"What are these two discussing? They are even hiding it from us."

Looking at the figures of Zhongli and Fangxun leaving, Guizhong muttered angrily.

"There must be a deep meaning behind Morax's doing this..."

The Ruotu Dragon King next to him scratched his head and helped explain.

When he said this, Ruotu Dragon King was stunned for a moment.

Is there a deep meaning behind Morax's watching plays and walking his bird every day?

It should be counted, right?

But his current level is not high enough to see the deep meaning in it.

Maybe he will figure it out in the future.

Not long after, Zhongli and Fangxun came back.

It seems that the two have reached some kind of contract.

Although he didn't know the content of the contract, Guizhong could sense a subtle change in the atmosphere.

It was hard to describe the change, as if Zhongli and Fangxun had become better.

It seemed that they had reached a mutually beneficial cooperation.

"It's getting late, let's set off now."

At this time, Zhongli spoke and interrupted Guizhong's thoughts.

"Let's go, if everything goes well, maybe we can catch the night market that's not over yet!"

Gui Zhong jumped forward and happily took Zhong Li's arm.

She was a very smart woman and did not ask Zhong Li about the specific content of the contract.

Since Zhong Li deliberately chose to avoid it, it means that he hopes that as few people as possible know about it. Gui Zhong naturally does not want to cause trouble for Zhong Li.

To be honest, Gui Zhong is not curious about the content of the contract they signed. As long as Zhong Li can stay with her all the time, it's fine.

Thinking of this, Gui Zhong hugged Zhong Li's arm tighter.

She didn't want to be separated from Zhong Li, not even for a minute or a second.

Of course, Guizhong sometimes felt that Zhongli was too stupid, didn't know how to care for others, and always made her angry.

In Mr. Fang Xun's words, Zhongli was a straight man of steel.

But Guizhong felt that this sentence was not appropriate enough. It should be said that Zhongli was a straight man who was straighter than steel.

He didn't understand romance at all and was extremely allergic to romance.

Forget it, we can't ask too much of stupid stone.

Zhongli didn't know how to take care of others, so Guizhong would just take care of him.

There is always someone who has to pay in a relationship, and Guizhong felt that she could pay.

Zhongli was already very tired, and she didn't want Zhongli to have a burden in the relationship.

If you like someone, you have to accept everything about him.

So even if Zhongli was a straight man of steel, she liked him.

"It's easy to catch a cold when traveling at night, so put on a coat before setting off."

At this time, Zhongli silently handed the coat to Guizhong.

After the words fell, Guizhong blinked, surprised and speechless.

Stupid stone actually got the hang of it and knew how to care for others?

"You, you, you..."

"What's wrong?" Zhongli stopped moving forward, looking a little confused.

"Are you really Morax? Are you a fake?"

"Tell me, where did you hide Morax?!"


The Ruota Dragon King next to him only regretted that he didn't have a small notebook now, otherwise he could write down the details.

One of the important rules for improving feelings: add clothes to the person you like.

"Ruota, what are you doing?"

At this time, Fang Xun patted Ruota Dragon King on the shoulder.

Fang Xun felt that he was not suitable to watch the two people being affectionate, so he ran over to chat with Ruota Dragon King.

"Mr. Fang Xun, I feel like I have realized it!"

Ruota Dragon King raised his head, his eyes full of wisdom.

"Oh? Tell me about it."

The Dragon King Ruota said seriously: "Look, Morax simply asked Guizhong to add more clothes, and Guizhong was so excited."

"I was thinking... If just adding one piece of clothing can move a girl, then if adding more clothes will not move her to death?"

Fang Xun did not speak, silently gave the Dragon King Ruota a thumbs up.

"You are really smart."

"Thank you, hehe..."

The Dragon King Ruota scratched his head embarrassedly, not noticing Fang Xun's subtext at all.

As long as you pay close attention to the details in life, it won't take long for you to become an emotional master, right?

The Dragon King Ruota sighed silently in his heart.

Falling in love also requires talent, and there is no doubt that his talent is excellent.


Soon, the four of them headed towards Mondstadt.

You know, Zhongli is a serious rock god, and Fang Xun also has elemental power comparable to that of a god, so it didn't take long for them to arrive at Mondstadt smoothly.

"Good evening, everyone, especially Mr. Fang Xun!"

As soon as he entered the city, Fang Xun heard Wendy greeting him.

Looking in the direction of the voice, Fang Xun saw the unreliable bard, and Lady Kamisato with Kamisato Ayato.

They arrived in Mondstadt from Inazuma first, and thenWaiting for Fang Xun at the city gate.

