After finishing her meal, little Barbara seemed to be in a good mood.

She put her hands behind her back, skipped forward, and hummed a cheerful song.

As a future idol singer, Barbara has a very high singing talent, a gift from God, and a voice kissed by an angel.

When Barbara opened her voice, the noisy little girls all quieted down at the same time, and their attention was attracted by the beautiful singing.

The singing seemed to have a warm and healing power, making people feel like they were bathed in spring breeze.

"Barbara sings... beautifully..."

After singing a song, Qiqi spoke her inner thoughts seriously.

Beidou nodded repeatedly, agreeing: "This is the best singing voice I have ever heard... Barbara, can you sing another song?"

"It's really beautiful, I feel like I will never get tired of listening to it no matter how many times!"

"If Barbara's voice is combined with my limericks, it will work, it will definitely work!"

Seeing all kinds of good comments from Hu Tao and others, Barbara felt flattered.

"Everyone, do you really think I sing well?"

Noticing that Barbara's face was full of nervousness, Fang Xun smiled and joked: "Even Hu Tao said that you sing well, then it's really good,"

"Because that girl always says what she wants, she said I was tone-deaf when I sang last time."

"That's right, I never lie! Grandpa said that children who lie will never grow up!"

Hu Tao put her hands on her hips, with a proud face.jpg

"But, but I I feel like my singing has been terrible lately..."

"I seem to have reached a bottleneck, but I don't know how to break through the bottleneck and go further..."

When Barbara said this, her sister Qin's figure subconsciously emerged in her mind.

In Barbara's impression, Qin perfectly interprets the word "excellent".

Barbara has always been trying hard to catch up with Qin's footsteps.

If you stay where you are for too long, you will be farther and farther away from your sister, and that won't work...

"Barbara, the situation you described, I have a friend who sings opera and has also encountered it before."

Just when Barbara was troubled, Fang Xun spoke up,

"Maybe she can help you break through the bottleneck."

In terms of singing, Fang Xun really couldn't help Barbara.

Once, Mr. Zhongli gave an eight-character evaluation after listening to Fang Xun's singing,

No skills, all emotions.

From this, it can be seen that Fang Xun really knows nothing about music theory.

But knowing nothing is not a big problem, just ask for help.

Yun Jin happened to be in Mondstadt, and she was not too old,

The two kids should not have too much trouble getting along, at least they would not be constrained.

Although singing and acting are different, they are similar,

Maybe Yun Jin can help Barbara break through the bottleneck.


At this moment,

The Yun Hanxuan Opera Troupe is rehearsing and performing intensively, and they are very busy.

Because tomorrow is the Wind Flower Festival, they have to make all preparations.

Since Yun Jin does not need to perform on stage, and the adults have no time to take care of her,

So she can only sit alone in the audience, watching the adults busying around, bored.

Yun Jin looked at the sky outside the window, and her thoughts were also far away,

I don’t know what Brother Fang Xun is doing now...

Why doesn’t he come to play with me?

While thinking, Taromaru, with a simple face, slowly walked to Yunjin.

Yunjin had an impression of Taromaru, who was a pet in Fangxun's brother's home.

She had seen Taromaru several times and remembered that the dog was docile and well-behaved, not fierce at all.

This little dog with zero fighting power, Yunjin had worried more than once that Taromaru would be bullied outside.

Yunjin squatted down and rubbed Taromaru's hair. She didn't know why Taromaru came here.

Then, Yunjin noticed that there was a very obvious letter tied to the dog's back.

For a moment, Yunjin was slightly stunned.

She had seen pigeons delivering letters, but this was the first time she had seen a dog delivering letters.

Yunjin opened the letter, which contained a short message.

Little Yunjin, I don't know if you are busy now, so I sent the dog to ask, Fangxun stay.

Yun Jin put down the letter and looked towards the door.

She saw Fang Xun and other children standing outside.

"Mom, I want to go out and play~"

Little Yun Jin put down the letter and ran to her mother impatiently.

"Go home early and don't play too late."


With her mother's approval, little Yun Jin went out happily.

"Will it be a problem if we let Yun go out?"

Looking at Yun Jin's departing figure, Yun Jin's father was a little worried.

"After all, it's too late to go out at this critical moment.Decheng is full of people, I'm worried that she'll be in danger."

"It's okay."

Yun Jin's mother shook her head gently, her tone calm,

"If Yun Jin is going out alone, I will definitely not agree,"

"However, if Yun Jin is going out with Fang Xun and the others, what's there to worry about?"

"Mr. Fang Xun knows how to take care of children better than we do."

"Take the letter just now, for example, he knew that his coming in would delay our rehearsal, so he specially arranged for the dog to deliver the letter,"

"Such a careful person, what's there to worry about?"

"That's right."

Yun Jin's father thought for a long time, and finally nodded in agreement with his wife's point of view.

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