"Ying, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

Paimon flew to Ying's side and asked worriedly.

Ying seemed absent-minded from the beginning, and Paimon called her several times but got no response.

Feeling Paimon's concern, Ying shook her head gently: "Paimon, I'm fine."

"I can feel... my brother has been here."

Ying looked around carefully and then said her own inference.

"The person Farga saw that night must be my brother."

"Really? That's great! This means you are one step closer to meeting your brother!"

Paimon rolled in the air, with joy in his tone. She was happy for Ying.

"Ying, there is no time to lose, let's quickly look for clues nearby,"

"We must conduct a carpet search and not let go of any place,"

"I have a hunch that you and your brother will meet soon!"

Seeing Paimon so motivated, Ying also began to invest in finding clues,

Fang Xun next to him was not idle either, and followed to help.

No one can tell what the so-called clues are.

But one thing is certain, when Kong appeared, there must be something that attracted his attention.

If they can find that thing, perhaps all the mysteries can be solved.


The three of them spent an afternoon searching the ruins of Fenglong, turning it over inside and out.

Even the bird nests on the trees, Paimon would fly up and dig them out when he saw them.

The result was that no clues were found, but a large number of bird eggs were harvested.

"I'm so tired, Paimon can't fly anymore..."

Paimon's voice sounded very tired, and she was not as high-spirited as before.

After all, she had been flying for a whole day without stopping to rest, and her physical strength had reached the limit.

"Ying, Fangxun, let's sit down and roast something to eat, and then continue to look for clues after we are full."

Paimon landed on the stone pier to rest, and made his proposal by the way.

"You guys take a break, I'll continue to look around."

After finally finding clues about her brother, Ying was unwilling to give up.

And Fang Xun also had no intention of taking a break. He first piled up firewood, and then used branches to make simple skewers.

"Paimeng, you sit here and take charge of the skewers. Call me when you smell the fragrance."

After instructing Paimeng, Fang Xun quickly followed Ying.

"Aren't you going to take a break?" Ying looked at Fang Xun beside her and asked in surprise.

"No," Fang Xun shook his head.

"One more person means more strength, which is better than you looking for it alone."

"It's okay, I'll take a break later, you go back first."

Fang Xun had been helping to look for an afternoon, and Ying was really embarrassed to bother Fang Xun again.

After all, she was the one looking for her brother, and she couldn't always bother others.

"Ying, although we haven't known each other for a long time, I think you are the kind of girl who is persistent."

"You won't rest until you find a clue... Am I right?"

Ying lowered her head and remained silent, because Fang Xun was right.

She had already prepared herself mentally. If she couldn't find a clue in one day, she would try two days. If she couldn't find a clue in two days, she would try three days. In short, she would not stop until she found a clue about her brother.

"In fact, I can especially understand your feelings of being separated from your family."

After a short silence, Fang Xun continued to speak.

"If I disappear, those little girls will definitely cry in anxiety,"

"Then they will look for me all over the world, just like you are now."

"Similarly, I can't bear to see those children sad, I will find ways to return to them."

"After saying so much, what I actually want to express is that your brother will definitely come back to find you."

"If he doesn't come to find you, it can only mean that he has something to hide, and now is not the time to meet you."

Fang Xun first gave Ying a shot of prevention, the advantage of doing so is that when the brother and sister meet formally in the future, it won't be too sharp.

"Fang Xun, what you said makes sense,"

"Brother should have his own difficulties, so he can't come to see me."

"That's why I want to find him quickly and find out what happened."

Seeing Ying so persistent, Fang Xun thought that he really didn't turn back until he hit the wall.

But think about it carefully, if it were the children at home, they probably wouldn't listen to others' dissuasion and look for him all over the world.

After all, it's not wrong to want to see someone.

The two continued to move forward, chatting casually.

"Wait a minute!"

At this time, Fang Xun called Ying and focused his attention on the ruins guard on the side of the road.

The ruins guard sat on the ground with his back against the wall, his body covered with greenThe moss means it has been abandoned for a long time.

