Now that he had all the evidence, Fang Xun went straight to the military camp, determined to catch the chef and interrogate him.

When he arrived at the military camp, he unexpectedly found that Coral Palace Chizuru was also there.

Actually, it is easy to understand if you think about it. After all, Coral Palace Chizuru is the current human god priestess of Haiqi Island and the highest-level leader of Haiqi Island. It is reasonable for her to appear in the military camp.

"Fang Xun, you are here."

Coral Palace Chizuru noticed Fang Xun and took the initiative to greet him.

Then, her eyes lingered on Ningguang and the other children: "These children are your sisters, right?"

Coral Palace Chizuru knew about Fang Xun's family situation and knew that he had many children.

But she didn't expect these children to look so cute, pink and tender, round and chubby, and staggering when they walked.

Fang Xun hummed softly, then lowered his head and said to the little girls: "Call me auntie."

"Hello, auntie~"

The little babies greeted in unison, their voices were very sweet, as if they were covered with honey.

"Hello, hello. Welcome to Haiji Island." Shanhugong Qianhe squatted down and greeted the children with a smile.

"Who are these two?" Shanhugong Qianhe looked at Ying and Paimong standing next to him.

Paimong actively introduced himself: "My name is Paimong, and the one next to me is Ying. We are all good friends of Fang Xun. Come and help catch the bad guys!"

"Catch the bad guys?" Shanhugong Qianhe didn't understand what he said.

Fang Xun briefly explained: "There are undercover agents of the Fatui on Haiji Island, and the chef in the military camp is one of them."

Shanhugong Qianhe hesitated for a moment and asked in a low voice: "Is it confirmed?"

Fang Xun nodded gently: "There are witnesses and evidence."

Just as the two were talking, a middle-aged man who walked with a limp came over.

Speak of the devil, the man is the chef in the military camp.

He was holding a big fish in his arms, which looked to be 20 kilograms and needed to be held in both hands. It should have been caught just ashore.

"Master Shanhu Gong, Master Fang Xun, you are just in time." The middle-aged man threw the fish into the water tank and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"I will make fish soup for you at noon today!"

The chef looked honest and harmless. If you didn't know he was an undercover agent in advance, you might be deceived by his deceptive appearance.

Fang Xun remained calm and silently used mind reading to check the chef's psychological activities.

"Master [Doctor] said that Fang Xun is the biggest change in the plan. As long as he is eliminated, the plan can proceed normally, right?"

"I will put a certain dose of poison in the fish soup later, and escape from Haiji Island while they are eating. In this way, my mission will be completed..."

It is true that you can't know a person's heart by looking at his appearance. The chef has a smile on his face, but he is thinking about how to poison Fang Xun.

It can also be seen from this that the Fools are so eager to eliminate Fang Xun that they would rather risk exposing their identities to poison Fang Xun.

"Ahahaha, the fish soup is here~"

Not long after, the chef came out of the kitchen with a fragrant fish soup in his hands.

It can be seen that the chef's skills are very good. Not only is the fish soup rich in milky white, but the air is also filled with a sweet smell.

Although he walks with a limp, his hands are extremely stable when serving the dishes.

The chef served the dishes one by one on the table. Just when he was about to retire, Fang Xun called him from behind.

"Master, you've worked hard to prepare such a large table of dishes. Have a bowl of fish soup before you leave?"

As Fang Xun spoke, he served him a bowl of fish soup.

The chef's heart skipped a beat, and a flash of panic flashed across his face, but he soon regained his composure.

"Isn't this inappropriate?" The chef waved his hands and tried to refuse.

"Cooking is my job. As long as everyone likes my dishes, it's fine."

The chef was still smiling and looked harmless.

"Hurry up and eat, otherwise the dishes will be cold and not delicious, especially the fish soup, which must be drunk while it's hot!"

"Okay, I won't disturb you from eating here. There are still many things waiting for me in the kitchen."

The chef noticed that the atmosphere was a little wrong, and his instinct told him that he shouldn't stay here any longer.

Just as he turned around and wanted to leave, Paimon and Ying blocked the door.

"You can't leave!" Paimon turned into a messenger of justice and shouted.

The smile on the chef's face froze: "No, you can't leave? Why can't you leave?"

"Okay, stop acting." Fang Xun stood up and said straight to the point.

