"The proportion of explosives seems to have a little deviation, which is different from what I expected."

"I'm sorry to trouble you. I will clean up here."

Facing a group of West Wind Knights, the witch Alice spoke with an apologetic face.

She didn't expect that the Wind Dragon Ruins were so fragile that they became ruins just by setting off fireworks.

However, after the explosion, the Wind Dragon Ruins looked more like ancient ruins.

Is this a blessing in disguise?

Grandmaster Falga shook his head helplessly: "Alice, you can help us the most by not using bombs casually in the future."

While speaking, Falga looked around the entire Wind Dragon Ruins.

Fortunately, there are no valuable items here, and no one would come to such a remote place, so Alice's destruction did not have much impact on Mondstadt.

If there is any impact, it is probably the destruction of the residence of the Wind Dragon Tevalin...

When the dragon sleeps at home, disaster comes from the sky.

The world achievement in which only Tevalin was injured was achieved.

Grand Master Falgar didn't know whether Tevarin would be angry, so he could only arrange for the Knights of West Wind to clean up the ruins of the Wind Dragon after the explosion as soon as possible.

"Wendy, why are you here?"

At this time, Falgar noticed Wendy's arrival.

He had an impression of Wendy, a bard who often appeared beside Fang Xun.

Wendy said, "I accidentally drank too much wine, and wanted to go out for a breath of fresh air..."

"But I didn't notice that I walked here."

"It seems that you are very busy, so I won't bother you and say goodbye first."

After saying goodbye to the Knights, Wendy found a deserted place and used the wind field to fly to the ruins tower.

What about accidentally walking to the ruins of the Wind Dragon after drinking too much? This is all nonsense.

In fact, Wendy cares about the situation of the Wind Dragon Ruins more than anyone else.

Because not only his dependent Tevarin lives here, but also stores extremely precious memories.

Fortunately, Alice's bomb only caused damage to the outer part of the tower, and there was no substantial damage inside.

Wendy stood on the tower and looked at Mondstadt.

At this moment, the people of Mondstadt were immersed in the festive atmosphere of praising the God of Wind,

while their god was standing on the lonely tower without lights, wondering what he was thinking.

Da Da Da...

At this time, there was a sound of footsteps behind Wendy,

although the footsteps were very light, they were undoubtedly clearly audible in this silent tower.

Wendy turned around and found that the person who came was Fang Xun.

"Mr. Fang Xun, shouldn't you be with the children at this time?"

Wendy was a little surprised at Fang Xun's arrival, and then greeted him with a smile.

"Ganyu is taking care of it over there, so I don't have to worry about it."

Fang Xun came to Wendy and also looked at Mondstadt.

"The scenery you see from a high place is really different. No wonder you like to come here, even if you don't do anything, just look at it."

Fang Xun paused, took out two bottles of dandelion wine from behind, and handed one of them to Wendy.

"Would you like to sit down and drink together?"


Wendy didn't say anything polite to Fang Xun, the two of them were so familiar with each other.

He opened the dandelion wine and poured a sip into his mouth.

Before meeting Fang Xun, Wendy drank the bottle slowly in small sips.

Because after finishing a bottle of wine, I don't know when I can drink again.

So every time I drink, I have to drink slowly and savor the taste of the wine carefully.

After meeting Fang Xun, Wendy can drink wine every day, but he still can't change the habit of drinking slowly in small sips.

Because habits are something that is difficult to change.

"Now everyone calls this place the Wind Dragon Ruins, but a long, long time ago, this was the capital built by the 'Wind God of Tornado'."

Wendy was talking to himself.

He seemed to be talking to Fang Xun, but also to himself.

"At that time, I was not a god, just a wisp of wind among the thousands of winds,"

"And Old Mondstadt was surrounded by endless wind walls, and even birds were not allowed to pass."

"The people in the city are like birds that have lost their freedom, trapped in bird cages for their entire lives."

As Wendy talked, Fang Xun gradually understood the past.

"Later, I met a boy."

"The boy held an organ in his hand, eager to write the most beautiful poem in the world."

"But he was born in Old Mondstadt and could not see the world outside the wind wall."

"The boy once told me that his greatest wish in life was to see the birds flying."

"In order to fulfill the boy's wish, I found the feathers of a falcon for him,"

"But when I see the boy again,When he was 18, he had already fallen on the road of pursuing poetry. "

Fang Xun looked at the feather tied around Wendy's waist. That should be the feather that Wendy failed to give away in time.

It turned out that Wendy had been wearing the feather all these years to commemorate his old friend.

"Death is not the end of life. Being forgotten is the real death."

"So I turned into the appearance of my old friend and took a good look at this world for him."

Wendy stood up and looked at Mondstadt outside the tower.

"Mondstadt is completely different now. There is no bitter cold and no wind wall. You can see flying birds and blue sky as soon as you look up."

"I was thinking... If the boy could see these scenery, he would be very happy, right?"

"It's a pity that there is everything in this world, but there is no if."

Wendy's voice gradually became lower and lower, and finally it was so small that it could not be heard.

At this moment, the figure of this seemingly unserious bard was a little lonely.

"No, he must be able to see it. "

Fang Xun interrupted Wendy.

He took out the spirit lamp from his backpack and placed it on the ground.

As the light gradually lit up, a figure gradually appeared in front of Wendy.

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