The first ray of sunlight in the morning fell on the desk through the screen window. Ganyu put down the documents in her hand and turned her head to look out the window.

Before she knew it, it was already dawn, and she had to work overtime all night again.

For Ganyu, this kind of life is repeated day after day, and she has long been accustomed to working day and night.

If it were in the past, Ganyu would put down her work briefly at dawn, stand at the dock and enjoy breakfast while admiring the sunrise.

However, thinking that she would have to take a wedding leave in a month, Ganyu could only skip breakfast and continue to work in the saved time.

Her idea was very simple. She would try her best to handle the work in this month, so that Yuehaiting would not be so busy after the leave.

"Hello, is this Miss Ganyu? Here is a takeaway for you."

At this time, there was a knock at the door of the office.

"Sorry, you must have made a mistake. I didn't..."

Ganyu wanted to say that she didn't order takeaway, but when she looked up, she saw that the so-called 'delivery man' was Fang Xun.

"No mistake, the takeaway is delivered here. Please give me a five-star review later."

As he spoke, Fang Xun put the breakfast on the table: "Eat it while it's hot. It won't taste good if it gets cold."

Gan Yu looked at the breakfast of that person and said hesitantly: "Aren't you going to have breakfast with me?"

"No, you eat breakfast and I eat you. Well, I mean to eat your leftovers."

"Oh, okay." Gan Yu didn't think there was anything wrong with this sentence and nodded ignorantly.

She picked up the breakfast and put it in her mouth and took a small bite, then took a sip of soy milk.

Every time she ate, Gan Yu was quiet and didn't make any sound.

She ate very slowly and seriously, because this was one of the few times in the day that belonged to her.

"I, I'm done." Gan Yu pushed the remaining breakfast in front of Fang Xun.

"Just eat this little?"

Fang Xun looked at Gan Yu and then at the remaining breakfast.

The breakfast was basically untouched, and the amount of food Ganyu ate was almost negligible.

Fang Xun thought that Ganyu's appetite was too small, just like those children at home.

"I'm worried. I'm worried that I'll get fat if I eat too much, and then I won't look good in my wedding dress." Ganyu replied aggrievedly.

She knew that Fang Xun had ordered a phoenix crown and bridal robe, and that wedding dress was precious and meaningful, so she wanted to wear it in the best condition.

Seeing Ganyu's worried look, Fang Xun comforted her: "How could it be, you are not fat at all, and you don't need to diet to control your weight."

"Besides, you have been working all night and have consumed a lot of physical energy. You have to eat enough."

"It is said that a day's plan begins in the morning. If you are hungry, you won't be able to concentrate on your work next time, right?"

"Okay, eat quickly, be obedient."

Unable to resist Fang Xun's urging, Ganyu finally chose to compromise and continued to eat breakfast honestly.

"How about a massage on your shoulders?"

At this time, Fang Xun made a suggestion.

"Yes, yes." Gan Yu nodded gently.

She stood up and prepared to massage Fang Xun's shoulders.

"I mean to massage your shoulders. After all, you have been working for so long and your body is very tired." Looking at Gan Yu's silly look, Fang Xun couldn't help laughing.

It's all because he asked Gan Yu to help massage whenever he had nothing to do, and he had developed muscle memory.

"Really, is it really okay?"

"What's wrong with that? You work so hard every day, I have to do something too, right?"

"Hurry up and sit down, Master Fang is going to start work."

As Fang Xun spoke, he moved his fingers, making crackling sounds.

He gently rolled up Gan Yu's waterfall-like hair, and then picked up the rubber band and carefully tied it up.

As the principal of the kindergarten, Fang Xun helps the babies at home tie their hair almost every day.

This kind of thing is a matter of practice, and after a long time, you will be able to master the skill of tying a beautiful hairstyle.

After that, he put his hands on Ganyu's shoulders and pressed gently.

"Don't be nervous, I'll do it slowly."

Feeling Ganyu's nervous body tense, Fang Xun comforted her.

"Then you, then be gentler." Ganyu said weakly.

Usually she helped Fang Xun to press his shoulders, and now the roles were reversed, which was somewhat uncomfortable.

