Compared to daytime travel, Qiqi prefers the cool night, not only because the streets are empty, but more importantly, you can see the night view that you can't see during the day.

Qiqi and Fang Xun, one big and one small, shuttled between the stone forests, and finally stopped at a steep cliff.

"Glass bag... Glazed bag... Found it."

Qiqi looked up, staring at the top of the cliff with a pair of big peach-colored eyes, where two brightly colored glass bags grew.

These glass bags looked very fresh, and there were scattered dewdrops on the purple petals.

Qiqi needed fresh glass bags as medicine, so she gently put the bamboo basket behind her aside and prepared to climb up.

"Qiqi, let me pick the glass bags. It's too dangerous for your short legs to climb the mountain." Fang Xun said worriedly.

He used the wind element power in his body, and even the cliffs were still as flat as flat ground, but in the blink of an eye, he picked the two glass bags.

"Fang Xun... so amazing..." Qiqi looked at the glass bag, then at Fang Xun, and couldn't help but sigh.

"When Qiqi grows up... will she be as amazing as Fang Xun?"

Although Qiqi has lived for hundreds of years, she has been sealed in amber for most of the time, so her mood is no different from that of ordinary children.

The phrase that children often say is "wait until I grow up", and Qiqi's yearning for the future is very simple, that is, when she grows up, she can easily pick those medicinal herbs growing on cliffs.

"Of course, when Qiqi grows up, she can fly over eaves and walls, climb mountains and pick herbs." Fang Xun nodded in response.

"Then Qiqi... when can she grow up?" Little Qiqi blinked and continued to ask.

"Ningguang and everyone are growing up slowly... but Qiqi is not..."

"Qiqi... is it that she can't grow up..."

Although little Qiqi's reaction ability is always a step behind, it does not mean that she has no ability to think about problems.

As the days passed, the friends around her were growing up slowly, but Qiqi was standing still, which made her gradually realize that she seemed not to grow up.

Fang Xun looked at Qiqi's expressionless face and heard a little frustration in Qiqi's tone.

"Don't think about it all day long. If you have nothing to do, go and feed Taro Maru." Fang Xun reached out and touched Qiqi's little head.

"Everyone is growing up, why can't you grow up? It's just that you grow a little slower, that's all."

"Really?" Qiqi asked hesitantly.

"Of course." Fang Xun answered firmly.

He thought that if Qiqi wanted to grow up smoothly like an ordinary person, she had to remove the talisman on her forehead.

However, the talisman was created by the immortals to suppress the out-of-control immortal power in Qiqi's body. If it was torn off rashly, Qiqi would probably fall into madness.

Helping Qiqi grow up still needs to be considered in the long run. At least, we must be fully prepared before trying. To be precise, we can only succeed, not fail.

Fang Xun collected his thoughts, turned his head and said to Qiqi: "Okay, let's continue to pick glass bags and try to go back before dawn."

"Okay..." Qiqi nodded obediently.

She put the bamboo basket on her back again and threw the two glass bags into it without even looking at them.

As a result, the next second, the two glass bags fell straight out of the bamboo basket.

It was still Fang Xun who was quick and quickly took the glass bags in his hands.

However, Qiqi didn't know that the bamboo basket was broken. She still walked and stopped, picked the herbs she met on the way, and then put them into the bamboo basket without looking back.

Fang Xun didn't remind her, and wanted to wait until Qiqi found out that the bamboo basket was broken.

So there was such a scene, Qiqi put the herbs into the bamboo basket, and Fang Xun silently followed behind to pick up the herbs.

However, Xiao Qiqi's reaction was too slow. By the time she found out that the bamboo basket was broken, she was probably going home.

"Qiqi, where are your herbs?" Fang Xun asked deliberately.

Qiqi answered without hesitation: "The herbs... are in the bamboo basket."

"No, there is nothing in the bamboo basket."

Hearing Fang Xun say this, Qiqi stopped and turned to look at the bamboo basket behind him.

"Fang Xun... the herbs... are gone..."

"The bamboo basket has a big hole, and all the herbs you put in it fell out."

Fang Xun shook his head and gave Qiqi the herbs he had collected along the way.

"This bamboo basket is no longer usable. Let's buy a new one after dawn."

After the words fell, Qiqi quickly protected the bamboo basket in her arms: "No... don't throw it away."

"It's no longer usable, why not throw it away?" Fang Xun asked in confusion."'s written in the notebook that the bamboo basket can't be thrown away."

Qiqi has a bad memory and often writes things down in a notebook.

And the first page of her little notebook says that the bamboo basket can't be thrown away, which shows how much she cares about it.

Fang Xun is more and more puzzled: "Why did you write 'can't throw away the bamboo basket' in the notebook?"

"Qiqi doesn't remember."

"Is that so? Then tell me when you remember it." Fang Xun waved his hand gently.

He paused and continued: "Since you wrote in the notebook that it can't be thrown away, let's try to fix it."

"Can Fang Xun fix the bamboo basket?"

"I can try. If I can't fix it, I'll ask someone to help me."

After that, Fang Xun took Qiqi to the nearby bamboo forest, cut down the bamboo, cut it into strips, and re-weave and repair it.

After all, he is not a professional bamboo basket weaver, and the repaired bamboo basket is shoddy and not very delicate.

But even so, Qiqi is still very happy and holds the refurbished bamboo basket in his arms.

"Fang Xun... Qiqi likes..."

Then she took out the notebook she carried with her and wrote a sentence: "Take good care of the bamboo basket. Fang Xun worked hard to repair it."


Time passed by little by little, and the sky gradually turned pale.

Fang Xun realized that it was time to go back, so he took Qiqi back.

When passing by the breakfast shop, he also bought several breakfasts and put them in Qiqi's bamboo basket.

"Fang Xun... don't you want to go back with Qiqi?" Qiqi blinked and asked curiously.

"Qiqi, go back first." Fang Xun hummed softly.

"I'll get you some coconut milk."


As for why Qiqi was reluctant to throw away the bamboo basket, there will be a side story about Qiqi to supplement it later, and everyone will understand it when they read it.

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