Seeing Wendy's depressed expression, Fang Xun stopped teasing him.

"The dandelion wine I promised you is already in your room. You can see it when you open the door."

"Hey, I knew Mr. Fang Xun would keep his word."

"Then you guys continue chatting. I'll go back to the hotel first~"

Hearing that the dandelion wine was already in place, Wendy regained his spirits and waved goodbye to Fang Xun and others with a smile on his face.

On weekdays, Wendy was always slacking off. He would only run over when drinking.

"That drunk poet... doesn't he have anything else to do besides drinking?"

Looking at Wendy's departing back, Zhongli shook his head helplessly.

Fang Xun thought for a moment and shook his head: "You can't say that. Wendy still reads and studies occasionally."

"Reading and studying... Wendy?"

For a moment, Zhongli was a little surprised.

He always felt that the two words "reading and studying" and "Wendy" had nothing to do.

"I never thought... that frivolous bard could actually calm down and read."

"In fact, he is not very willing to read, mainly because of the pressure of life."

"What do you mean?"

"Wendy does homework for my children to earn Mora."

Although Fang Xun often takes the little girls to travel, he has never neglected their education.

The basic courses for the lower grades have been arranged,

but the little guys are very naughty and don't want to do homework but only want to play, so they always ask Wendy to help them complete their homework.

One homework per person is still a considerable income for Wendy, at least more than the money earned by street performances.

Fang Xun paused and continued: "However, Wendy never accepts Ningguang's homework because he can't do it."

"When people are forced into a corner, they can do anything, except math problems. This is what Wendy said."

For a while, Zhongli was silent.

He shouldn't have expected Wendy to do a serious job one day.


At this moment, all the opera troupes of Yunhan Society were waiting anxiously.

Everyone was worried and worried.

Yun Jin's father was smoking one cigarette after another, and he had not stopped since the performance accident.

Although Yun Jin's mother looked calm, she paced back and forth on the stage, which showed that she was also anxious.

Everyone knew that tomorrow's performance was crucial. If it was messed up, Yunhan Society's reputation would be ruined.

Everyone prayed in their hearts, hoping that Fang Xun could show up with Zhongli.

"Here, Mr. Fang Xun is back!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone stood up and looked towards the door.

Fang Xun walked into the venue, followed by a man and a woman.

Yunhan Society had never seen the lively girl, but recognized the man next to him as Zhongli, a guest official of Wangsheng Hall.

When they saw Zhongli, everyone's hanging hearts were finally put down.

"Great, with the help of Mr. Zhongli, this play will definitely go smoothly."

"Yes, Mr. Zhongli really helped us a lot this time."

Zhongli heard this and shook his head gently: "It is not known whether I can help you, but I will do my best."

"Okay, let's rehearse now without further delay!"

"Give the costumes to Mr. Zhongli, and everyone take your positions!"

Time is tight now, and there is no time to chat.

So as soon as Zhongli arrived, Yunhan Club started a new round of rehearsals.

When everyone was moving, Yunjin's parents walked up to Fangxun and thanked him solemnly: "Mr. Fangxun, thank you so much today,"

"Brother Fangxun, thank you~"

Little Yunjin also looked up and thanked him in a baby voice.

If there was no help from Fangxun tonight, the play tomorrow would really not be able to go on.

Fang Xun reached out and rubbed Yun Jin's little head, chuckled and said, "It's a small matter, you're welcome."

Then, he raised his head and said to Yun Jin's parents, "You should rehearse first, and then we can talk about other things after tomorrow's performance is completed."

Yun Jin's parents nodded and returned to their respective positions.

"It's true, when Mr. Zhongli stood on the stage... Wow, he really looks a bit like Lord Yan!"

"Mr. Zhongli's acting skills are really good, beyond my expectations. To be honest, his acting skills are better than our actors!"

"Mr. Zhongli is knowledgeable and well-spoken. This is his natural advantage. I guess Lord Yan himself will also recognize his play when he comes?"

As Zhongli appeared on the stage, the Yunhanshe Opera Troupe exclaimed.

After tomorrow's performance, they had to ask Zhongli if he was willing to go to Yunhanshe.Hanshe performance.

Because Zhongli is so much like the Yan Lord!

Fang Xun and Gui Zhong looked at each other in the audience, and they smiled but didn't say anything.

How could he not act like the Yan Lord?

The one standing on the stage was Yan Lord himself.

After the performance, I should ask Zhongli how he felt about playing himself on stage.

"Brother Fang Xun, Ningguang is a little sleepy..."

After a rehearsal, Fang Xun's clothes were pulled by someone.

Little Ningguang rubbed her eyes, she was so sleepy that she couldn't open them.

Usually at this time, the little ones go to bed, so it's understandable that she's sleepy now.

Not only little Ningguang, Shenli Linghua, Hu Tao and others also started yawning, and their eyelids kept fighting.

If possible, they would like to sleep on Fang Xun's back now.

"The little ones are getting sleepy, I'll take them back to rest first."

Fang Xun said hello to everyone and left with the children.

Little Yunjin also followed the team.

Because she couldn't help much with the rehearsal, her mother asked her to go back and rest.

"Things that we were helpless about were easily solved by Fangxun. This is something that not everyone can do."

Looking at Fangxun's back, Yunjin's father couldn't help but sigh.

Yun Jin's mother stood by and nodded gently: "Yes, he has an indescribable temperament."

"He can joke with you at ordinary times, but he will never let you down at critical moments... He is a very reliable person."

"The most important thing is that Fang Xun is still very young, which means he has a lot of room for growth."

"I have a hunch that one day in the future, the name Fang Xun will be sung in Liyue and known to everyone."

Yun Jin's mother paused: "Do you think... Will Fang Xun become one of the Seven Stars of Liyue?"

"The Seven Stars of Liyue? That's too small, and the pattern is small."

"For someone like Fang Xun, how could the Seven Stars of Liyue be his end?"

Yun Jin's mother was slightly stunned, feeling that her husband had a high opinion of Fang Xun.

It seems that after knowing him for so long, he only gave such a high opinion to Fang Xun and Zhongli.

Yun Jin's father did not notice this at all. He shouted to everyone: "Okay, okay, let's continue rehearsing,"

"Everyone has worked hard tonight, I will treat you to supper later."

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