"Have you heard? Our Lord Yan is about to abdicate. Tomorrow, a ceremony will be held at Yujing Terrace to invite the immortals and announce the new emperor's accession."

"I heard it, the emperor's affairs have caused a stir in the city, and everyone knows about it."

The news of Morax's abdication spread like wildfire in Liyue, causing the people to talk about it.

"Why is the emperor suddenly abdicating? Who is this new emperor? There was no news before?"

"Lord Yan has protected our Liyue for so many years, how could he abdicate for no reason? This is really strange."

Right now, rumors about the abdication of Lord Yan can be heard everywhere in the streets and alleys of Liyue.

Some people questioned, some were worried, and more were reluctant.

After all, Lord Yan had protected Liyue Harbor for thousands of years, and his ancestors had lived like this for generations. The belief in Lord Yan was deeply rooted, even engraved in their bones.

Now suddenly we heard that the Emperor was going to retire. This sudden change made everyone unable to adapt.

"Stop talking about it. We will know everything if we go to Yujingtai tomorrow morning."

"Yes, go to bed early tonight and get up early tomorrow to take a seat at Yujingtai to find out!"

"Get up early tomorrow? Look at Yujingtai now. It's already crowded!"

"Everyone is preparing for tomorrow's invitation ceremony. They are even ready to sleep on the floor all night."

"Are these people crazy? They are so competitive that they don't want people to live?"

"After all, this is the first time that our Liyue Port has replaced the old and new gods. It has never happened before and will never happen again. It is even a record in history. It is a profit to go there."

"No more talking. I have to go to Yujingtai to queue up."

Ningguang and her group were playing outside the house and accidentally saw passers-by in a hurry.

Although the children did not understand how explosive the Emperor's abdication was, they were curious about the ceremony of inviting the immortals that everyone was talking about.

"Let's go to Yujingtai to watch the ceremony tomorrow?" Ningguang said to the other girls around her.

"Yes, yes, it will definitely be lively then!" Beidou nodded vigorously.

Shen He had heard a little about the ceremony of inviting the immortals. She had heard Master Ganyu talk about it before.

Knowing that this kind of ceremony is held once a year, the Emperor of Rock King personally visits Liyue to plan the development of the next year.

The ceremony of inviting the immortals has a very important status in the minds of every Liyue person. On such a day, Shen He naturally wants to participate with Fang Xun and Ganyu.

"Speaking of which, have you seen Brother Fang Xun?" Shen He asked.

Hu Tao raised her hand actively: "I saw it, I saw it! When I came here just now, he was drinking tea with Zhongli Keqing in the Hall of Rebirth."

Shen He told his friends around him his decision: "I want to go to Brother Fang Xun now and tell him about the invitation ceremony."

"Shen He waits for me, I want to go too!" Eula followed closely.

"Qi Qi wants to go too, let Fang Xun help Qi Qi measure if she has grown taller."

With three little girls with ice attributes taking the lead, the other girls naturally followed, and everyone walked towards the Hall of Rebirth.

"Do you think Brother Fang Xun knows the news that the emperor has abdicated?"

"I don't think he knows yet? After all, Brother Fang Xun has been staying in the Hall of Rebirth, and no one has told him the news."

"Then let's go over quickly and tell Brother Fang Xun this explosive news. He must be shocked!"

The children were overjoyed and began to imagine the surprised expression on Fang Xun's face.


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