"Fang Xun is the Sixth Elder Li Zhong?!"

For a moment, the Traveler and Paimeng were stunned.

They didn't expect that this novel was actually written by Fang Xun.

"Brother Fang Xun, you can also write novels, so amazing!" Coral Palace Xinhai couldn't help but praise.

She has read many novels and tried to write down the stories in her mind, but she didn't stick to it in the end.

So, she admires people who can write a complete story.

"It's nothing amazing, I just write every night to kill time." Fang Xun responded with a smile.

In fact, he didn't have the perseverance to finish a novel. It was all because of the Eightfold God Son who kept urging him to write. If he didn't write, he would be locked up in a small dark room.

"Fang Xun, the content of your novel is very exciting, but why do the protagonist and the flying pet feel so much like Ying and me?" Paimeng expressed his confusion.

She felt like she was living in the shadow of the novel.

This is really strange.

Fang Xun nodded gently: "That's a good question."

"In fact, I heard the story in the book by chance from my best friend. He is a bard and knows a lot of ballads and stories."

"Wendy, isn't that right?"

"Huh? Why did you suddenly talk about me?" Wendy was dumbfounded.

He was eating melon happily, and suddenly he became the big melon.

The traveler and Paimon looked at Wendy again.

Wendy was about to shake his head to deny it, but saw Fang Xun scratching his face nonchalantly, and making a three gesture with his fingers, which meant three bottles of dandelion wine.

"Hey, Mr. Fang Xun is right." Wendy nodded happily and admitted that as long as the wine was in place, everything would be fine.

"There are many ballads and stories in Mondstadt, including legends of heroes fighting against dragons."

"And Mr. Fang Xun was deeply inspired by the ballads I sang, and then he created this novel."

Wendy himself is a big liar, and with his passionate explanation, the traveler and Paimon believed this statement.

"Hey, what a coincidence, you are here too!"

At this time, Fang Xun heard a child's voice.

He looked down and saw that it was Ara Taki Ichito with his few brothers, slowly walking towards Yae-do.

Seeing an old acquaintance again, Ara Taki Ichito looked very happy.

Because he had long regarded Fang Xun as a member of the Ara Taki faction,

Although Fang Xun himself did not know about this.

After not seeing him for a while, Ara Taki Ichito has changed a lot.

First of all, he has grown a lot taller, and secondly, the pair of demon horns on his head have become more and more obvious and eye-catching.

What remains unchanged is that Ara Taki Ichito is still an eye-catching bag.

He walked with his hands in his trouser pockets and his shirt open on his chest, wishing everyone could see the Eye of God hanging on his chest.

"Ichito, long time no see. Are you here to read books in Yaedo?" Fang Xun nodded and greeted him.

"Hahaha, of course! As the leader of the Aradaki faction, I also need to learn culture!"

Ichito Aradaki laughed and picked up a children's book from the shelf.

To be precise, it was a comic book with no words and pictures.

Because Ichito Aradaki didn't know many big characters, he could only read simple comics.

They were all children, some of them read a lot of books at the age of five, while others didn't know a single big character and could only read comics.

It is said that when God closes a door, he will open a window.

Obviously, Ichito Aradaki has excellent combat ability, which is all obtained by burning his IQ.

"By the way, how long do you plan to stay in Inazuma this time? Do you want to participate in the Arataki grilled violet melon competition tonight?" Arataki Ichito invited enthusiastically.

"Grilled violet melon... competition?" Fang Xun was stunned for a moment and asked hesitantly.

Can grilled violet melon also be used as a competition item?

Arataki Ichito nodded vigorously, his face full of confidence: "Yes! We plan to hold a grilled violet melon competition! Let's see who can grill the violet melon that is fragrant and delicious!"

"I am a genius to be able to think of such a wonderful competition!"

"Boss is wise!" The younger brothers Yuanta and A Shou cheered.

Fang Xun looked at the carefree appearance of these children and felt envious in his heart.

Sure enough, the most interesting time is when they are young.

"Okay, see you tonight." Fang Xun nodded and agreed, and he did not spoil the interest of Arataki Ichito, Yuanta and A Shou.

"Very good, now our Arakaki sect is a big gathering!" Arakaki Ito nodded with satisfaction.

Fang Xun was confused. When did he join the Arakaki sect? No one informed him.

Arakaki Ito has always been generous. As long as he thinks someone is suitable for the Arakaki sect, it means that person is a member of the Arakaki sect.

After agreeing with Fang Xun to have a barbecue in the evening,After the melon, Ara Taki Ichito ran to the shelf and started to choose books.

This book has too many words, so I won't read it.

The illustrations of that book are not very good, so I won't read it either.

Ara Taki Ichito almost searched through the shelves, but he didn't find the book he wanted to read.

For someone like him who has no culture and can't read a single word, the selection of books is indeed very strict.

"Maybe this book suits your taste."

At this time, Goro picked up a book and handed it to Ara Taki Ichito.

He saw that Ara Taki Ichito had been looking for a long time but couldn't find the novel he was interested in, so he observed for a long time and helped find a book.

"Yeah, this book is very good, it's the type I want to read, thank you very much!"

Ara Taki Ichito took the book, flipped through it casually, and then smiled happily.

"Oh, by the way, what's your name?"

"My name is Goro?"

"Goro? What a good name! My name is Ichito Arataki, and from today on you are also a member of our Arataki sect!"


Goro was stunned.

He just helped find a book, how come he suddenly joined a gang?

Arataki Gang...

This gang doesn't sound very serious.

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