Li Ben's stall business was so good that customers came before he finished his drinks.

He was so busy that he couldn't sit still, so much so that Uncle Li Ben didn't even have a chance to sit down and rest.

But fortunately, this was a way to make money, and Li Ben was in a stage of pain and happiness.

Fang Xun knew that Li Ben was very busy, so he simply said hello and left with the little cute kids.

However, the little devils at home were not the kind who could sit still.

They had finally come out, so they didn't want to go home so early.

"Brother Fang Xun, can we play outside for a while? Just a while."

Shen Li Linghua hugged Fang Xun's arm and shook it, her beautiful big eyes blinking.

Qiqi pulled Fangxun's clothes and said weakly: "Fangxun... Qiqi hasn't played enough... I want to go outside to get some fresh air... Can I?"

Little Hutao pointed to the distance, her tall twin ponytails bouncing up and down: "Wow~ There are two crystal butterflies over there!"

"Brother Fangxun, wait here, Hutao, I will catch those two crystal butterflies and give them to you!"

Shen He looked serious and whispered: "Master Ganyu said, 'Listening to the sounds of nature is helpful for practice', Brother Fangxun, let's go for a walk outside, okay?"

"Woof woof woof..."

Taro Maruya Then they howled and wagged their tails to signal Fang Xun to go out and play.

Because the little devils of this age are as energetic as Erha,

If they are not allowed to play happily, they might make a fuss and destroy the house after returning home.

If they do not destroy the house, then Taromaru will suffer.

The big devils, led by Qiqi, will run to Taromaru to play after returning home.

Either they think Taromaru is hungry, or they ride on Taromaru, or they pull the dog's hair...

Taromaru is exhausted and it is difficult for him to close his eyes and take a nap.

But if the little girls are tired from playing, they will not torment him.

So Taromaru keeps wagging his tail and asks Fang Xun to take the children out to play.

The dog is also worried about this family.

As for Ningguang, Beidou and Sha Luo,

They are also willing to go out and play, after all, it is really boring to bring them home.

Ningguang can play chess to kill time, but Beidou and Sha Luo are the kind of people who can't sit still, so they want to find something to do.

"Eula, what do you think?"

At this time, Fang Xun looked at the little Eula beside him.

Fang Xun respects everyone's ideas and will not ask the minority to obey the majority.

If he encounters a situation where the little ones disagree, he will make two arrangements to keep everyone happy as much as possible.

Eula was slightly stunned, obviously she didn't expect Fang Xun to take the initiative to ask for her opinion.

If it were the Lawrence family, those adults would order the children according to their own wishes and would not consider everyone's feelings at all.

In Lawrence, it is never "I hope", but "the family hopes"...

Compared in this way, Eula feels that she has made two correct choices.

The first correct choice is to leave the Lawrence family and completely cut off contact.

The second correct choice is to join Fang Xun's team, where Youla can feel the atmosphere of home more.

After a brief moment of absent-mindedness, Youla nodded gently: "Brother Fang Xun, I think the same as everyone else, I don't want to go back to the hotel so early."

"Okay, that means everyone agrees to go out,"

Finally, Fang Xun chose to take the little guys to the relatively open grassland outside Mondstadt.


Mondstadt, the wind rises.

Ningguang and Kamisato Ayaka are playing chess under the shade of a tree,

Hu Tao drags Qiqi around, sometimes catching crystal butterflies and sometimes catching squirrels. Qiqi is held by Hu Tao with one hand, and the other hand is holding the talisman on his head.

Beidou, Keqing and Sala, the three little guys with the Thunder Element God's Eye, are studying how to jump arcs on their fingertips,

Shen He sits cross-legged by the river and meditates. Even if there is noise around her, her heart is calm.

Taromaru crawls on the ground, squinting his eyes and taking a nap.

Fang Xun was instructing Eula on how to use ice mist flowers to maintain the bone whistle.

"Apply the ground ice mist flowers evenly on the bone whistle. Pay full attention to the movements during this process..."

Fang Xun's teaching method is to explain while actually doing it, so that Eula can understand it better.

Little Eula sat upright and watched Fang Xun's technique attentively.

After doing all this, Fang Xun handed the bone whistle to Eula: "You try it."

Eula took the bone whistle with both hands and maintained the bone whistle according to the steps Fang Xun just said.

In the field of music, Eula seems to have a unique talent.

Fang Xun only demonstrated it once, and she was able to remember most of the details.Original.

After the ice mist flower on the bone whistle dried, Youla raised the bone whistle and blew it gently, imitating the sound of animals.

Listening to the sound of the bone whistle, Youla thought that the sound of the bone whistle after applying the ice mist flower did become much clearer.

Brother Fang Xun is so amazing! A simple method helped her improve her skills.

Using ice mist flowers can make the bone whistle transparent...

Youla remembered this silently.

Maybe Youla herself didn't realize that she would carefully remember every word Fang Xun said,

So much so that her mantra now is: "Brother Fang Xun told me..."

If you often mention someone, you either hate him or you have a good impression of him.

Obviously Youla is the latter.

If a more careful person came at this moment, he would be able to find the change of Eula's mood. If she often mentioned a person's name, something must be fishy.

However, at this moment, everyone in the kindergarten did not think Eula was strange,

because they often mentioned the four words "Fang Xun brother".


Hearing Eula's bone whistle, Taromaru, who was lying on the grass, climbed up,

it pricked up its ears and looked around vigilantly, obviously looking for its own kind to provoke it.

Fang Xun saw this and stretched out his hand to signal Eula to stop playing.

"Don't always bully Taromaru, you've made the dog lose confidence,"

"How about this, I will teach you to imitate the sound of the second animal now."

Seeing that Eula had mastered the first animal's call, Fang Xun decided to start teaching her the second animal's sound.

"Okay, okay, thank you Brother Fangxun!"

Little Eula was naturally very happy to hear that Fangxun was going to teach a new sound.

Since she saw Fangxun playing the bone whistle and the seagull resonating with it last time, Eula has always regarded Fangxun as her goal.

She also wants to imitate the sound as she pleases, and make it look real like Fangxun.


Yesterday, I said there would be another chapter before twelve o'clock, but it was sent out ten minutes after the deadline. Sorry, I made everyone wait. I was stuck at the last minute, so I wasted time.

Then I will add more chapters today. There will be two more chapters later. The time is uncertain. I am afraid that everyone will wait. Anyway, I will definitely send them all out tonight.

Everyone can rest early and read them tomorrow.

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