"High-quality cat food, don't miss it if you pass by!"

"Wind Flower Festival special cans, limited to 100, first come first served!"

"The boss ran away with his sister-in-law, all cat food is on sale!"

In the exhibition, many merchants loudly promoted their own products.

Barbara bought a lot of cat food on the way,

These things are daily consumables, and it is also a good choice to buy some and store them at home,

She took out a cat food casually, and when she was about to feed the cat, her action suddenly stopped,

Then, Barbara lowered her head and searched in her pocket, and took out two small pills,

Her cat was sick recently, and the veterinarian prescribed some medicine, requiring it to be taken before eating every day,

However, the white and clean ragdoll cat did not seem to like taking medicine,

No matter how Barbara coaxed it, it just stubbornly turned its head away, resisting taking medicine all over its body.

"You can grind the tablets into powder and mix them in the can,"

"The fragrance of the can will cover up the smell of the medicine, and the cat will be willing to take the medicine."

Seeing Barbara's helplessness, Fang Xun gave a suggestion.

Barbara had no other choice at the moment, so she decided to try it according to Fang Xun's suggestion.

The cat first came forward to smell the can, and after confirming that there was no problem, it quickly ate the can cleanly,

"It really works!"

Barbara couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw this scene,

The problem of feeding medicine that had troubled her for a long time, she didn't expect Fang Xun to solve it easily, it was really amazing!

Barbara looked up at Fang Xun and asked curiously: "Brother, have you been raising pets for a long time?"

"You seem to be very experienced, much better than a newcomer like me."

"I can't say I have much experience, but when I raised pets before, I also encountered the situation that pets didn't take medicine."

The two opened up the topic of raising pets and slowly chatted,

"My cat is very clingy. It often runs to me when I practice singing and asks me to play with it. I feel that the time for practicing singing is a bit insufficient."

Barbara talked about her recent troubles, and Fang Xun quickly helped to give his own insights,

"In fact, the solution to the problem is very simple,"

"As long as you wet your hands before practicing singing, and then mess up the hair on the cat's back,"

"Then for a long time in the future, the cat will be busy combing its hair and won't disturb you."

"That's right! Why didn't I think of this?"

Barbara felt as if she had suddenly realized something.

"Brother, my cat often runs around in the middle of the night, making a lot of noise and refusing to sleep peacefully. What should I do?"

Barbara asked another question soon.

Fang Xun thought for a moment and gave an answer: "I used to have a dog and encountered a situation similar to what you said,"

"It also didn't get up during the day and didn't sleep at night."

"What happened next?"

Hearing that Fang Xun had the same experience, Barbara immediately listened carefully.

"Later, I went out of town, and before I left, I asked my neighbors, an elderly couple, to help take care of the dog for a few days,"

"I was worried that the dog would cause trouble for the neighbors, but when I got home, I found that the dog was very well behaved and not noisy at all,"

"I asked and found that the couple would take the dog for a walk every morning, and then take it to buy groceries after the walk,"

"We go out for a walk after dinner, and we run at night..."

Hearing this, Barbara roughly understood what Fang Xun meant,

As long as the pets' physical strength is consumed, they can only sleep well at night.

After that, Barbara asked a few more questions, and Fang Xun also gave examples of things around him,

Time passed little by little, and it was already from day to night in a blink of an eye,

During this time, by chatting with Fang Xun, Barbara learned a lot of skills in raising pets.

As a thank you, Barbara decided to treat Fang Xun and his friends to dinner.

"Great! Let's go eat!"

The happiest person to hear that they were going to have dinner was undoubtedly Paimon.

Fang Xun talked to Barbara about cats and dogs, and he couldn't get a word in.

But when it comes to eating, Paimon still has a lot of say.

She knows where the best food is in Mondstadt after just one bite!

Soon, the group arrived at the restaurant.

Barbara handed the menu to Fang Xun and others, and she also ordered a few dishes, spicy dried fish, spicy drinks...

All very spicy meals.

Yun Jin also sings, and her diet is light, with stir-fried shrimps every day.

But Barbara has no intention of protecting her throat at all, and seems to be a spicy lover.

I don't know what it will be like when these two people sit together to eat.Jing,

Yun Jin probably saw Barbara's incredulous expression, wouldn't spicy food hurt the throat?

Barbara also couldn't understand Yun Jin's approach, does singing require such light food?

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