Youla sat up from the bed and stared at the sunset outside the window in a daze.

She thought she had just slept for a while, but when she opened her eyes again, the sun was about to set.

Youla was worried that she had woken up late, so she hurried out of the room.

However, what she saw was that all the doors of the rooms were closed and the entire corridor was silent.

Youla then realized that she was the first child to wake up.

Unlike the Lawrence family, there is no strict time limit here. The little girls all sleep until they wake up naturally.

Sometimes it doesn’t matter if you miss dinner, because Fang Xun will leave food for you, and you can eat it directly after you wake up.

It is precisely because Fang Xun spoils them like this that the little ones always get up after they are full of sleep, and they don’t have to consider the time issue.

At this time, there was a rustling sound downstairs, and little Youla immediately walked downstairs with her short legs to check.

"Master Ganyu~"

Seeing Ganyu busy in the kitchen, Eula walked up to her and greeted her in a baby voice.

The reason why Eula called Ganyu "Master" was actually because of Shen He's influence.

Seeing Shen He always called Ganyu "Master", Eula started to call her that after a while.

Similarly, the little ones called Yae Goddess "Auntie", and Eula would follow suit, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Little Eula is awake."

Ganyu stopped what she was doing, squatted down and gently rubbed Eula's head.

Ganyu is becoming more and more like a housewife now,

Especially when she is holding a spatula in her hand and wearing an apron,

Eula blinked and asked curiously: "Master Ganyu, didn't Brother Fangxun say that he would go out to eat tonight? Why are you still cooking?"

"Because it costs a lot of money to eat out, if I cook a few dishes, I can save a lot of money."

Ganyu thought that Fangxun worked hard to make money, so she used this method to help Fangxun save money.

Eula nodded as if she understood: "Oh, so that's the case."

"Master Ganyu, where did Brother Fangxun go?"

After Ganyu mentioned it, Eula noticed that Fangxun was not seen.

Ganyu thought for a moment and replied: "He seems to have gone to the blacksmith shop, saying that he wanted to get something."

"Then I'll go find Brother Fangxun!"

Eula ran out without thinking.

"I, I'll go with you."

"It's not safe for a kid like you to run around outside."

Ganyu was worried about Eula going out alone, especially during festivals like Wind Flower Festival when there were many people.

"It's okay, Master Ganyu."

Eula shook her head gently. She didn't want to cause trouble for Ganyu, not to mention that Ganyu seemed very busy now.

"During this period, Brother Fang Xun taught me swordsmanship, and I have the ability to protect myself."

"And the blacksmith shop is not far from here, I can find Brother Fang Xun in a moment,"

"Besides, aren't you still cooking... Master Ganyu, your food seems to be burnt!"

Ganyu was so busy talking to Eula that she almost forgot that there was still food in the pot.

Fortunately, Eula reminded her in time, otherwise the food in the pot would have become a dark dish.

When Ganyu put the food on the plate, little Eula had already run out the door and disappeared.

Ganyu was still worried about Eula going out alone, so she wanted to follow her, but she didn't know how to get to the blacksmith shop.

"What a nice smell, is it time for dinner?"

At this time, Paimeng, who smelled the fragrance, flew to the kitchen, followed by Ying and Qiqi.

"No, sorry, it may be a little later before dinner,"

Ganyu paused and asked seriously, "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the blacksmith shop?"

Paimeng and Ying looked at each other. The two had some impression of the blacksmith shop, but not much, and had not paid special attention to it.

"Qiqi... do you know how to get to the blacksmith shop..."

At this time, little Qiqi spoke weakly.

"Fang Xun took Qiqi to the blacksmith shop... and Hu Tao likes to eat the shrimp dumplings there... so Qiqi remembers..."

"Qiqi, can you take me to the blacksmith shop?"

"Of course... you can..."

Qiqi took Ganyu's hand and went out, with Ying and Paimeng following behind.

However, Qiqi's memory was not very good. Every time she passed a fork in the road, she had to stop and think carefully.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with the direction Qiqi pointed. The four of them rushed towards the blacksmith shop, looking for Eula on the way.


As for Eula,

She ran to the street and soon noticed that she was being followed.

And the people following her were not others, but the Lawrence family, all of whom were familiar faces.

At first, Eula didn't think that the Lawrence family was coming for her. Maybe they just happened to meet.

Until she passed several roads in a row,She found that the people of the Lawrence family were following her like a plaster and she couldn't get rid of them.

Only then did Eula realize that the Lawrence family was coming for her.

She had already drawn a clear line with the Lawrence family, so why did the Lawrence family still come after her?

Was it just for the so-called family revitalization?

Eula was not interested in Lawrence's revenge plan. She was very satisfied with her current life.

In order to no longer have too much entanglement with the Lawrence family, little Eula used her petite advantage to get into the crowd.

And this trick was really useful. It didn't take long for little Eula to easily get rid of the group of people behind her.

But before Eula could breathe a sigh of relief, a man's deep voice sounded in front of her,

"Eula Lawrence, your nonsense ends here. The family's tolerance has its limits!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Eula stopped,

She looked up and met her uncle Schubert Lawrence's eyes.

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