After that, a group of people went to Yaedo.

Because they hadn't been here for a while, Yaedo has now launched a lot of new novels.

The novel market is like this, the competition is quite fierce.

Many popular novels are short-lived, appearing briefly in the readers' sight, and then quickly disappearing, without even a sound when they disappear.

The original god novel written by Fang Xun in the past set off a trend in Inazuma, but now that so much time has passed, it has long lost its popularity.

However, what surprised him was that the novel he wrote at the time was still placed in a prominent position in Yaedo.

I don't know whether these novels are still selling well, or Yaedo Shenzi deliberately kept them.

"【Original God·Mond】, this novel looks very interesting!"

At this time, Paimon noticed the novel on the shelf and took it out curiously.

She looked at the upper right corner of the novel cover and whispered: "Liu Lao Li Zhong... Is this the author's pen name? Why would he choose such a strange name? I don't understand the author's meaning at all."

Yaezamiko next to him smiled and responded: "Basically, every reader will be puzzled when seeing the pen name Liu Lao Li Zhong."

"As for why the author named it this way, only he knows."

When saying this, Yaezamiko deliberately glanced at Fang Xun next to him, his eyes meaningful.

Fang Xun pretended not to notice and looked up at the sky.

Well, today's weather is good, the autumn is clear and refreshing, suitable for autumn outings.

Fang Xun is not worried about the traveler and Paimeng reading the novel, after all, he had considered the possibility of this situation before.

He deliberately modified some of the settings.

"With such a strange pen name, I wonder how the novel is written."

Paimeng muttered while flipping through the novel in his hand.

There is only one sentence on the first page of the novel.

[This is a travel story about a traveler and a flying pet]

"I always feel something is wrong?" Paimon frowned and found that things were not simple.

"This flying pet eats and drinks a lot every day. It is either eating or on the way to eat. It must be very fat if it eats like this every day. How can it fly!"

"The author's setting is not rigorous at all!"

The witty Paimon picked out the unreasonable parts of the novel.

"But... doesn't Paimon eat a lot every day? He can still fly." The traveler touched his chin and said hesitantly.

Paimon was stunned for a moment. She never thought that what she said would turn into a boomerang and hit her back.

"Paimon is not a flying pet!" Paimon tried to argue for herself.

"Well, Paimon is emergency food." The traveler nodded in approval.

"Emergency food is not as good as flying pets. No, Paimon is not an emergency food!" Paimon stamped his feet angrily.

When she was with the traveler, the two often quarreled.

Such a small quarrel actually brought the two closer together.

After that, Paimeng continued to read the novel. As she read, she turned her head and said to the traveler beside her: "Ying, the setting of this book is similar to our current situation."


"The traveler in it is looking for his lost sister, and he and the flying pet actually met through fishing!"

"Really? Let me see." The traveler took the novel and looked at it carefully.

The protagonist of this novel has too many similarities with her.

They are also looking for relatives, and they also don't have the Eye of God to control the elemental power...

Is it a coincidence? Or is it deliberate?

"Who is the author of this book?" Ying looked at Yae Shenzi and asked politely.

Yae Shenzi smiled and responded: "Far away in the sky, close at hand."

"Mr. Fang Xun, don't you want to say something at this moment?"


Recently, I have been focusing on the new book, so the kindergarten update has been delayed, sorry sorry.

I won't say anything about the promise to update, lest I say it but fail to do it and become a pigeon.

I want to tell all my readers about my thoughts on missing the present.

I hope I can finish kindergarten in December!

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