"Undercover of the Fatui? Are you sure?"

Fang Xun looked at the small group headed by Wu Lang and asked subconsciously.

"Sure!" Wu Lang nodded without hesitation.

"It's the chef who cooks for everyone in the military camp!"

"Today, we competed in mountain climbing and accidentally discovered an extremely hidden cave. There are many things in the cave, including sophisticated weapons and protective gear, and flares."

"We suspect that the cave is a contact point for the Fatui."

Wu Lang paused and continued, "Then, the chef walked into the cave, skillfully found some things from a pile of supplies, and then left in a hurry."

At this time, a little boy with a pot-covered haircut next to him added, "Fortunately, Wu Lang has sensitive ears and heard the footsteps outside in time to let everyone hide, otherwise we would be exposed."

After the words fell, Fang Xun nodded thoughtfully: "Hearing what you said, the chef is indeed very suspicious. Has the Coral Palace been notified of this matter?"

"Not yet." Wu Lang shook his head.

"We just ran down from the cave, and then we met you."

Wu Lang had enough trust in Fang Xun, and was willing to tell him everything he knew.

Fang Xun thought for a while: "Well, you take me to the cave first to confirm whether it is really the camp of the Fatui."

"We can't wrongly accuse a good person, nor can we let a bad person go. We must have real evidence for everything we do."

Fang Xun has dealt with the Fatui many times, and he is an old acquaintance. He can tell whether it is the camp of the Fatui at a glance.

"Okay, then you follow me!" Wu Lang nodded vigorously, and actively ran to the front of the team to lead the way.

At this time, the little boy with a pot-covered head next to him noticed that there were many children following Fang Xun.

He poorly imitated the tone of an adult, and said seriously: "Welcome everyone to Haiji Island."

After the pot-cut boy said this, Wu Lang deliberately slowed down his pace and asked curiously: "Brother Fang Xun, who are they?"

Fang Xun looked down at Ningguang and his group around him, and said jokingly: "They, they are all my family's little ancestors."

"Ancestors? Are they the centenarians that adults often talk about? But they don't look old at all." Wu Lang couldn't help but praise.

Sometimes, Fang Xun would wonder if Wu Lang shared a brain with Ara Taki Ito when he was a child.

This child doesn't look very smart.

"Not a centenarian, they are all my sisters." Fang Xun explained patiently.

"Oh, are they biological sisters?"

"Adoptive sisters."

He thought, no family can give birth to one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine biological sisters. The nine sons of a dragon are all different, right?

"Hello, my name is Goro, welcome to Haigi Island!" Goro introduced himself seriously.

Goro paused, and then introduced his friends: "These are my partners, they are called Teppei, Genji, and Yui."

Teppei is the Teppei that appears in the game plot, but when he was a child, he had a watermelon head, looked childish, and liked to imitate the tone of adults.

Another boy named Genji looked very shy. When Goro introduced him, he lowered his head embarrassedly, and his presence was very weak in the vast crowd.

Yui is a little girl with pigtails. She is not particularly outstanding, but she is particularly attractive.

She is a little follower in this team. Wherever everyone goes, she follows. Her short legs can't run fast, so she always makes Goro wait for her.

Facing the hospitable Goro, Paimeng flew forward and waved: "Hello, my name is Paimeng! I usually like to eat fisherman's toast and all kinds of delicious food!"

"Speaking of delicious food, Paimeng is a little hungry. Should we eat something before climbing the mountain? After all, only when you are full can you have the strength to work!"

"Paimeng, we came out after having breakfast." The traveler next to him, Ying, reminded him.

"Really? But I feel that a long time has passed. I must be particularly eager to eat the special snacks of Haiji Island, so I am hungry."

Facing Paimeng's expectations, Goro made a promise: "After things are dealt with, I can grill fish for Paimeng."

"Really? That's great!" Paimeng danced with joy.

Under the leadership of Goro, Fang Xun quickly arrived at the cave.

It was very dim inside, and it was impossible to see the situation clearly without a torch.

The air in the cave was mixed with the smell of soil and dampness, which was definitely not very pleasant.

I don't know how these four little brats mustered up the courage.Fang Xun picked up a stick and used the power of fire to make a simple torch, which made the dim cave brighter. He stood in the cave and looked around. As Wu Lang said, there were a lot of sophisticated weapons and equipment in the cave. It was undoubtedly the work of the Fatui. Then, Fang Xun found many photos of people in the cave. Coral Palace Qianhe, Coral Palace Xinhai, Wu Lang, the mysterious Liyue tourist Jiang Xue, and Fang Xun himself. There was detailed information under each person's photo. It seemed that the Fatui were playing a big game. Especially Fang Xun's photo, there was a mark in the upper right corner. It seemed that the Fatui had regarded him as a thorn in their eyes. However, Fang Xun was not the kind of person who would sit and wait for death. Since the Fatui had planned on him, he would uproot the Fatui on Haiqi Island. This is called reciprocity. "It is basically confirmed that the chef you saw is an undercover agent planted by the Fatui on Haigi Island."

Fang Xun patiently collected a lot of evidence in the cave, turned his head and said to Wu Lang and his group.

"Let's go, we can go down the mountain now."


I wish here that tomorrow's Fuxuan card pool will not be distorted. As long as it is not distorted, it will be updated every day in the next September!!!

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