During this period, the autumn rain in Inazuma continued, and the temperature was getting lower and lower.

The tender green leaves gradually turned into gold, and finally drifted away with the wind.

The shrine maidens living on the top of the mountain were the first to feel the autumn. They put on thick clothes early, and then stood under the sacred cherry tree to look into the distance and enjoy the autumn scenery.

Of course, not everyone likes autumn.

At this time of year, some people will fall seriously ill due to the change of seasons.

Among them, there is Kuki Shinobu who caught a cold.

After getting sick, Kuki Shinobu's daily life can be described as terrible.

First, her head was dizzy, she was listless in doing anything, and she often got distracted.

It was not that her thoughts were jumping, but that she could not concentrate.

She was also particularly afraid of the cold. Even if she lay in a thick quilt, her body still couldn't help shaking.

Every time she went to bed, Kuki Shinobu could only curl up into a small ball to keep her body warm.

But this didn't work, and Kuki Shinobu would still wake up from the cold.

In order to get better as soon as possible, Jiuqi Shinobu found some thorny plants and tied them to her body.

It is said that such a feat can get the blessing of Lord Ming Shen and remove all disasters and diseases.

"Lord Ming Shen, please bless me and let my illness get better soon..."

Jiuqi Shinobu prayed in a low voice, with a pious face.

The cold autumn wind poured into the small room, making a whirring sound.

Jiuqi Shinobu's body couldn't stop shivering, but she didn't dare to move, because the thorns on her body would hurt her skin if she moved a little.

Just hold on, Jiuqi Shinobu thought,

As long as you hold on, the disease will get better...

"You are very ill, you must see a doctor."

Hearing the voice in her ear, Jiuqi Shinobu opened her eyes in a daze,

She tried to look at Fang Xun in front of her, and always felt that she had seen him somewhere.

I remembered,

She had met this big brother once, and they had a brief conversation when they went up the mountain.

I don't know how Fang Xun got here. I think she saw the sick Jiuqi Shinobu by accident.

"It's okay. Jiuqi Shinobu will get better after a good sleep."

Jiuqi Shinobu shook her head gently and declined Fang Xun's kindness.

She is a very strong person.

She would rather suffer the cold here than cause trouble to others.

Fang Xun looked at the thorny plants on Jiuqi Shinobu's body, "Even if you tie these things to sleep, your illness will not get better."

"In fact, you can also sense that the rumors are not necessarily effective even if I don't say it, right?"

Jiuqi Shinobu was silent for a while, then nodded.

When she shivered and endured the pain, waiting for Ming Shen to bless her, she realized that the rumors were unreliable.

But at that time, she had no choice but to wait for a miracle.

"Does it hurt?"

Fang Xun said while cleaning the plants on Jiuqi Shinobu's body.

These thorns are very sharp, and they can easily cut your skin if you are not careful.

I don't know how the little girl mustered up the courage to wrap them around her.

The thorns left red marks on Jiuqi Shinobu's chubby arms, and Fang Xun felt distressed when he saw them.

"It doesn't hurt." Jiuqi Shinobu shook her head gently.

She is really a very good child, and she forced a smile to prevent Fang Xun from worrying.

"Come up, I'll carry you to the clinic."

Fang Xun squatted down and turned his head to look at Jiuqi Shinobu behind him.

Seeing Jiuqi Shinobu's hesitation, Fang Xun smiled: "Why, are you afraid that I will kidnap you?"

"I know your sister A Xing, and I am also friends with the chief priest here. I won't lie to you."

As if to prove to Jiuqi Shinobu, Fang Xun also took the initiative to greet the shrine maiden outside the house,

"This child is sick, is it okay for me to take her to the clinic for treatment?"

"Is A Ninja sick? We haven't found it yet, so I'll trouble Mr. Fang Xun to help."

Now there are many things in Mingshen Taisha, and the shrine maidens are too busy to handle it.

Fang Xun took the initiative to take Jiuqi Shinobu to see a doctor, and the shrine maidens naturally wanted it.

From the conversation, Jiuqi Shinobu also knew that Fang Xun was a trustworthy person,

because all the shrine maidens in Mingshen Taisha respected him very much.

At the same time, Jiuqi Shinobu also learned Fang Xun's name for the first time.

Listening to this name, he should be a Liyue person, right?

While Jiuqi Shinobu was thinking, Fang Xun rubbed the little girl's head and said, "Let's go. I'll take you to see a doctor."

Seeing Fang Xun's insistence, Jiuqi Shinobu compromised and nodded, lying on Fang Xun's back obediently.

Fang Xun's back was very warm, and Jiuqi Shinobu didn't feel so cold anymore.

"Big brother, I don't mean to disbelieve you."

On the way down the mountain, Jiuqi Shinobu took the initiative to speak.

"From the first time I saw you, I knew you were a very good person.”

“Really? Why?”

“Because seeing you reminds me of my sister, who is also a very good person.”

When she said this, Jiuqi Shinobu felt a little depressed,

because her parents and sister were not around, and she was all alone.


Fang Xun smiled: “You are also very much like my sister, and they are also very good people.”

“Perhaps seeing you reminds me of them, so I want to do my best to help you.”

“In my opinion, you are my sister.”

“Thank you, big brother.” "

Fang Xun's words swept away the haze in Jiuqi Shinobu's heart.

