The boy looked exactly like Wendy, and those who didn't know thought there were two Wendys at the same time.

However, the boy's figure didn't look clear, as if it would disappear with the wind at any time.

Thousands of years had passed, leaving the soul of the old friend like a candle in the wind.

"Partner, is that you?"

The boy looked at Wendy, his voice fluctuating.

Although there was a person standing in front of him who looked exactly like him, looking into Wendy's eyes, the boy immediately recognized Wendy's identity.

"It's me, partner."

"Long time no see."

Wendy nodded gently, his mood was also not calm.

When he met the boy, Wendy didn't have a name yet, so the two of them called each other partner.

After forming this habit, the two never changed their words.

"Partner, after you leave, I will walk in the world in your appearance."

"The poems you taught me are now sung in every street and alley in Mond."

"And this feather..."

Thousands of years ago, Wendy didn't give the feather to his old friend in time, which became a lifelong regret.

Thousands of years later, Wendy finally handed the feather to his old friend.

"Thank you, this feather is very beautiful, just as I imagined!"

The boy had never seen a flying bird in his life, so he could only imagine what a flying bird looked like.

Now that he finally saw the feather of a flying bird, the boy cheered with joy.

"Partner, how is Mondstadt now? Has it become a free land?"

At this time, the boy raised his head, and what he was most concerned about was the current situation of Mondstadt.

"Instead of letting me tell you, why not see Mondstadt yourself now?"

"Mondstadt is now unrestrained, and the people are very free."

Wendy closed his eyes, and his whole body was lit up with rich wind elements.

He took the boy and Fang Xun to fly high into the sky and headed for Mondstadt.

At first, the boy was so scared that he screamed and held Wendy's arm tightly.

This was his first time flying high. If he accidentally fell down, he would be finished.

But then he thought that he had already died, so there was nothing to worry about.

Under Wendy's guidance, the boy saw the sky and the flying birds for the first time.

"My friend, it turns out that the flying birds in the sky are all this big."

The boy pointed at Tevarin flying in the sky and sighed.

He thought that the flying birds were the size of a palm, but he didn't expect that the flying birds were so big that they blocked out the sky.

Wendy smiled and said, "That's Tevarin, and he is also my friend."

"Of course, there are bigger birds in the world than it."

The boy nodded, thinking that the weak wind elf at the beginning has now become a great figure.

He was sincerely happy for his friend.

After that, Wendy took the boy to the sky above the prosperous and lively Mondstadt.

Looking down from here, the scenery of the entire Mondstadt is in full view.

"That's the gift from the angels. The wine there is delicious, but the price is a little expensive. If you want to drink, I can treat you."

"On the other side is the West Wind Church and the Knights. The people will ask for help from the West Wind Knights when they encounter any difficulties."

Wendy is slowly introducing the changes in Mondstadt over the past thousand years to his old friend.

After that, Wendy took his old friend to the Star Picking Cliff, which is the best place to see the stars and the sea.

This is the first time the boy has been close to the sea. He stepped barefoot on the soft sand and looked very excited.

"So this is what crabs look like. They look so fierce with their teeth and claws."

"Partner, come and step on the water and see who can step on the bigger water!"

Wendy chased and played with the boy, just like a thousand years ago.

When they were tired, they lay on the grass to rest and watched the crystal butterflies flying away.

"I never thought before that Mondstadt has so many beautiful scenery."

"There are grasslands, seas, and endless starry skies."

Under the moonlight, the boy couldn't help but sigh,

"The people living in New Mondstadt must be very happy, right?"

When he said this, there was light in the boy's eyes, revealing yearning.

"I really want to live in such an environment forever,"

"It's a pity that I'm leaving soon."

The boy looked down at his gradually dimming body, and looked up to say goodbye to Wendy.

"Are you leaving so soon?" Wendy looked reluctant,

How could he not notice that the boy's breath was getting weaker and weaker, but he was powerless in the face of this situation.

"Mr. Fang Xun..." Wendy cast a look of help to Fang Xun.

Fang Xun thought for a moment and gave an answer: "It's a bit difficult, I'll try."

Wendy's old friend is just an ordinary person, and he doesn't have a soul as powerful as the demon god,

PlusAfter thousands of years, the soul of the old friend has been worn away to almost zero.

Under such circumstances, it is very difficult to make a doll to collect the soul.

Although he is not sure, Fang Xun thinks he can try.

However, the boy shook his head and declined the kindness of Wendy and Fang Xun.

"I have been pursuing freedom all my life, and now I just want to be a ray of wind."

"Let me experience the experience of my partner, maybe it will be more comfortable to be a carefree wind elf?"

"Partner, I think if it is you, you will understand what I mean."

The figure of the boy began to disappear with the wind.

Although he is about to say goodbye to this world, the smile on the boy's face has not diminished.

Because he has seen the high sky, the flying birds and the free land of Mondstadt,

He no longer has any regrets in his heart.

"By the way, partner, do you have a name now?"

Before leaving, the boy seemed to remember something and asked hurriedly.

"Barbatos, my name is Barbatos now."

The young man said happily: "Barbatos... What a nice name."

"Hey, Barbatos, my name is Wendy."

"I'm leaving now, don't forget my name."

"Barbatos, thank you for letting me see the most beautiful Mondstadt."

"In my heart, Mondstadt should be like this."

After the words fell, the young man turned into stars and dissipated in the night sky, and the feathers he held tightly in his hand also fell.

Wendy was quick and held the feathers in her hands.

I will not forget your name, because I walk in the world with your name.


Seeing Wendy staring at the feathers without saying a word, Fang Xun stepped forward and patted Wendy on the shoulder.

Wendy smiled slightly: "Please don't worry about me. The free wind does not need redemption."

"He has been here and he has seen it. That's enough."

The faint singing of the young man came from the sky.

See the world for me.

Fly to the sky for me.

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