As usual, Fang Xun planned to get up early to make breakfast for the little ones.

As soon as he walked out of the room, he immediately heard a burst of movement in the kitchen.

For a moment, Fang Xun was a little surprised.

Apart from him, who would appear in the kitchen at this time?

Fang Xun walked to the kitchen and saw Gan Yu who was cooking.

It is not difficult to see that Gan Yu does not have much cooking experience.

Because she first put Qingxin and Liulili into the pot without any order,

Then she threw the whole Jueyun pepper into it.

If there is a crackling sound in the pot, Gan Yu will hide behind the pot lid.

Until the sound disappears, she will slowly stick out that strand of hair and her big watery eyes to observe.

After confirming that everything is fine, Gan Yu will also show a relieved expression.

This was the first time Fang Xun saw Gan Yu busy cooking. It was so cute.

Gan Yu seemed to have noticed Fang Xun's presence. The two looked at each other.

Then, Gan Yu's delicate and fair face suddenly became particularly flushed, as if a ripe peach could be squeezed to produce juice.

"Please... please don't watch me make breakfast."

"That will cause me trouble."

Gan Yu's eyes were full of shyness, and she couldn't even speak clearly.

Because for Gan Yu, it was very embarrassing to lose her composure in front of Fang Xun.

Looking at Gan Yu's blushing face, Fang Xun also smiled and said, "Okay, okay, I won't watch."

"Then I'll go back to my room first, and I'll come out after you make breakfast."

Gan Yu hummed and nodded gently: "Then I'll call you upstairs after I finish making breakfast."

Gan Yu paused, as if she remembered something, and then added a sentence.

"This morning, I found a letter in the mailbox at the door,"

"The letter is written to you... I have put it on the table."

As Gan Yu explained, Fang Xun also saw the eye-catching letter on the table,

It was written with the words 'Fang Xun's letter'.

Fang Xun opened the envelope and saw the beautiful and neat handwriting.

"Fang Xun, it's been a long time since we last met. How are you doing?"

"The Wind Flower Festival is coming soon. Do you want to visit Mondstadt?"

"If you come to Mondstadt, I can be your guide."

"The Wind Flower Festival is a festival of wind. The wind spreads dandelion seeds all over Mondstadt. Next spring, dandelions will bloom all over Mondstadt."

"We can also use bombs to leave marks in various places. I named this festival the Memorial Festival. What do you think of the name?"

"And, I have successfully developed a new type of bomb recently."

"I will take you and the little ones to the Starfall Lake to fry fish. I promise it will be fun!"

The letter ends here, and Alice's signature is at the end.

In fact, Fang Xun can know that this letter was written by Alice without looking at the signature.

After all, there is no one else who is so obsessed with bombs except Alice.

Fang Xun had not expected that Alice would write a letter to invite him to the Wind Flower Festival.

In fact, before this letter arrived, Fang Xun had already decided to take the little ones to the Wind Flower Festival.

And Alice's letter helped Fang Xun successfully get a guide to Mondstadt.

However, this guide seemed a little dangerous.

Fang Xun fell into deep thought. Should he choose an unreliable poet or a dangerous witch as a guide?

I always feel that neither is the best choice.

It would be great if there was a cute little Loli to be the guide for this trip.

Just as Fang Xun was thinking, Ganyu knocked on the door gently.

She came in with breakfast, which was a hodgepodge of Qingxin and Tiantianhua.

"Please, please try it and see how my breakfast tastes."

Ganyu pushed the plate forward and looked at Fang Xun intently.

Fang Xun nodded, picked up a Qingxin with chopsticks, and put it in his mouth to taste.

At this moment, Fang Xun felt sick.

Although these Qingxin were cooked by Ganyu, they tasted the same as raw ones.

The bitter taste made Fang Xun feel like he was drinking Chinese medicine.

No, it was even more bitter than that. Fang Xun lost all feeling in his tongue.

Although Fang Xun was born with the ability to be immune to all poisons, he could not withstand the mental damage.

"Is it very unpalatable?"

Ganyu noticed that Fang Xun had a strange expression and asked hurriedly.

"Not really, it's just a little bitter." Fang Xun forced a smile.

Ganyu blinked her big eyes, very confused.

"A little bitter? But...isn't this the taste of Qingxin?"

Fang Xun smiled and said, "I'm still not used to this bitter taste."

"Brother....Your complexion doesn't look good, what should I do? "

"Can you help me find something sweet, maybe it can suppress this bitterness."

"But, there seems to be nothing sweet here..."

Fang Xun:


Qiqi looked at the bottle in her hand and fell into deep thought.

She looked up at Fang Xun and said weakly: "Fang Xun... Why do I feel that there seems to be less coconut milk today..."

Fang Xun touched Qiqi's little head: "Qiqi, coconut milk is not that delicious. Let's change to something else today."

"What? You just like to drink coconut milk? The water here is very deep, you can't grasp it. "

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