Although it was sad that her parents and sister were not around, fortunately, she had a brother from now on.


"Since I can remember, my parents and sister told me that being a shrine maiden is a profession that brings honor to the family,"

Little Jiuqi Shinobu lay on Fang Xun's back and said to herself.

I guess she has a lot of things in her heart, and now she wants to find someone to talk to.

"They asked me to work hard and become a shrine maiden of Narukami Taisha in the future,"

"My sister often talked to me about the work of shrine maidens, and I thought it was quite interesting at that time."

"But when I came to Narukami Taisha, I found that I didn't like the job of shrine maiden so much."

"I am a person who only has a three-minute enthusiasm..."

Fang Xun turned his head to look at Jiuqi Shinobu behind him, and said comfortingly: "Even if it is a three-minute enthusiasm, as long as you can gain something in the process, it's enough. "

Jiuqi Shinobu nodded as if she understood, feeling that this was very profound.

She lay on Fang Xun's back and fell asleep unknowingly.

This was the most peaceful sleep that Jiuqi Shinobu had had since she became ill.


Sister Axing soon received the news that Jiuqi Shinobu was ill and rushed to the clinic.

Looking at her sister lying on the bed, Axing's tears flowed down.

It must have been very difficult for her young sister to silently endure the torture of the disease.

And when Jiuqi Shinobu needed help the most, she, as a sister, was unable to accompany her. It was really a dereliction of duty.

Fortunately, Fang Xun took Jiuqi Shinobu to see a doctor, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Mr. Fang Xun, thank you so much."

Axing wiped away her tears and walked to Fang Xun next to her to thank him.

"It's okay, it's just a small matter." Fang Xun waved his hand,

"Now that you are here to take care of the children, I can go back with peace of mind. "

Fang Xun couldn't stay in the clinic for too long, because he had to accompany the Lei Dian sisters to meet old friends, and he would be on the washboard if he was late.

He said hello to A Xing and left.

As soon as Fang Xun left, the doctor walked into the ward.

A Xing realized that her sister's medical expenses might not have been paid yet, so she quickly took out her savings.

"No need, the girl's brother has paid all the medical expenses."

The doctor waved his hand and said casually.


A Xing was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized that the girl's brother the doctor was talking about was Fang Xun.

Fang Xun helped Jiuqi Shinobu pay all the medical expenses.

"Yes, the girl's brother paid all the medical expenses,"

"And he repeatedly asked us if the medicine had any side effects, emphasizing that it must not affect the child's health and growth."

"We explained it to him several times before he believed us. "

A Xing could understand Fang Xun's worries, and she would have asked the same question if she were in his place.

"I'm sorry to trouble you."

"No, we can understand that the family members are concerned about the patient's condition."

The doctor smiled and walked to the bed to check on Jiuqi Shinobu's condition.

At this time, Jiuqi Shinobu had woken up and heard the conversation between her sister and the doctor clearly.

The doctor first asked about Jiuqi Shinobu's physical condition, and was relieved to know that everything was going well.

"Little girl, I can see that your brother really loves you,"

"When he brought you to the clinic, it was the first time I knew that people could run so fast."

"During the time you were asleep, your brother stayed by the bed, helping to wipe the sweat and pour water. Ordinary people would not have that patience."

Speaking of this, the doctor couldn't help but sigh: "The power of family affection is really great. "

Hearing the doctor's words, Jiuqi Shinobu thought that Fang Xun was not her biological brother,

but he was closer than her biological brother.

"Sister...what does Brother Fang Xun do for a living?"

After the doctor left, Jiuqi Shinobu looked at A Xing beside her,

A Xing shook her head: "I don't know either. Mr. Fang Xun's career should be in Liyue. He came to Inazuma just for travel."

Jiuqi Shinobu didn't say anything else, just stared at the ceiling in a daze.

Come to Inazuma for travel means Fang Xun will leave laterInazuma?

Does that mean she will never see Fang Xun again?

If she can't see Fang Xun, how can she thank him in person?

"Sister... I don't want to be a shrine maiden anymore. I want to study abroad in Liyue."

After thinking for a long time, Jiuqi Shinobu looked at Axing seriously.

"What nonsense are you talking about, kid?"

Axing was shocked by Jiuqi Shinobu's words and immediately guessed what Jiuqi Shinobu was thinking.

"Our family has been shrine maidens for generations. If you resign, your parents will definitely be angry."

"Besides, if you want to thank Mr. Fang Xun, you can find a time to say it in person. Why do you have to go to Liyue to study abroad?"

"These are two different things, sister." Jiuqi Shinobu shook her head gently.

"I don't want to be a shrine maiden because I don't like the job of a shrine maiden."

"As for my desire to study abroad in Liyue... on the one hand, I want to thank Brother Fang Xun,"

"On the other hand, the world is so big, I want to go and see it."

"Even if this matter is only popular for three minutes, there will be three minutes of gains. This is what Brother Fang Xun told me."

While speaking, Jiuqi Shinobu suddenly felt a warmth coming from the palm of her hand.

She subconsciously raised her hand.

In her palm was a dazzling God's Eye.

Looking at the God's Eye in her hand, Jiuqi Shinobu said: "It seems that my decision... has been recognized by the gods."

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