Fang Xun thought that Wendy would arrive in Mond before dawn, but she arrived so early, before the night market was over.

Smelling the smell of alcohol on Wendy, Fang Xun probably guessed what was going on.

As long as the alcohol is in place, Barbatos can do anything for you.

"Mr. Fang Xun, I'm sorry, we have troubled you."

At this time, Mrs. Shen Li bowed slightly, her tone full of apology.

Fang Xun brought them to Mond from afar, which must have cost a lot of time and energy, and Mrs. Shen Li felt bad.

"I'm sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time." Fang Xun waved his hand quickly.

Mrs. Shen Li smiled and shook her head: "It's okay, we just came here not long ago."

"Mr. Fang Xun, where is Ling Hua?"

At this time, Shen Li Ling Ren came forward to ask.

He hadn't seen his sister for many days and was a little worried.

So the first thing he did when he arrived in Mondstadt was to ask about Kamisato Ayaka's situation.

"She's watching the rehearsal at the venue now, but I don't recommend you go find her now."

"Because little Ayaka doesn't know you're in Mondstadt yet, we can prepare a surprise for her."


"Yes, just suddenly appear in front of her during the most lively time of the Wind Flower Festival. Little Ayaka will definitely be very happy."

Kamisato Ayaka could imagine little Ayaka's expression full of surprise.

He nodded vigorously: "Okay, then we won't go to see Ayaka today, and give Ayaka a surprise tomorrow!"

After that, Fang Xun arranged accommodation for Kamisato and his mother, as well as Zhongli and his group.

Kamisato Ayaka was probably the first time to go out so far, so he fell asleep immediately.

Mrs. Kamisato was in a similar situation and also went to bed early to prepare for tomorrow's Wind Flower Festival.

As for the Wada Dragon King, he could fall asleep immediately if he was given a pillow.

Only Zhongli and Guizhong did not rest. They still had to go to Yunhan Society to check the situation.

"Mr. Fangxun, look at the big and round moon tonight. Does it look like a wine bottle?"

Wendy pulled Fangxun and talked nonsense seriously.

Fangxun knew what Wendy meant. She was urging him to pay.

There was a deal between the two. Wendy went to Inazuma to help pick up Kamisato and his son, and Fangxun paid with dandelion wine.

Looking at Wendy's impatient expression, Fangxun joked: "Wendy, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry."


"I have arranged for Taromaru to pick up bottles. When the time comes, I will sell them and exchange them for wine for you."

Wendy:? ? ?

"Good evening, everyone, except Mr. Fang Xun."


I haven't spoken for a long time, so I'll come out today to make some comments, hey~

I'm mainly going to answer two questions that have been asked a lot recently,

Question 1: I miss you so much every day, have you secretly started a new book?

I'm wronged, I really haven't, if I start a new book, I will definitely tell everyone as soon as possible.

Now my main focus is on this kindergarten,

If I start two books at the same time, the quality of this book will seriously decline, or even end badly, which is not worth the loss.

Let's wait until the kindergarten is finished before considering the new book.

By the way, the new book may be Genshin Impact, or it may be campus romance,

I'm not sure yet, let's see when the time comes.

The reason why there are few updates in the past few days is mainly because of the low period,

I sit in front of the computer at 7 o'clock every night, and I can only finish a chapter in the early morning,

This situation is quite bad.

I have already thought about what I want to write today, but I write as slowly as a snail.

In addition, I have a lot of things to do during normal times, and I feel that I don’t have enough time.

The Grass Country has been opened for a while, but the author has not even unlocked the anchor point, and I don’t know the development of the main plot. I have to wait until the weekend to take time to find out.

Let me adjust my state, and then I will slowly resume the normal update rhythm.

Really, I swear in the name of the wind god Barbatos!

Question 2: Is it that I can’t write about nostalgia anymore?

It’s not that there is no plot to write, there is still a lot of content to write about the Wind Flower Festival.

A lot of chapters have been laid out just to explode on the day of the Wind Flower Festival.

After that, Fang Xun has a lot of things to deal with when he returns to Liyue, and the Shura Field cannot be left alone, and there is also the Grass Country that has not been unlocked...

I even prepared several knives, just to change the taste occasionally.

Not to mention that the plot has not been written after the little guys grow up.

Adding up all the above, the total number of words in this book must have exceeded one million, no more, no less.

In short, everything will get better slowly.

Thank you all for your company along the way, reallyThank you very much.

Without your support and rewards, this book would have died long ago. The failure of countless similar books is the best example.

There is still a lot of time, and the story will be told slowly.

Finally, everyone should go to bed early, good night.

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