Seeing Schubert and his men blocking the way, Eula suddenly had a bad premonition in her heart.

She retreated cautiously, trying to find a chance to slip away.

However, Schubert seemed to have seen through Eula's mind and sent people to block the way back in advance.

Seeing that the situation was not right, passers-by quickened their pace and left, fearing that they would get into trouble.

"Eula Lawrence, you should have discovered it, right?"

"There is no place for you in the huge Mondstadt. Everyone is prejudiced and hostile to you."

"Only the Lawrence family will take care of you... Come back with us."

Schubert didn't want to make a big deal. If he attracted the guys from the Knights of Favonius, it would be troublesome.

He stretched out his hand to Eula and showed a hypocritical smile.

"Not everyone is hostile to me. Brother Fang Xun, Master Ganyu and Shen He are all very good to me."

Faced with Schubert's remarks, Eula shook his head and refuted.

"Also, uncle, you should know better than me whether the Lawrence family treats me as a relative or a tool for revenge."

"So, I can't go back. I have cut off all ties with the Lawrence family and have nothing to do with them anymore."

For a moment, Schubert's face turned cold, and his gloomy eyes stared at Eula.

"Eula, I am not discussing with you, but informing you of the result. I hope you can understand this."

"Since you are stubborn, we can only use some tough measures."

After the words fell, several young and strong companions around Schubert started to move.

They strode forward and tried to catch Eula.

Eula must be taken away before the Knight of West Wind arrives. The longer it is delayed, the more difficult it will be.

Of course, considering that Eula is the key to revitalizing the Lawrence family, this group of people did not dare to hurt Eula, and they acted with great discretion.

Seeing that the Lawrence family had given up, little Eula was unwilling to sit and wait for death.

She held the greatsword tightly with both hands and prepared for defense.

Although little Eula had not obtained the Eye of God at this time, her expression was not panic or timid, but a kind of determination that could not be described.

She was unwilling to return to that cage again. She wanted to make a complete break with the Lawrence family.

At this moment, Eula used the swordsmanship taught by Fang Xun to the fullest.

The Lawrence family could not get close to Eula at all.

Her defense was watertight and there was no flaw to be found.

Seeing that the situation was unfavorable, Schubert hurriedly ordered Eula to be separated from the greatsword.

Only if Eula lost the greatsword could they take Eula away.

And there was a young man in the Lawrence family who had the Eye of God with wind attribute. He found the right opportunity to compress the wind element into a very impactful air cannon.

Taking advantage of the moment when Eula was not paying attention, the air cannon flew out quickly.


With a muffled sound, the air cannon accurately hit the sword, and the sudden impact force caused Eula's sword to slip out of her hand.

The Lawrence family did not dare to take it lightly, and quickly destroyed the sword to prevent Eula from getting it again.

As Schubert expected, Eula's combat capability dropped sharply after losing the sword.

After all, Eula is still a young girl now.

Without the Eye of God and no weapons, there are really too few things she can do.

But even so, Eula is unwilling to give up, because that is not her character.

Even at the last moment of her life, she will never compromise and bow her head!

Watching the people of the Lawrence family slowly approaching, Eula was ready to fight to the death.

At this moment, a figure protected Eula behind him and prevented the people of the Lawrence family from getting closer.

"Brother Fang Xun..."

Looking at Fang Xun's back, Eula's voice choked and tears flowed down.

She didn't cry when facing the Lawrence family, nor did she cry when she was in trouble and had nowhere to go.

Only when Fang Xun appeared, little Eula couldn't control her emotions and cried.

Because only in front of Fang Xun, she didn't have to pretend to be strong and speak out her bitterness and grievances.

"Little Eula, don't cry, don't cry, I'm here." Fang Xun squatted down and gently wiped Eula's tears. He didn't look at Schubert and others during the whole process.

The simple sentence 'I'm here' made Eula feel completely safe.

"Who are you? How dare you interfere with the Lawrence family's work!"

Schubert didn't know Fang Xun, and when he saw someone getting in the way, he roared.

"My name is Fang Xun, from Liyue."

"I don't know anything about the Lawrence family, I just know that Eula doesn't want to go with you."

Fang Xun's voice was much lower than usual.

This is his personality. If he can chat, he will chat more. If he can't chat, forget it.

He can make jokes with WendyTalking to Zhongli about the future development of Liyue,

Fang Xun naturally had no good face for these scums of the Lawrence family.

Seeing Fang Xun's disrespect for the Lawrence family, Schubert was so angry that his lungs were about to explode,

"How dare you! When did the Lawrence family do things, it was your turn as a foreigner to point fingers here?"

"Hand the people over quickly, or don't blame us for being rude!"

While talking, Schubert's companion stretched his muscles and looked at Fang Xun with ill intentions.

A guy without the Eye of God dared to hinder the Lawrence family?

As long as Schubert gave an order, these people would rush up without hesitation, letting the foreigners in front of them know what the consequences of offending the Lawrence family would be.

However, facing the threats from the Lawrence family, Fang Xun didn't even raise his eyelids.

"I'm going to take her away today. Who of you wants to stop me?"

When he said this, Fang Xun's body was full of fire elemental power.

Then the fire element was transformed into ice, and then into water, grass, wind, rock, and thunder.

Seven elemental powers. Fang Xun showed seven elemental powers in a short period of time.

The Lawrence family was dumbfounded, and Eula was speechless.

No one expected that Fang Xun actually had seven elemental powers!

The cold wind blew in his face, and Schubert shuddered involuntarily.

"Go, go, go! Go quickly!"

Schubert left this sentence and fled in a panic.

The situation of others was not much better. They hurriedly followed Schubert to escape.

Fang Xun did not chase him. He did not intend to do it here.

The main reason was that little Eula was still here, and Fang Xun did not want to leave a shadow in the child's heart.

Of course, Fang Xun didn't take action not because he intended to let the Lawrence family go.

He knew that the Lawrence family would definitely not give up, and it was only a matter of time before they would make a comeback.

Rather than that, he might as well take the initiative.

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