"It won't hurt you, don't worry."

Fang Xun controlled the strength in his hands. As long as he didn't use elemental power, his strength was actually not much different from that of ordinary people.

"I asked Liuyun Zhenjun, and she said that the middle of next month isA good day. "

While massaging his shoulders, Fang Xun was not idle, and he talked about recent events.

Because Ganyu has been working overtime recently, Fang Xun is basically the only one who is busy with the wedding.

While Ganyu is resting now, he wants to set a date for the wedding.

"I plan to invite all the immortals, Wangsheng Hall, Yunhan Society, and friends from Mondstadt to witness our happiness on that day. What do you think?"

"I'm fine with it. I'll just listen to you." Ganyu nodded gently.

Although Ganyu has lived in Liyue for a thousand years, the only close relative around her is Liuyun Zhenjun.

For her, as long as Liuyun Zhenjun is present, it means that all her family members are already present.

"As long as you have no objection, I will start to prepare in advance during this period of time. "Fang Xun nodded and said.

He and Ganyu had never had any disagreements. It was not that their opinions coincided, but that Ganyu gave enough tolerance and support.

"Wedding invitations, wedding candies, wedding banquets, these things are all indispensable." Fang Xun muttered to himself.

There are only three major events in a person's life, birth, marriage, and death.

Birth and death are things that you cannot intervene in, but marriage can be controlled in your own hands.

It is precisely because of this that Fang Xun hopes to give Ganyu a wedding that he will never forget.

Ganyu turned her head and looked at Fang Xun and asked worriedly: "Does it cost a lot of money to arrange these things?"

"I have saved some money here, you can take it first. "

Ganyu has always been a hidden rich woman.

After all, she has worked in Liyue Harbor for thousands of years, and her living expenses are not high. Basically, she saves her monthly salary.

Over time, the so-called "some money" in her mouth may be the wealth that many people cannot accumulate in several lifetimes.

"Forget it, you should keep your money for yourself." Fang Xun shook his head.

If it were the time when he first came to Teyvat, Fang Xun would definitely hope to have as much Mora in his pocket as possible.

But for him now, money is just a string of cold numbers, nothing more.

He has no interest in money. His happiest time is when his pocket is empty.

Time passed by, and soon it was the official working time of Yuehai Pavilion, and more and more staff came in and out.

Fang Xun realized that he was not suitable to stay in Yuehai Pavilion any longer, so he prepared to leave.

"Okay, I'll go back first. Remember to eat on time and don't go hungry, do you hear me? ”

Before leaving, he did not forget to remind Ganyu.

"Ms. Ganyu, you seem to be in good spirits today!"

After Fang Xun left, a young secretary came over and couldn't help but joke.

Because Ganyu is approachable and has no airs, everyone would chat with her after work.

"Little girl, you don't understand this, when you have a boyfriend in the future, your complexion will get better and better."

At this time, another secretary next to him shared his experience as a person who had experienced it.

"This is called the nourishment of love~"

"The nourishment of love? ! It seems to be very powerful." The young secretary exclaimed.

"Didn't you notice? Miss Ganyu's state is completely different before and after Mr. Fang Xun came."

The young secretary suddenly realized: "It seems to be like this. After Mr. Fang Xun came, he could clearly feel that Miss Ganyu's mood had improved. "

"So, find a partner quickly, talk about love whenever you have time, and then have a baby."

Gan Yu listened to the two secretaries teasing her, her face full of shyness.

"I, I'm going to start working." Gan Yu said in a panic.

Then, she hurriedly picked up the documents on the table to cover her entire face. This act of hiding something made her look like an ostrich with its head buried in the ground.

The two secretaries smiled at each other, knowing that Gan Yu was embarrassed, and did not tease her too much, and left and returned to their posts.

When the chirping sounds around disappeared, Gan Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked through the mirror and carefully observed her face.

It felt no different from usual.

It seemed that she was indeed happier and more relaxed.

When she thought that she would wear a phoenix crown and bridal robe in the middle of next month, and walk to the next stage of her life with Fang Xun, Gan Yu was more motivated to work.

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