"Barbara, is it really okay to eat so many spicy dishes?"

Seeing Barbara order a bunch of spicy dishes and even the drinks were spicy, Fang Xun couldn't help but ask.

Barbara shook her head and explained seriously: "It's okay, these peppers won't harm your body, please believe me."

"The spicy dried fish in this store tastes very good, you must try it later!"

"The spicy dried fish in their store is the best in the whole Mondstadt..."

Just when Barbara was recommending dried fish to Fang Xun, the restaurant waitress hurried over, she looked very apologetic,

"Sorry, our spicy dried fish is sold out today,"

"Do you need to replace it with other fish? It tastes good too."

"Hey, there is no spicy dried fish?"

Barbara pouted her little mouth and looked very disappointed,

She came to this restaurant just for the spicy dried fish,

But the Wind Flower Festival was so good that the dried fish in the store was sold out,

Barbara held the cat in her arms, pressed the cat's head with her chin, and looked very depressed,

It was really sad not to be able to eat dried fish.

"I'll go out for a while and be back soon."

At this time, Fang Xun stood up and gestured.

He remembered that he had won the food 'Delicious Spicy Dried Fish' in the previous lottery.

It was useless to keep that thing in the backpack, so it would be better to give it to little Barbara.

Then, Fang Xun left the restaurant and found an opportunity to take out the spicy dried fish from the backpack.

I thought Barbara would be happy again after tasting the 'Delicious Spicy Dried Fish'.

However, Fang Xun did not rush back, but strolled all the way to Wagner's blacksmith shop.

Tomorrow is the Wind Flower Festival, Fang Xun came to see the forging of the weapon 'When the Pine Sounds Ring'.

At the moment, the blacksmith Wagner was concentrating on his work. He took the hammer and hit it hard again and again, and did not notice Fang Xun's arrival at all.

Fang Xun really likes Wagner's work attitude.

The blacksmith concentrates on his work, and the quality of the weapons he makes will not be bad.

The preliminary work of "When the Pine Sounds Sound" has been completed.

The general shape and outline have been formed, and the next step is to polish the details.

This is also the most important part of the forging process. It is time-consuming and laborious. If you are not careful, the hard work in the early stage will be wasted.

Originally, Fang Xun was worried that Wagner would exceed the agreed time.

However, seeing the blacksmith's confident face and no hesitation in his hands, Fang Xun slowly put his mind at ease.

Since Wagner said that he could make "When the Pine Sounds Sound" on the day of the Wind Flower Festival, he would do it at all costs.

Because this matter concerns the reputation of the blacksmith.

After checking the progress of Eula's weapon, Fang Xun silently returned to the restaurant.

"Barbara, come and try this dish. How does it taste? How would you rate it among the spicy dried fish you have eaten?"

While speaking, Fang Xun pushed the spicy dried fish in front of Barbara.

Barbara blinked, and then she realized that Fang Xun had left to help her find dried fish. She felt warm in her heart.

"Okay, then I'll start."

Retracting her thoughts, Barbara picked up a dried fish and put it in her mouth, tasting it carefully.

"It's fragrant and spicy, and it's a delicious dried fish!"

Barbara's eyes lit up, and then she exclaimed.

She has eaten spicy dried fish in many restaurants, but the taste is not as good as the dried fish brought by Fang Xun.

"Brother Fang Xun, which store did you buy this spicy dried fish from?"


"I've eaten spicy dried fish in all the restaurants in Mondstadt. It's impossible for me not to have an impression of dried fish that tastes this good."

"Could it be that Brother Fang Xun made these spicy dried fish himself?"

"Brother Fang Xun's cooking is delicious. We all like to eat Brother Fang Xun's cooking!"

Ningguang, who was standing aside, spoke up. She recognized Fang Xun's cooking skills.

Brother Fang Xun's cooking is delicious. The kind you will never get tired of eating.

Except Ningguang, the other little ones nodded their heads and liked the dishes made by Fang Xun.

Even the round, gas-tank-like Taro Maru proved that Fang Xun's food was good...

"If I have a chance, can I go to Brother Fang Xun's house to eat?"

After a day of getting along, Barbara still had a good impression of Fang Xun.

She was curious about what dishes Fang Xun could make besides spicy dried fish.

"Of course."

Fang Xun smiled and answered gently.

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