shared by everyone, but hardship was shared by the older brothers and sisters.

Looking at the backs of the four Yakshas, ​​Xiao stretched out his hand to stop them.

If he could stop them, perhaps the ending would be different.

“Don’t... don’t go...”

“This war... is different from what you imagined...”

Xiao stretched out his hand to touch the four Yakshas, ​​but unexpectedly found that his fingers penetrated their bodies.

The four Yakshas turned into dust and quickly dissipated in front of Xiao.

Lei Yaksha Fushe looked at Xiao seriously: “As the guardian Yakshas under the Emperor’s seat, it is our mission to protect the peace of Liyue.”

Yan Yaksha Mi Nuo told Xiao: “Little brother, take care of yourself. ”

Fire Yaksha Yingda said with tenderness: "We will be back soon, please wait for us before that."

Water Yaksha Fa smiled: "Why do you look so listless? Can you smile? "

The figures of the four Yakshas turned into dust and dispersed with the wind, as if they had never appeared.

Only Xiao was left standing there alone.

He thought they would meet soon, so he didn't say goodbye properly that day.

It's a dream, and there will be a time to wake up.

Then, Xiao raised his head suddenly,

Because at that moment, he felt a huge breath approaching rapidly,

That breath was very similar to the supreme power of the emperor, but a little different.

The next second, a void crack appeared in front of Xiao,

In the crack, a figure slowly walked out.

When Xiao saw the man's face clearly, he was obviously stunned for a moment.

"Mr. Fang Xun..."

Fang Xun looked at Xiao, and then chuckled and said: "Xiao, long time no see. "

Fang Xun's tone of voice was full of reunion, and it sounded like they hadn't seen each other for many years.

His face was as handsome as when they first met, but the depth hidden in his eyes showed that he had experienced many vicissitudes of life.

For a moment, the confusion between dreams and reality made Xiao unable to distinguish the situation.

Fang Xun continued: "I won't say much about reminiscing about the past."

"Now, come with me to change the ending of the story?"


"Go pick up your brothers and sisters."


There is very little information about the Five Yakshas, ​​and the author has not found much,

so he can only write the story according to his own understanding.

In the author's opinion, the brotherhood and sisterhood of the Five Yakshas should be like this,

If there are any shortcomings in the writing, I hope everyone will bear with it.

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