After returning to the hotel and having a simple lunch, Fang Xun told Ganyu about his outing and asked Ganyu to help take care of the children. Then Fang Xun took Ying and Paimeng to the Wind Dragon Ruins. This was his second time stepping into the Wind Dragon Ruins. The last time he came, it was still a "chaotic battlefield" with flying stones and mud everywhere, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder. Now that he came again, the Knights of Favonius had cleaned everything up and made repairs. Except for those incomplete and unrepairable ancient buildings, things like floors and walls have been restored to a great extent. It can be seen that the Knights of Favonius are not only efficient but also very capable, and they can "sew" the old Mondstadt ruins that were torn apart after the explosion. "Is the Wind Dragon Ruins in front? It's much bigger than Paimeng imagined!" This is Paimeng's first time to the Wind Dragon Ruins. Everything is new in her eyes. "It's really beautiful." Ying looked at the magnificent palace in the distance and nodded gently. "Although this is the old Mondstadt where no one lives, it would be a waste of resources to just abandon it here, wouldn't it?"

Paimong carefully observed the surroundings and found that the Wind Dragon Ruins were actually a very good place except for its remote location.

There were mountains, water and ancient buildings. I don't understand why the Knights of Favonius didn't develop it.

"If Paimong took care of the Wind Dragon Ruins, I would definitely maximize the value of the Wind Dragon Ruins!"

Looking at Paimong's distressed expression, Fang Xun thought that he didn't expect Paimong to have such a business mind. He really didn't see it before.

So he jokingly asked: "If the Wind Dragon Ruins were handed over to Paimong to take care of, what would Paimong do?"

"I would plant mushrooms here and raise some pigeons, so that there would be endless wild mushroom kebabs!"

Paimong put his hands on his waist and proudly said his grand plan.

"Is this your plan?"

Fang Xun and Ying asked almost in unison.

Paimeng blinked, thinking that Fang Xun and Ying would be full of praise after hearing her plan, but why did they look surprised?

"Don't you think this plan is perfect?"

"I don't think so." Ying shook her head and spoke her mind frankly.

Fang Xun was more tactful. He asked Paimeng a question: "What if Paimeng suddenly gained the superpower of teleportation? What would you do with it?"

"Well... Paimeng would use the superpower of teleportation to deliver food!"

"Deliver food? Is that your answer?"


Paimeng explained seriously: "Delivering food is not only tiring but also takes a lot of time,"

"But if you use the power of teleportation, delivering food is an easy job!"

After hearing Paimeng's answer, Fang Xun fell into silence.

After a long time, he said: "Paimeng, from now on, you should just be a flying mascot."

"Making money is not suitable for you."

"So angry, Fang Xun's words made Paimeng so angry!"

Paimeng stamped his feet angrily, pouting his mouth high.

"Stop! Don't run! I'm going to give you an ugly nickname!"


After playing with Paimon for a while, the three continued to move forward.

At this time, Fang Xun slowly stopped,

because he noticed a detail, there was a striking wooden sign on the only way to the Wind Dragon Ruins.

The paint on the wooden sign was not dry yet, it should have been placed here not long ago.

"From today on, the Wind Dragon Ruins are officially renamed the Wind Dragon Ruins, and the Knights of Favonius are on duty to restrict people from entering and leaving."

Paimon came to Fang Xun and read out the content of the announcement word by word.

"If you need to enter the Wind Dragon Ruins, please go to the Knights of Favonius to apply for a pass before you can pass.'

'In addition, it is prohibited to carry bombs, fireworks and other dangerous items here. Please wear bright clothes. Elf witches with golden hair must strictly abide by the regulations..."

The first two contents of the announcement are not a big problem.

After all, the Wind Dragon Ruins suffered an unprecedented devastating blow, and it is reasonable for the Knights of Favonius to want to protect it. It is understandable.

It's just that the third content is too targeted, and it's almost like reading out Alice's ID number directly.

Actually, this can't be blamed on the Knights of Favonius.

After all, Alice used a "firework" to blow up the ruins.

Perhaps one day in the future, Alice will have a whim again and destroy the remaining half of the Wind Dragon Ruins.

So the Knights of Favonius worked overtime overnight and rushed to publish such an announcement.

"Why is the Wind Dragon Ruins ruined?"Fireworks cannot be set off in the ruins? There is nothing wrong with setting off fireworks in such a large open space, right?"

"Also, why do you emphasize that the elves and witches strictly abide by the rules?"

"In my impression, elves and witches have always been honest and obedient people who abide by the rules."

After reading the notice, Paimeng was confused.

She really couldn't figure out what the connection between witches and fireworks could be.

"The story behind this has to start from a place called Naganohara Fireworks Shop..."

Fang Xun, who was worried that Paimeng's head would smoke, explained as an insider.

Soon, Ying and Paimeng learned the ins and outs of the matter from Fang Xun.

No wonder the Knights of Favonius repeatedly emphasized that fireworks could not be brought into the Wind Dragon Ruins.

It turned out that Alice had cast a shadow.

The three continued to move forward and soon met the guard knight mentioned in the notice.

Fortunately, Falga gave a pass in advance, which allowed Fang Xun and his party to successfully reach the outskirts of the Wind Dragon Ruins.

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