After dinner, the Leidian sisters planned to go to Mingshen Grand Shrine to meet their old friend Huzhaigong.

However, Fangxun was not familiar with Huzhaigong, and they were just nodding acquaintances, so he did not plan to join in the fun.

"Huzhaigong is our good friend, and maybe Mr. Fangxun can also become friends with Huzhaigong."

"Fangxun, I will introduce my friend to you, you must go."

For some reason, the Leidian sisters insisted that Fangxun accompany them to Mingshen Grand Shrine,

and the words between the lines revealed the meaning that they must go.

Looking at the serious faces of the two, Fangxun began to get nervous.

I remember the last time I was so nervous was when I followed Ganyu to meet Liuyun Zhenjun.

Meeting best friends and parents are several hurdles that men must face in their lives.

Having said this, Fangxun had to agree.


Step by step along the mossy stone steps, the three of them were not in a hurry to reach the top, but walked and stopped to enjoy the scenery along the way.

It seemed that a heavy rain had just fallen not long ago, and the air was obviously filled with the smell of soil.

After some inquiries, I learned that before Fang Xun and others arrived, Inazuma had been experiencing heavy rain for a week.

But even with the continuous storms, the sacred cherry tree of Narukami Taisha is still full of vitality and tenacious.

"It is said that the sacred cherry trees of Narukami Taisha bloom all year round and never wither."

"This sentence is absolutely true."

Looking at the sacred tree on the top of the mountain, Fang Xun sighed.

Raiden Zhen smiled slightly: "Thanks to Mr. Fang Xun for bringing this sacred tree back then, we have the peaceful and stable Inazuma today."

"The sacred tree I brought?"

Fang Xun was stunned in place, with a surprised expression.

In the original plot, it was Raiden Zhen's power that created the sacred cherry tree, so how did it become something he brought?

Moreover, he has only been in Teyvat for half a year, so how could he have planted the seeds of the sacred cherry tree five hundred years ago?

"It is indeed you who planted the sacred cherry tree. Have you forgotten it?"

Lei Yingying nodded, confirming this completely.

She reached out and touched Fang Xun's forehead, then asked worriedly: "Are you sick? But it doesn't look like it."

"Or... the passage of time has worn your heart out?"

Fang Xun shook his head to indicate that he was fine, wondering if all this was a series of chain reactions after he used the Book of History?

Just as Fang Xun was thinking, a little girl suddenly rushed out in front of him and interrupted his thoughts.

The girl was wearing a pure white-based, extremely simple shrine maiden costume.

Only apprentice shrine maidens who had just come to Mingshen Taisha would wear this kind of clothes.

Perhaps because of the large amplitude of running, the girl's originally carefully tied long hair suddenly spread out, and the green hair rose and fell with the wind.

The little girl was originally white and clean, with delicate features, and the scattered hair under her eyes was even more stunningly beautiful.

Fang Xun immediately recognized the girl in front of him as Kuki Shinobu,

the future second-in-command of the Aradaki sect,

the external brain of Aradaki Ichito.

"Hang, sorry."

Kuki Shinobu realized that her recklessness almost caused trouble, so she quickly lowered her head to apologize to Fang Xun.

"Excuse me...are you okay?"

It was Kuki Shinobu who was almost injured, but she didn't expect that she would take the initiative to care about Fang Xun's situation.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

Fang Xun shook his head gently.

"I'm fine too."

"Oh, by the way, the steps are a bit slippery these days, please pay attention to safety when going up the mountain."

Kuki Shinobu realized that Fang Xun and his group were going to the Naruto Shrine, so she kindly reminded him.

After saying this, Kuki Shinobu hurried away from Fang Xun, as if she was in a hurry.

Fang Xun stood there without moving until Kuki Shinobu's back disappeared at the end of the road.

Jiuqi Shinobu's face didn't look good. When she spoke, it was obvious that she was pretending to be relaxed.

And her thin back looked like it would be blown away by the wind at any time.

Is she sick?

Fang Xun didn't know. Perhaps he could only find the answer when he arrived at Narukami Taisha.


"Mr. Fang Xun, welcome you and your friends to Narukami Taisha!"

The maidens of Narukami Taisha didn't recognize the disguised Lei Dian sisters, but they could recognize Fang Xun at a glance.

Because the former chief priest, Yae Kamiko, often mentioned Fang Xun's name,

the priestesses all had a deep impression of Fang Xun.

"Excuse me, where is your chief priest now?"

"Please tell him that an old friend is visiting."

At this time, Lei Dian Zhen came forward to talk politely.

The chief priest she was talking about was Kitsune Saigiya.

Since Yae Kamiko left, all the affairs of Narukami Taisha have been handed over to Kitsune Saigiya again.

"I'm so sorry, the palace manager had to go out for something and hasn't come back yet.Come back."

After realizing that Fang Xun and his group were looking for the chief priest, the shrine maidens did not dare to neglect them.

"What about Axing? Let her take Mr. Fang Xun for a walk. I will try to contact the chief priest."

After the words fell, the shrine maiden next to him hurriedly stepped forward to remind him: "Axing has not come back from the field work. Have you forgotten?"

Fang Xun had some impression of the name Axing. It should be the sister of Kuki Shinobu.

Kuki Shinobu's parents were far away, and the two sisters depended on each other in Mingjin Taisha.

Now that her sister has gone out, only little Kuki Shinobu is left. It's pitiful to think about it.

"Don't bother, we can just go around by ourselves. "

Fang Xun waved his hand and walked in first.

In the game, Narukami Taisha is just a tiny place, and you can see all the scenery in just two steps.

But in fact, the planners deliberately reduced the content to save the players' memory.

The Narukami Taisha where Fang Xun is now is like a beautiful building with no end in sight.

Even tourists getting lost and losing their way is a common thing in Narukami Taisha.

Just then, Fang Xun saw little Jiuqi Shinobu again.

At this moment, the little girl was holding a bunch of thorny plants in her arms and walking towards the room.

Seeing this Seeing this scene, Fang Xun immediately remembered the background story of Jiuqi Shinobu.

When Jiuqi Shinobu was very young, she caught a cold. It happened that her parents and sister were not around at that time.

And she didn't want to cause trouble to other shrine maidens, so she picked thorny plants and wrapped them around her body.

The reason for doing this was that there was a rumor that such an action could be blessed by Ming Shen and cure diseases.

The fact is that the rumor was useless. Jiuqi Shinobu was stabbed all over her body with red marks, but the cold did not get better at all.

Suffering from illness and suffering.

Fang Xun didn't want Jiuqi Shinobu to suffer foolishly, he had to do something.

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