Soon, Fang Xun and Gan Yu finished their breakfast.

Before leaving, Fang Xun specially prepared meals for the cute little kids at home.

At least the little ones would not be hungry during his absence.

After doing all this, Fang Xun accompanied Gan Yu to Yuehai Pavilion.

As soon as the two walked out of their residence, they ran into Yae Shen Zi.

It can't be said to be a coincidence, it should be said that Yae Shen Zi had been waiting outside the door for a long time.

She lived in the hotel next door, and it was only a few steps away for her to visit the kindergarten.

At this time, Yae Shen Zi looked at Gan Yu, and then smiled and said, "Sister Gan Yu, good morning."

Gan Yu was a little surprised to see Yae Shen Zi appear,

because at this time of the day, Yae Shen Zi would be sleeping for beauty sleep.

Why did you get up so early today?

Ganyu did not ask too much, but responded gently: "Godson, good morning."

Yaezao Godson stared at Ganyu's face, and then showed a suspicious expression,

"Hey, why do I feel... Sister Ganyu seems to be a little different today?"

"Strange, is it my illusion? Or..."

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional,

Ganyu's pretty face was slightly hot, and even the ahoge on her head was embarrassed to bend.

"Godson, you must have seen it wrong,"

"I... I'll go wash my face and come back soon."

As she spoke, Ganyu turned around and returned to her residence quickly,

As if she was afraid that Yaezao Godson would find out about her loss of composure, Ganyu even covered her face on purpose, and her panicked escape was very cute.

Looking at Ganyu's shy appearance, Yaezao Godson covered her mouth and laughed non-stop,

The flowers were shaking with laughter, and the fierce slime rushed around.

At this time, Fang Xun said to Yae Shenzi: "Son of God, don't tease Ganyu all the time."

"I know, I know. Since Mr. Fang Xun has asked, I won't do it again."

Yae Shenzi answered nonchalantly.

She knew she was wrong, but she would dare to do it again next time.

Then, Yae Shenzi paused, and his foxy eyes looked at Fang Xun intently.

"Mr. Fang Xun, I actually think that you should be more concerned about your own situation now."

Fang Xun was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "What do you mean?"

Yae Shenzi looked in the direction of the hotel, and said thoughtfully: "The sisters have been talking about you these two days,"

"They plan to go shopping with you today, and it will probably come soon."

Hearing Yae Shenzi's words, Fang Xun immediately felt troubled.

If things collided, I'm afraid there would be big problems.

"Son of God, please tell Ying and Zhen to change their shopping time to tomorrow,"

"As for the reason...please help me find a reasonable reason to explain it, okay?"

In Fang Xun's opinion, since he promised Ganyu to work overtime today, he must not break his promise,

because those who break their promises will be punished by salt.

His idea is to accompany Ganyu to work overtime today, and go shopping with the Leidian sisters tomorrow, isn't it the best of both worlds?

Hearing Fang Xun's words, Yae Shenzi nodded gently: "It's okay, but I need a light novel as a reward."


At this time, Ganyu, who had just washed her face, came out.

Looking at Fang Xun and Yae Shenzi whispering something, Ganyu showed a very confused expression.

"What are you talking about?"

"Nothing," Yae God Child waved his hand gently, "I just heard Mr. Fang Xun say that he has to work overtime with Sister Ganyu today."

"I kindly reminded him not to go out to explore the grass casually in the wild, be careful not to be washed away by the water."

"What I mean is... pay attention to safety when traveling."

"It seems that it will rain soon, so it is better to bring an umbrella when going out."

Hearing the words of Yae God Child, Ganyu looked up at the sky,

It was indeed as Yae God Child said,

The originally clear sky became cloudy at some point,

It was dark and dark, as if a heavy rain would fall at any time.

In fact, Ganyu did not dislike rain,

In fact, she liked rainy weather very much,

Because in Ganyu's opinion, it felt good to sit in the courtyard and listen to the rain,

However, as the first secretary of Liyue, Ganyu had countless work waiting for her every day,

For Ganyu, time was not enough, and sitting in the courtyard and listening to the rain seemed too luxurious.

That was something she wanted to do, but it was out of reach.

Fang Xun also saw Ganyu's regret.

He took Ganyu's hand and ran towards Yuehai Pavilion.

"Ganyu, we don't have time to waste. We must race against time to complete the work."

Looking at Fang Xun's back, Ganyu said weakly: "Actually, there is no need to rush so much.time."

Fang Xun shook his head and said seriously: "We should try to finish today's work before the heavy rain falls."

"No, not strive for, but must."

"I mean, finish the work quickly and then sit in the courtyard and listen to the rain."

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