It’s not that Fang Xun didn’t check the relic guard before, and finally found that it was just an ordinary iron machine.

But now looking back, Fang Xun found a problem.

It’s very awkward. The posture of the relic guard sitting is very awkward.

It doesn’t look like it has run out of energy and fell here. It seems that it was dragged here by someone and deliberately hides something.

"Come and help." Fang Xun called Ying, and then walked quickly towards the relic guard.

Ying quickly understood what Fang Xun meant, and the two of them knocked down the relic guard on the left and right.

As the relic guard collapsed, a hidden hole appeared.

But the hole was very small, and it seemed that it could only accommodate some small animals.

Generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with animals building their own caves,

but if they deliberately use the relic guard to hide the cave, it is very problematic.

The whistling sound coming from the cave entrance shows that there is another world.

The two looked at each other, and then looked at Paimeng at the same time.

At this moment, Paimeng was concentrating on grilling skewers, with a look of joy on his face. Suddenly, he noticed two malicious eyes.

Paimeng was stunned for a moment, and then his face was full of resistance: "I can't get in, no matter how I think about it, I can't get in!"

Fang Xun also knew that Paimeng's height would definitely not allow him to enter the cave, but he still deliberately teased: "How do you know if you don't try?"

"No!" Paimeng turned his head away angrily, unwilling to talk to Fang Xun.

She just wanted to grill skewers peacefully now, and Fang Xun, this bad guy, only knew how to bully her.

Fang Xun stopped teasing Paimeng, turned his head and said to Ying beside him: "I guess, what your brother is concerned about is in this cave,"

"So, we must find a way to enter the cave."

Ying nodded, agreeing with Fang Xun's idea.

Just as the two were discussing, a crack slowly opened in the void, and then several black shadows flew out of the crack. They were three beast realm puppies and a beast realm hound. In the game, this kind of beast realm monster is called a bleeding dog by players. The reason is that they can ignore any shield and cause continuous bleeding damage to the character. Why did the beast realm hound appear in the Wind Dragon Ruins? Could it be that when the ruins guard was moved, a certain mechanism was triggered to attract them? Fang Xun didn't have time to think about it, because the bleeding dogs had already rushed over. They howled at the top of their lungs, and the sound sounded creepy and deafening. The ferocious and sharp claws of the beasts flashed a cold light in the sun, and the strong breath of death rushed over, covering the sky like a tide. Fang Xun didn't have time to think about it, because the bleeding dogs had already rushed over. They howled at the top of their lungs, and the sound sounded creepy and deafening. The ferocious and sharp claws of the beasts flashed a cold light in the sun, and the strong breath of death rushed over, covering the sky like a tide. "Fang Xun, you go left and I go right."

At the critical moment, Ying made a decisive battle decision.

She strode forward with a sword without a blade in her hand, and the friction between the sword and the ground produced brilliant sparks.

She planned to deal with the big bleeding dog alone, and the remaining three small bleeding dogs were left to Fang Xun.

Facing the three small bleeding dogs, Fang Xun did not hesitate.

He first used the power of the wind element to quickly gather the small bleeding dogs together.

Then, Fang Xun's body flashed with a strong thunder element, and Wuxiang chopped it with a knife.

Even the sea demon could not resist this knife, so it was no problem to deal with the small bleeding dogs.

Under the thunder light that rose to the sky, the three small bleeding dogs instantly turned into ashes and disappeared.

After dealing with the three bleeding dogs cleanly, Fang Xun immediately turned around to look for Ying's figure.


This chapter is very difficult to write. No matter how I write, I am not satisfied. I have deleted and written again, written and deleted again.

I originally planned to make up for it, but it was almost twelve o'clock when I finished writing the second chapter. It was uncomfortable...

So I can only make up for it at a different time. I bow and apologize to all the viewers here. I will definitely make up for what I owe. Don't worry, I will always remember this.

Finally, everyone go to bed early. Good night.

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