"We found the Fatui camp, and found a lot of evidence inside that you have betrayed the Fatui. "

"Misunderstanding, this must be a misunderstanding. How can a cook like me understand fighting and killing?"

"Treason is even more impossible. My group has lived on Haiji Island for generations. There is really no reason to surrender to the enemy."

The chef answered with reason and evidence, and looked at Coral Palace Chizuru for help from time to time.

However, Coral Palace Chizuru ignored it and waved his hand, signaling the soldiers to arrest the chef.

"You arrested the wrong person. I haven't been to the cave." The chef shouted loudly.

"Did I say cave?" Fang Xun asked back.

The chef was speechless for a moment.

"You lied to me?" He was angry and embarrassed.

After being unmasked, he no longer had the smile he had before, but only indifference and resentment.

"The evidence is conclusive, I just want you to admit it in person. "Fang Xun answered lightly.

At this point, the chef gave up resistance.

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "I admit that I did join the Fatui."

"Why did you do this? Neither the Coral Palace nor the Sea Island should have treated you badly." Coral Palace Chizuru asked in disbelief.

"It's true that they didn't treat me badly, but the Fatui gave me more!" The chef answered confidently.

"Look at my legs. I was injured and paralyzed a few years ago. The doctor said that I won't be able to walk for the rest of my life."

"It was Lord Dotole who helped me heal my injuries so that I can maintain a normal life! "

Coral Palace Chizuru had some impression of this incident. At that time, the chef was drying things on the roof and accidentally fell down and broke his spine, paralyzing his lower body.

At that time, all doctors sentenced the chef to "death penalty", saying that he could only lie in bed for the rest of his life.

However, just last year, the chef was able to walk on the ground to everyone's surprise.

Although he limped when walking, it was much better than being bedridden.

No one knew how he did it at the time, but now it seems that he got help from the Fatui.

"You are talking about Dotore, how did he help you treat it?" Coral Palace Chizuru asked.

The chef snorted: "Lord Dotore helped me find a special medicine from Xumi, and I took it every day for a month."

Special medicine?

Coral Palace Chizuru was silent for a moment, with a serious expression: "The special medicine you are talking about may be an illegal medicine that Xumi has abolished and banned long ago. "

"It can really help you get back on your feet, but the side effects are also obvious, and it will rapidly shorten your lifespan."

"How is that possible? Lord Dotole said that the special medicine has no side effects. You are trying to sow discord!"

"I am not trying to sow discord, but stating the facts." Coral Palace shook his head.

"In fact, you should be able to feel the discomfort of your body without me saying it, right?"

"Fear of cold and heat, frequent headaches, and in the middle of the night, it feels like bugs are crawling all over my body."

Coral Palace Chizuru said word by word.

After the words fell, the chef fell silent.

"Lord Dotole said that these rejection phenomena are normal and will be fine after a while."

Coral Palace Chizuru sighed helplessly: "The person who really deceived you is the man named Dotole. He has been using you from the beginning to the end and has never cared about your life or death."

"This is impossible. "The chef shook his head.

It's not so much that he didn't want to believe what Coral Palace Chizuru said, but rather that he didn't want to accept the facts.

In the end, he sat on the ground helplessly, his whole body in a state of despair.

"Ask whatever you want, as long as I know it." The chef said to Fang Xun.

He knew Fang Xun must be confused now.

"How many Fatui are hiding in Haiji Island?" Fang Xun asked.

"Three. One of the soldiers is dead, and only me and Dotore are left."

"What does Dotore look like?"

"I don't know. Every time I meet him, he appears through a projection."

"From his voice, he is probably a middle-aged man about my age."

The chef wanted to continue to add details, but his expression suddenly became painful, and finally became hideous.

Coral Palace Chizuru realized that something was wrong and immediately shouted, "Get a doctor here quickly." "

Fang Xun didn't want the children to see this scene, leaving a shadow in his heart, so he quickly asked the traveler to take the children out.

But in a few moments, the chef had no breath of life.

The doctor who came late could only perform an autopsy on the chef.

"He died of acute poisoning."

He died of poisoning again, just like the soldier Fang Xun interrogated before.

Is Dotore nearby?Did they detonate some device in their bodies?

Fang Xun looked around, trying to use mind reading to find Duo Tolei.

But he found nothing.


With everyone's good wishes, the author successfully extracted Fu Xuan. There will be stable updates every day for the next ten days, including the National Day holiday.

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