Fang Xun walked forward slowly to check on Qiqi's interrogation.

He saw Qiqi use the power of ice element to turn into frost and snow and fall on the thief leader.

Fang Xun felt that the temperature around him was obviously several degrees lower. If the snow continued, it might become a small "Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain".

The thief leader was shivering under the artificial snowfall, and his lips were white.

But even so, he still gritted his teeth and refused to say a word.

Fang Xun thought that the members of the thieves' group would flee when they were in trouble, but he didn't expect that there were still people who were loyal.

This made Fang Xun look at him with new eyes.

At this time, the thief leader said depressedly: "Little girl, ask whatever you want to ask..."

"If you don't ask, how can I answer?"

"I'll tell you everything I know, please don't freeze me..."

At this moment, the thief leader really wanted to cry but had no tears.

After Qiqi came up, he didn't ask a single question and just let it snow. How can you interrogate like this...

In fact, you don't have to torture me. I'm happy to tell you the truth...

Fang Xun was stunned. He thought that the thief leader was keeping his mouth shut and would not tell the secrets of the thieves' group even if he died.

After all this time, Qiqi forgot to ask the question.

If Qiqi had asked the question earlier, the thief leader might have confessed earlier.

Qiqi blinked and tilted his head and said: "The question Qiqi wants to ask is... I'm sorry... Qiqi forgot..."

The thief leader suddenly felt very tired.

Then was the torture he had suffered in vain...

Let Teyvat be destroyed, quickly.

"Qiqi, let me take care of this. Thank you for your hard work."

At this time, Fang Xun came out from the side.

He reached out and rubbed Qiqi's little head to comfort her.

At the same time, he was considering arranging other tasks for Qiqi in the future, and the tasks related to memory were not considered for the time being.

"Fang Xun... I'm sorry..."

Qiqi lowered her head, her voice a little low,

She was sad because she didn't help Fang Xun.

"Silly girl, don't say sorry." Fang Xun reached out and pinched Qiqi's face.

"In my opinion, you have done a good job."

"At least, I saw a beautiful snow."


Qiqi looked up at Fang Xun, and the light reappeared in her eyes.

In fact, a beautiful snow has nothing to do with the task Fang Xun mentioned,

But Qiqi would not think so much, because Fang Xun likes to see the snow she brought down, and that's enough.

"Of course it's true. Barbatos is the one who lied."

After comforting Qiqi, Fang Xun turned to look at the thief leader and asked word by word: "What's your big move tonight?"

"Don't tell me there's nothing. I heard you complain when we were digging the pit just now."

"Set the village on fire... Make a noise to attract the attention of the Knights of Favonius..."

The thief leader said it all in one breath, because he didn't want to be tortured by Qiqi again.

Set the village on fire?

Attract the attention of the Knights of Favonius?

Hearing the words of the thief leader, Fang Xun subconsciously thought of someone,


It is clearly recorded in Rosaria's background story that

She was born in a remote village and her childhood should have been happy and perfect.

But one day the thieves massacred the village and kidnapped her when she was young.

It can be said that the thieves' group made a huge change in Rosaria's life trajectory.

She lost her relatives and grew up wildly in the thieves' group.

For Rosaria, being hungry and cold every day in the bandit group is a small matter. How to survive is the most important thing.

Places like the bandit group are full of dangers.

Two people who were still brothers in the last second may kill each other in the next second because of uneven distribution of interests.

Rosaria grew up in such an environment and developed a lonely and indifferent personality.

So Fang Xun was thinking,

If the bandit group did not massacre the village, and Rosaria did not become a bandit,

then what would her life trajectory be like?

Would she still become the nun who smoked, skipped classes, and executed justice in the dark?

Fang Xun didn't know,

but he wanted to change the tragedy.


I checked some information about Rosaria, so this chapter was published a little late, sorry sorry,

I have to adjust the update time tomorrow, I swear in the name of Barbatos! Really!

Finally, everyone go to bed early, good night.

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